How to Use Regular Expressions in Excel VBA

Bilal Shahid Feb 02, 2024 VBA VBA Regex
  1. Regular Expressions in Microsoft Excel
  2. Examples of Regular Expressions in Excel VBA
  3. Conclusion
How to Use Regular Expressions in Excel VBA

Visual Basic for Applications is an event-driven programming language used for Microsoft applications. It allows users to automate tasks and rewrite several functionalities according to their requirements.

VBA allows the user to do multiple tasks with the help of a few code statements stored in the form of a macro. The macro allows the user to reuse the code over and over again.

Regular Expressions in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a powerful application that allows data manipulation on a huge scale. Taking input from a database, manipulating the data, and summarizing the results is quite easy with the help of Microsoft Excel.

Regular Expressions (Regex) are used to identify and match a pattern within a string. Using regular expressions in Microsoft Excel, you can manipulate data to a large extent.

For instance, you may split the data input based on gender. In addition, you may also check if users have entered the correct email or not.

In short, it is quite easy to check formatted data and perform operations accordingly.

Allow the Use of Regular Expressions in Excel

It is essential to add a VBA reference to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" to use regular expressions in Microsoft Excel. It can be done with the following steps:

  • Select the Developer tab in Excel
  • Choose the Visual Basic icon from the Code ribbon section
  • Select Tools from the top menu in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window
  • Select References
  • Check Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5

These steps allow you to use regular expressions in the VBA code.

Write a Regular Expression

Some of the basic definitions have been mentioned below that help you to formulate a regular expression.

  1. Mention a Range

    The - symbol is used to define a range. For example, the a-z matches a string with lowercase letters.

  2. Match One Object

    The square brackets [] are used to match exactly one of the objects mentioned inside the brackets. For instance, the [wxyz] matches a single letter: w, x, y, or z.

  3. Match One or Zero Occurrence of a Pattern

    A question mark ? matches the pattern defined in the square brackets zero or one time. The [0-9]? matches with an empty string or any one digit.

  4. Match Zero or More Occurrences of a Pattern

    An asterisk * matches the pattern defined in the square brackets zero or more times. The [0-9]* matches with an empty string or any string of digits.

  5. Match One or More Occurrences of a Pattern

    A plus + sign matches the pattern defined in the square brackets one or more times. The [0-9]+ matches with at least one or more digits.

  6. Multiplicity of a Pattern

    To allow a pattern to be repeated several times, the curly brackets {} are used. For example:

    6.1. The [x]{2} matches two consecutive lowercase x’s. It matches with xx.

6.2. The `[x]{1, 3}` matches the pattern defined in the square brackets for a minimum of `1` to a maximum of `3` times. It matches `x`, `xx`, and `xxx`.
  1. The OR Operator

    The OR operator | allows you to match between several options. For instance, the x|y|z matches with exactly one of the options.

  2. The NOT Operator

    The NOT operator ^ does not match the pattern defined in square brackets. For example, the [^a-z] does not match with any lowercase letter.

  3. Group Different Matches

    The parenthesis () is used to group the different matching patterns. For instance, the (^[0-9]{3})([a-z]) matches the pattern, which has three digits at the start, followed by a lowercase letter.

  4. Anchoring Patterns

    The ^ operator can be used to match the starting of a string. For example, the expression ^a ensures that the string starts with a lowercase 'a'.

    The $ operator is used to match the ending of a string. For example, the expression a$ ensures that the string ends with a lowercase 'a'.

Precedence in Regular Expressions

Different operators have different precedence, which has been mentioned in the following table:

Order Name Representation
1 Parentheses ( )
2 Multipliers ? + * {m,n} {m, n}?
3 Sequence & Anchors abc ^ $
4 Alternation |

Character Abbreviations

Several predefined character abbreviations are used in regular expressions. Some of the predefined character abbreviations have been mentioned in the table below.

Abbreviation Definition
\d To represent a single digit
\D To represent a non-digit character
\w To represent a word character
\W To represent a non-word character
\s To represent a space character
\S To represent a non-space character
\n To represent a new line

Examples of Regular Expressions in Excel VBA

In the following examples, check the cell value for an uppercase character and replace it with an empty string. In short, all the uppercase characters are matched and deleted from the input string.

Run the Code as a Macro

The following code takes A1 as the cell reference and deletes all uppercase letters from the string placed on A1. The result is displayed in a Msgbox.

For example, the input string aAbBcC will change to abc in the message box.

Private Sub test()
    Dim pattern As String: pattern = "[A-Z]"
    Dim replace As String: replace = ""
    Dim exp As New RegExp
    Dim cellVal As String
    Dim rangeref As Range

    Set rangeref = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

    If pattern <> "" Then
        cellVal = rangeref.Value

        With exp
            .Global = True
            .MultiLine = True
            .IgnoreCase = False
            .pattern = pattern
        End With

        If exp.test(cellVal) Then
            MsgBox (exp.replace(cellVal, replace))
            MsgBox ("Not matched")
        End If

    End If
End Sub

Loop Through a Range

The same code used in the first example can be altered by adding a For loop to it to run the macro over a specific range. The loop will run for each cell within the defined range and show the output of each cell in a message box.

Private Sub test()
    Dim pattern As String: pattern = "[A-Z]"
    Dim replace As String: replace = ""
    Dim exp As New RegExp
    Dim cellVal As String
    Dim rangeref As Range

    Set rangeref = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5")

    For Each cell In rangeref
        If pattern <> "" Then
            cellVal = cell.Value

            With exp
                .Global = True
                .MultiLine = True
                .IgnoreCase = False
                .pattern = pattern
            End With

            If exp.test(cellVal) Then
                MsgBox (exp.replace(cellVal, replace))
                MsgBox ("Not matched")
            End If

        End If
End Sub

Create a Function

The following code can be used to create an in-cell function that deletes occurrences of uppercase letters in the string. The code is similar to the one used in the first example.

A few changes have been made to convert it into a function.

Function cellTest(rangeref As Range) As String
    Dim pattern As String: pattern = "[A-Z]"
    Dim replace As String: replace = ""
    Dim exp As New RegExp
    Dim cellVal As String

    If pattern <> "" Then
        cellVal = rangeref.Value

        With exp
            .Global = True
            .MultiLine = True
            .IgnoreCase = False
            .pattern = pattern
        End With

        If exp.test(cellVal) Then
            cellTest = exp.replace(cellVal, replace)
            cellTest = "Not matched"
        End If

    End If
End Function

If you use cellTest(A1) where A1 contains DdEeleTte, the function will return delete.


There is no limit on the number of regular expressions that can be generated. Once you can identify a general format you require, create a regular expression for it and test all the strings based on that.

This can help you divide your data based on different features.

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Author: Bilal Shahid
Bilal Shahid avatar Bilal Shahid avatar

Hello, I am Bilal, a research enthusiast who tends to break and make code from scratch. I dwell deep into the latest issues faced by the developer community and provide answers and different solutions. Apart from that, I am just another normal developer with a laptop, a mug of coffee, some biscuits and a thick spectacle!
