如何在 Pandas 中遍歷 DataFrame 的行

  1. 使用 index 屬性來遍歷 Pandas DataFrame 中的行
  2. loc[] 方法來遍歷 Python 中的 DataFrame 行
  3. 在 Python 中用 iloc[] 方法遍歷 DataFrame 行
  4. pandas.DataFrame.iterrows() 遍歷 Pandas 行
  5. pandas.DataFrame.itertuples 遍歷 Pandas 行
  6. ##pandas.DataFrame.apply 遍歷 Pandas 行
如何在 Pandas 中遍歷 DataFrame 的行

我們可以使用 DataFrame 的 index 屬性遍歷 Pandas DataFrame 的行。我們還可以使用 DataFrame 物件的 loc()iloc()iterrows()itertuples()iteritems()apply() 方法遍歷 Pandas DataFrame 的行。

在以下各節中,我們將使用以下 DataFrame 作為示例。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})



 textCopy       Date  Income_1  Income_2
0  April-10        10        20
1  April-11        20        30
2  April-12        10        10
3  April-13        15         5
4  April-14        10        40
5  April-16        12        13

使用 index 屬性來遍歷 Pandas DataFrame 中的行

Pandas DataFrame 的 index 屬性提供了從 DataFrame 的頂行到底行的範圍物件。我們可以使用範圍來迭代 Pandas 中的行。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})

for i in df.index:
        "Total income in "
        + df["Date"][i]
        + " is:"
        + str(df["Income_1"][i] + df["Income_2"][i])


 textCopyTotal income in April-10 is:30
Total income in April-11 is:50
Total income in April-12 is:20
Total income in April-13 is:20
Total income in April-14 is:50
Total income in April-16 is:25

它將每行的 Income_1Income_2 相加並列印總收入。

loc[] 方法來遍歷 Python 中的 DataFrame 行

loc[] 方法用於一次訪問一行。當我們在遍歷 DataFrame 的迴圈中使用 loc[] 方法時,我們可以遍歷 DataFrame 的行。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})

for i in range(len(df)):
        "Total income in "
        + df.loc[i, "Date"]
        + " is:"
        + str(df.loc[i, "Income_1"] + df.loc[i, "Income_2"])


 textCopyTotal income in April-10 is:30
Total income in April-11 is:50
Total income in April-12 is:20
Total income in April-13 is:20
Total income in April-14 is:50
Total income in April-16 is:25

在這裡,range(len(df)) 生成一個範圍物件以遍歷 DataFrame 中的整個行。

在 Python 中用 iloc[] 方法遍歷 DataFrame 行

Pandas DataFrame 的 iloc 屬性也非常類似於 loc 屬性。loc 和 iloc 之間的唯一區別是,在 loc 中,我們必須指定要訪問的行或列的名稱,而在 iloc 中,我們要指定要訪問的行或列的索引。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})

for i in range(len(df)):
        "Total income in " + df.iloc[i, 0] + " is:" + str(df.iloc[i, 1] + df.iloc[i, 2])


 textCopyTotal income in April-10 is:30
Total income in April-11 is:50
Total income in April-12 is:20
Total income in April-13 is:20
Total income in April-14 is:50
Total income in April-16 is:25

這裡的索引 0 代表 DataFrame 的第一列,即 Date,索引 1 代表 Income_1 列,索引 2 代表 Income_2 列。

pandas.DataFrame.iterrows() 遍歷 Pandas 行

pandas.DataFrame.iterrows() 返回的索引該行以及該行的整個資料為系列。因此,我們可以使用此函式在 Pandas DataFrame 中的行上進行迭代。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})

for index, row in df.iterrows():
        "Total income in "
        + row["Date"]
        + " is:"
        + str(row["Income_1"] + row["Income_2"])


 textCopyTotal income in April-10 is:30
Total income in April-11 is:50
Total income in April-12 is:20
Total income in April-13 is:20
Total income in April-14 is:50
Total income in April-16 is:25

pandas.DataFrame.itertuples 遍歷 Pandas 行

pandas.DataFrame.itertuples 返回一個物件,以使用第一個欄位作為索引,其餘欄位作為列值。因此,我們還可以使用此函式在 Pandas DataFrame 中的行上進行迭代。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})

for row in df.itertuples():
    print("Total income in " + row.Date + " is:" + str(row.Income_1 + row.Income_2))


 textCopyTotal income in April-10 is:30
Total income in April-11 is:50
Total income in April-12 is:20
Total income in April-13 is:20
Total income in April-14 is:50
Total income in April-16 is:25

##pandas.DataFrame.apply 遍歷 Pandas 行

pandas.DataFrame.apply 返回一個 DataFrame
沿 DataFrame 的給定軸應用給定函式的結果。


 pythonCopyDataFrame.apply(self, func, axis=0, raw=False, result_type=None, args=(), **kwds)

其中,func 代表要應用的函式,而 axis 代表應用函式的軸。我們可以使用 axis = 1axis ='columns' 將函式應用於每一行。

 pythonCopyimport pandas as pd

dates = ["April-10", "April-11", "April-12", "April-13", "April-14", "April-16"]
income1 = [10, 20, 10, 15, 10, 12]
income2 = [20, 30, 10, 5, 40, 13]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Income_1": income1, "Income_2": income2})

        lambda row: "Total income in "
        + row["Date"]
        + " is:"
        + str(row["Income_1"] + row["Income_2"]),


 textCopy0    Total income in April-10 is:30
1    Total income in April-11 is:50
2    Total income in April-12 is:20
3    Total income in April-13 is:20
4    Total income in April-14 is:50
5    Total income in April-16 is:25
dtype: object

此處,lambda 關鍵字用於定義應用於每行的行內函數。

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作者: Suraj Joshi
Suraj Joshi avatar Suraj Joshi avatar

Suraj Joshi is a backend software engineer at Matrice.ai.


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