查詢 PostgreSQL 表及其索引的磁碟大小

  1. 使用 PSQL 查詢 PostgreSQL 表和資料庫的磁碟大小
  2. 查詢資料庫中最大表的大小
查詢 PostgreSQL 表及其索引的磁碟大小

本文將討論如何找到 PostgreSQL 表及其索引的磁碟大小。

使用 PSQL 查詢 PostgreSQL 表和資料庫的磁碟大小

你可以使用 \l+ 檢視資料庫大小,使用 \d+ 顯示錶大小。但在此之前,你需要登入資料庫執行查詢。

以下是在 Postgres 中顯示錶和資料庫大小的命令和輸出:

postgres=# \l+



postgres-# \d+
                                            List of relations
 Schema |       Name       |   Type   |  Owner   | Persistence | Access method |    Size    | Description
 public | book_lends       | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | books            | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | employee         | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | employee_id_seq  | sequence | postgres | permanent   |               | 8192 bytes |
 public | events           | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | mock_data        | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 48 kB      |
 public | product          | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | product_id_seq   | sequence | postgres | permanent   |               | 8192 bytes |
 public | products         | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | products_id_seq  | sequence | postgres | permanent   |               | 8192 bytes |
 public | prroducts        | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 8192 bytes |
 public | prroducts_id_seq | sequence | postgres | permanent   |               | 8192 bytes |
 public | stores           | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
 public | stores_id_seq    | sequence | postgres | permanent   |               | 8192 bytes |
 public | users            | table    | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB      |
(15 rows)

這裡它顯示了我們在 Postgres 資料庫中的所有表及其名稱、型別、所有者、大小、訪問方法等。


這是 Postgres 官方編寫的程式碼片段,用於按降序顯示錶格大小。

SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS "relation",
    pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_size"
  FROM pg_class C
  LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
  WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
    AND C.relkind <> 'i'
    AND nspname !~ '^pg_toast'
  ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) DESC
  LIMIT 10;


     relation      | total_size
 public.mock_data  | 48 kB
 public.product    | 32 kB
 public.products   | 32 kB
 public.books      | 32 kB
 public.book_lends | 32 kB
 public.employee   | 32 kB
 public.stores     | 32 kB
 public.users      | 32 kB
 public.events     | 16 kB
 public.prroducts  | 16 kB
(10 rows)

我們在資料庫中的 postgres 下搜尋了 10 個最大的表。

你可以點選以下 link 瞭解更多關於 Postgres 中磁碟大小的查詢。你將找到用於查詢最大叢集、最大關係、分割槽表等的 SQL 查詢。


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作者: Shihab Sikder
Shihab Sikder avatar Shihab Sikder avatar

I'm Shihab Sikder, a professional Backend Developer with experience in problem-solving and content writing. Building secure, scalable, and reliable backend architecture is my motive. I'm working with two companies as a part-time backend engineer.

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