C# 中的字段与属性

  1. 什么是类
  2. 什么是字段
  3. 什么是属性
C# 中的字段与属性

本教程将解释 C# 类中字段和属性之间的区别。为了更好地说明这一点,你必须首先了解以下概念。




field 将数据保存为变量。它可以公开,然后通过类访问,但最好的做法是限制和隐藏尽可能多的数据。通过确保人们可以访问数据的唯一方法是利用类的公共方法之一,这为你提供了更多控制并避免了意外错误。




using System;

namespace FieldProperty_Sample {
  class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
      // Initialize a new Tutorial_Class
      Tutorial_Class tutorial = new Tutorial_Class();

      // Set the field values through its public property
      tutorial.Name = "Sample Tutorial";
      tutorial.Created_Date = new DateTime(2021, 12, 31);
      tutorial.Description = "Sample Description";

      // Print the class values to the console
      Console.WriteLine("Tutorial Name: " + tutorial.Name);
      Console.WriteLine("Created Date: " + tutorial.Created_Date.ToShortDateString());
      Console.WriteLine("Sample Description: " + tutorial.Description);


    public class Tutorial_Class {
      // These are the private fields that are only accessible by the class
      // The actual data is stored here and can be retrieved/set by the properties
      private string name;
      private DateTime created_date;

      // All of the items below are properties that have the power to get and set the field values
      public string Name {
        get { return name; }
        set { name = value; }
      public DateTime Created_Date {
        get { return created_date; }
        set { created_date = value; }

      // This is another kind of property, an AutoProperty
      // It acts the same as the original property but does not require you to declare the private
      // field The private field is automatically generated for you
      public string Description { get; set; }

在上面的示例中,我们有一个使用字段、属性和 AutoProperties 的示例类。初始化 Tutorial_Class 的实例后,我们使用类的公共属性设置值。你可以注意到,如果你尝试直接访问这些字段,你将收到错误 Program.Tutorial_Class.x is inaccessible due to its protection level。最后,我们将值打印到控制台以显示已进行更改。


Tutorial Name: Sample Tutorial
Created Date: 31/12/2021
Sample Description: Sample Description
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