TypeScript 中的類建構函式型別

  1. TypeScript 中的型別化建構函式
  2. TypeScript 中類的建構函式的型別
TypeScript 中的類建構函式型別

TypeScript 具有強型別語言,因此 TypeScript 中使用的每個變數和物件都有一個型別,這有助於進一步除錯和避免應用程式中的執行時錯誤。本教程將重點介紹如何在 TypeScript 中為建構函式設定型別。

TypeScript 中的型別化建構函式



interface AcademyInfo {
    name : string;
    country: string;

class Academy {
    private id;
    private info;
    private numStudents;
    constructor( info : AcademyInfo, id : string | number,  numStudents? : number){
        this.id = id;
        this.info = info;
        this.numStudents = numStudents ?? 0;

    public getAcademyName(){
        return this.info.name;
var academy = new Academy( {name : "Augustine Academy", country: "India"}, "3232dqsx23e", 1000 );

有一個建構函式支援不同型別的引數,例如 AcademyInfostring | numbernumber。在建立類的例項時,所有這些變數都可以傳遞給類的建構函式。

TypeScript 中類的建構函式的型別



type ConstructorType<T> = new (...args : any[]) => T;

上面的語法使用了泛型型別,表示建構函式將返回一個物件,該物件可以是 T 型別的類例項。使用型別化建構函式,可以在 TypeScript 中實現工廠設計模式。


interface Animal {
    speak() : void;

interface AnimalConstructor {
    new ( speakTerm : string, name : string, legs: number ) : Animal;

const createAnimalFactory = (
    ctor : AnimalConstructor,
    name : string,
    legs : number,
    speakTerm : string
) => {
    return new ctor(speakTerm, name, legs);

class Dog implements Animal{
    private name;
    private legs;
    private speakTerm;
    constructor(speakTerm : string, name : string, legs : number){
        this.speakTerm = speakTerm;
        this.legs = legs;
        this.name = name;
        console.log( "Dog " + this.speakTerm + " I have " + this.legs + " legs");

class Cat implements Animal{
    private name;
    private legs;
    private speakTerm;
    constructor(speakTerm : string, name : string, legs : number){
        this.speakTerm = speakTerm;
        this.legs = legs;
        this.name = name;
        console.log( "Cat " + this.speakTerm + " I have " + this.legs + " legs");
const dog = createAnimalFactory(Dog, "dog", 2, "woof");
const cat = createAnimalFactory(Cat, "cat", 2, "meow");



"Dog woof I have 2 legs"
"Cat meow I have 2 legs"

在上面的示例中,我們有兩個名為 DogCat 的類,它們都實現了相同的介面 Animal 並且具有不同的 speak 方法實現。

createAnimalFactory 方法中,可以只傳遞 DogCat 類及其引數來建立該特定類的例項。


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Shuvayan Ghosh Dastidar avatar Shuvayan Ghosh Dastidar avatar

Shuvayan is a professional software developer with an avid interest in all kinds of technology and programming languages. He loves all kinds of problem solving and writing about his experiences.

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