Python 中的位置引數與關鍵字引數

  1. Python 中的引數是什麼
  2. 什麼是 Python 中的位置引數
  3. Python 中的關鍵字引數是什麼
  4. 位置引數與關鍵字引數:你應該使用什麼
  5. まとめ
Python 中的位置引數與關鍵字引數

在 Python 中呼叫函式時,我們經常需要將輸入值傳遞給它。在本文中,我們將討論 Python 中的位置引數和關鍵字引數。我們還將討論位置引數與關鍵字引數,其中我們將討論這兩種為 Python 中的函式提供輸入的方法的優缺點。

Python 中的引數是什麼

為了理解一個引數,讓我們宣告一個函式 printDetails(),它接受四個值,即一個人的 nameidentity_numberageweight,然後列印它們。

def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

這裡,nameidentity_numberageweight 被稱為函式 printDetails() 的引數。因此,我們可以說引數是函式簽名/宣告的一部分。

現在,假設我們要使用 name- Adityaidentity_number- TM2017001age- 23weight- 65 呼叫函式 printDetails() 作為輸入。我們可以這樣做。

def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails("Aditya", "TM2017001", 23, 65)


Name is: Aditya
Identity Number is: TM2017001
Age is: 23
Weight is: 65

這裡,AdityaTM20170012365 是函式 printDetails() 的引數。函式執行後,將值 Aditya 分配給引數 name,將 TM2017001 分配給引數 identity_number,將 23 分配給引數 age,以及 65 分配給引數 weight。因此,我們可以說引數是傳遞給函式的值,而引數是在函式中宣告的變數,該變數被分配給了該變數。

要將引數分配給引數,我們可以按照引數在函式中宣告的順序傳遞值。或者,我們也可以直接將引數賦值給引數。基於此,Python 中的引數分為位置引數和關鍵字引數。讓我們一一討論它們。

什麼是 Python 中的位置引數

當我們直接將引數傳遞給函式,並根據其位置分配給引數時,則稱為位置引數。例如,當我們使用值 AdityaTM20170012365 呼叫函式 printDetails() 時,

printDetails("Aditya", "TM2017001", 23, 65)


def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails("Aditya", "TM2017001", 23, 65)


Name is: Aditya
Identity Number is: TM2017001
Age is: 23
Weight is: 65

在這裡,你可以觀察到 printDetails() 函式具有按 nameidentity_numberageweight 順序排列的引數。因此,Aditya 被分配給 nameTM2017001 被分配給 identity_number23 被分配給 age,而 65 被分配給 weight

Python 中的關鍵字引數是什麼


printDetails(name="Aditya", identity_number="TM2017001", age=23, weight=65)


def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails(name="Aditya", identity_number="TM2017001", age=23, weight=65)


Name is: Aditya
Identity Number is: TM2017001
Age is: 23
Weight is: 65




def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails(65, "TM2017001", 23, "Aditya")


Name is: 65
Identity Number is: TM2017001
Age is: 23
Weight is: Aditya

此處,65 已分配給引數 name,而 Aditya 已分配給引數 weight。因此,重要的是按照在函式宣告中定義相應引數的相同順序傳遞位置引數。


def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails(weight=65, identity_number="TM2017001", age=23, name="Aditya")


Name is: Aditya
Identity Number is: TM2017001
Age is: 23
Weight is: 65



def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails("Aditya", "TM2017001", age=23, weight=65)


Name is: Aditya
Identity Number is: TM2017001
Age is: 23
Weight is: 65



def printDetails(name, identity_number, age, weight):
    print("Name is:", name)
    print("Identity Number is:", identity_number)
    print("Age is:", age)
    print("Weight is:", weight)

printDetails("Aditya", identity_number="TM2017001", 23, weight=65)


  File "/home/aditya1117/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/", line 8
    printDetails("Aditya", identity_number="TM2017001", 23, weight=65)
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument



在本文中,我們研究了 Python 中的位置引數和關鍵字引數。我們還討論了位置引數與關鍵字引數,並得出結論,這兩種方法在執行效率方面是相同的。我們甚至可以在一個函式呼叫中一起使用它們。請記住,我們不能在關鍵字引數之後使用位置引數。

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作者: Aditya Raj
Aditya Raj avatar Aditya Raj avatar

Aditya Raj is a highly skilled technical professional with a background in IT and business, holding an Integrated B.Tech (IT) and MBA (IT) from the Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad. With a solid foundation in data analytics, programming languages (C, Java, Python), and software environments, Aditya has excelled in various roles. He has significant experience as a Technical Content Writer for Python on multiple platforms and has interned in data analytics at Apollo Clinics. His projects demonstrate a keen interest in cutting-edge technology and problem-solving, showcasing his proficiency in areas like data mining and software development. Aditya's achievements include securing a top position in a project demonstration competition and gaining certifications in Python, SQL, and digital marketing fundamentals.


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