在 C# 中將字串轉換為型別

在這篇文章中,我將解釋如何將字串轉換為 type
或在 C# 中獲取資料型別。為了確定值型別,我們將使用 .GetType
在 C#
中獲取 String
值的 type
下面的示例獲取字串的 runtime
建立一個名為 StringtoType
的類和一個 Main()
class StringtoType {
public static void Main() {}
接下來,建立一個名為 allvalues
的 Object[]
型別變數,併為其賦予一些值,例如 "Abc"
(作為字串)和 89
object[] allvalues = { "Abc",
"Happy Programming",
"Zeelandia is 8th continent",
"I am a string line",
'7' };
然後,使用 foreach
foreach (var data in allvalues) {
在 foreach
迴圈中初始化型別為 Type
的名為 t
的變數。變數 t
將在 data.GetType()
方法的幫助下儲存陣列 allvalues
Type t = data.GetType();
之後,我們將應用 if
if (t.Equals(typeof(string)))
'Happy Programming' is a String
在將字串轉換為 Type
和其他型別的資料後,如 byte
和 double
等,藉助以下 else if
else if (t.Equals(typeof(sbyte))) Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is a Signed Byte", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(byte))) Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is a Byte", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(int))) Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is an Integer of 32-bit", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(long))) Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is an Integer of 64-bit", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(double))) Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is a double ", data);
最後,如果在陣列 allvalues
中發現除了 byte
和 long
'Z' is another type of data
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class StringtoType {
public static void Main() {
object[] allvalues = { "Abc",
"Happy Programming",
"Zeelandia is 8th continent",
"I am a string line",
'7' };
foreach (var data in allvalues) {
Type t = data.GetType();
if (t.Equals(typeof(string)))
Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is a String", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(sbyte)))
Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is a Signed Byte", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(byte)))
Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is a Byte", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(int)))
Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is an Integer of 32-bit", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(long)))
Console.WriteLine(" '{0}' is an Integer of 64-bit", data);
else if (t.Equals(typeof(double)))
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is a double", data);
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is another type of data", data);
'Abc' is a String
'193527' is an Integer of 64-bit
'Happy Programming' is a String
'89' is a Byte
'Z' is another type of data
'-11' is a Signed Byte
'Zeelandia is 8th continent' is a String
'27.9' is a double
'I am a string line' is a String
'20' is an Integer of 32-bit
'7' is another type of data
比較 C#
中的 type
具有型別的 Type
物件是不同的。如果兩個 Type
它使 Type
物件能夠使用引用相等進行比較。下面的示例比較了包含多個整數值的 Type
首先,在 Main()
方法中初始化 int
和 long
int Value1 = 2723;
double Value2 = 123.56;
int Value3 = 1747;
long Value4 = 123456789;
在變數 t
中初始化型別 Type
的變數 t
,我們將通過 .GetType
方法儲存名為 Value1
的值 1 的資料型別。
Type t = Value1.GetType();
現在,藉助 Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value2.GetType())
函式,我們將所有物件的型別與 Value1
Console.WriteLine("Data type of Value1 and Value2 are equal: {0}",
Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value2.GetType()));
Console.WriteLine("Data type of Value1 and Value3 are equal: {0}",
Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value3.GetType()));
Console.WriteLine("Data type of Value1 and Value4 are equal: {0}",
Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value4.GetType()));
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class CompareTypeObjects {
public static void Main() {
int Value1 = 2723;
double Value2 = 123.56;
int Value3 = 1747;
long Value4 = 123456789;
Type t = Value1.GetType();
Console.WriteLine("The data type of Value1 and Value2 are equal: {0}",
Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value2.GetType()));
Console.WriteLine("The data type of Value1 and Value3 are equal: {0}",
Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value3.GetType()));
Console.WriteLine("The data type of Value1 and Value4 are equal: {0}",
Object.ReferenceEquals(t, Value4.GetType()));
The data type of Value1 and Value2 are equal: False
The data type of Value1 and Value3 are equal: True
The data type of Value1 and Value4 are equal: False
I have been working as a Flutter app developer for a year now. Firebase and SQLite have been crucial in the development of my android apps. I have experience with C#, Windows Form Based C#, C, Java, PHP on WampServer, and HTML/CSS on MYSQL, and I have authored articles on their theory and issue solving. I'm a senior in an undergraduate program for a bachelor's degree in Information Technology.