PHP Base64_decode 函数

Sarwan Soomro 2023年1月30日 PHP PHP Encoding
  1. PHP Base64_decode 函数示例代码 1
  2. PHP Base64_decode 函数示例代码 2
PHP Base64_decode 函数

PHP base64_decode 函数将字符串转换为长纯文本,然后与用户定义值集的主函数一起发送。

base64_decode() 是 php 的内置函数,最常用于网络上的邮件功能。


string base64_decode( $string, $strict)


  1. $string - 用于存储编码数据,是必须的。
  2. $strict - 虽然此参数不像前者那样是强制性的,但当它设置为 TRUE, 时,base64_decode 将返回 FALSE,前提是它的输入包含函数字母表以外的数据。否则,无效数据将被自动丢弃。


base64 解码函数在失败的情况下返回 FALSE,并可能返回二进制值。

PHP Base64_decode 函数示例代码 1

    $string = base64_encode ('Your string values are encoded');
    echo "1.Here is the encoded function value in a machine readable format = ".$string ."<br>";
    echo "2.The function decodes the formerly encoded string value" ."<br>" .base64_decode($string);


1.Here is the encoded function value in a machine readable 
format = WW91ciBzdHJpbmcgdmFsdWVzIGFyZSBlbmNvZGVk
2. The function decodes the formerly encoded string value
Your string values are encoded.

示例代码显示了 base64_decode() 函数如何在一个简单的场景中工作。


而输出表明 base64_decode() 如何将数据转换回用户可读格式。

PHP Base64_decode 函数示例代码 2

//The following variable is assigned with a string set 
    $string = "HELLO--こんにちは--你好"; 
//string contains bilingual text 
//base64 is used to encode the data first into the $enco variable
    $enco = base64_encode ($string);
//finally the base64_decode functionis used to decode the encoded value 
    $deco = base64_decode ($enco); 
    echo $deco; 


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作者: Sarwan Soomro
Sarwan Soomro avatar Sarwan Soomro avatar

Sarwan Soomro is a freelance software engineer and an expert technical writer who loves writing and coding. He has 5 years of web development and 3 years of professional writing experience, and an MSs in computer science. In addition, he has numerous professional qualifications in the cloud, database, desktop, and online technologies. And has developed multi-technology programming guides for beginners and published many tech articles.


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