Selection of Cells in VBA

  1. Select a Single Cell in VBA
  2. Select a Range of Cells in VBA
  3. Select a Range of Non-Contiguous Cells in VBA
  4. Select All Cells in a Worksheet in VBA
  5. Select a Row in VBA
  6. Select a Column in VBA
  7. Select the Last Non-Empty Cell in a Column in VBA
  8. Select the Last Non-Empty Cell in a Row in VBA
  9. Select the Current Region in VBA
  10. Select the Cell Relative to Another Cell in VBA
  11. Select a Named Range in VBA
  12. Select the Cell on Another Worksheet in VBA
  13. Manipulate the Selection Object in VBA
Selection of Cells in VBA

In this following article, we discuss the selection of cells in VBA and how we can select the range of cells in VBA.

VBA allows us to select a cell, ranges of cells, or all the cells in the worksheet. You can manipulate the selected cell or content using the Selection object.

Select a Single Cell in VBA

We can choose a cell in a worksheet using the Select method. The following code will select cell B2 in the ActiveWorksheet.


Or we can use another method as shown below.

# vba
Cells(2, 2).Select

The output of both codes is shown below.

selecting a single cell in VBA

Select a Range of Cells in VBA

We can select a group of cells in a worksheet using the Select technique and the Range object. The following code will select A1:B5 as shown below.



selecting a range of cells in VBA

Select a Range of Non-Contiguous Cells in VBA

In VBA, you can choose cells or ranges that are not next to each other by dividing the cells or ranges using a comma. The following code will grant you to select cells B1, D1, and F1, as shown below.

Range("B1, D1, F1").Select


selecting a non-contiguous range of cells in VBA

We can also select sets of non-contiguous ranges using VBA. The following code will select A1:A5 and B5:B8, as shown below.

Range("A1:A5, B5:B8").Select


selecting a non-contiguous range of cells part 2 in VBA

Select All Cells in a Worksheet in VBA

We can select all the cells in a worksheet with the help of VBA. The code below will select all the cells in a worksheet.



selecting all cells using worksheet in VBA

Select a Row in VBA

We can select a specific row in a worksheet with the help of the Row object and the index number of the row we want to select. The code below will select the first row in our worksheet.



selecting a row in VBA

Select a Column in VBA

We can select a specific column in a worksheet with the help of the Column object and the index number of the column we want to select. The following code will select column B in our worksheet below.



selecting a column in VBA

Select the Last Non-Empty Cell in a Column in VBA

We have data in cells B1, B2, B3, and B4, and we want to select the last non-blank cell, which might be cell B4 in the column. We can use VBA to do this and the Range.End method.

The Range.End method can take these four options: xlToLeft, xlToRight, xlUp and xlDown.

The code below will select the last non-blank cell, B4 in this case, if B1 is the active cell, as shown below.



selecting non empty last cell in a column in VBA

Select the Last Non-Empty Cell in a Row in VBA

Let’s suppose we have data in cells A2, B2, C2, D2, and E2, and we want to select the last non-blank cell, which might be cell E2 in the row. We can use VBA and the Range.End method.

The code below will select the last non-blank cell, E2 in this case, if A2 is the active cell, as shown below.



selecting non empty last cell in a row in VBA

Select the Current Region in VBA

We can use the CurrentRegion property of the Range object to select a rectangular range of blank and non-blank cells around a given input cell. If we have data in cells A2, B2, and C2, the following code will select this region around cell A2:



selecting current region in VBA

Select the Cell Relative to Another Cell in VBA

We can use the Offset property to select a cell relative to another cell. The next code shows us how to select cell C3, two rows, and two columns close to cell A1.

Range("A1").Offset(2, 2).Select


selecting a single cell in using offset in VBA

Select a Named Range in VBA

We can select named ranges as well. Let’s say we have named cells B1:B4 Code.

We can use the following code to select this named range, as shown below.



selecting a named range of cells in VBA

Select the Cell on Another Worksheet in VBA

We first need to activate the sheet using the Worksheets.Activate method to select a cell on another worksheet. The next code will allow you to select cell A4 on Sheet2.



selecting a single cell from another sheet in VBA

Manipulate the Selection Object in VBA

Once we have selected a cell or range of cells, we can refer to the Selection object to manipulate these cells. The following code chose the cells B1:D1 and set the font of these cells to Calibri, the font weight to Bold, the font style to Italic, and the fill color to Blue.

Sub newFunc()

Selection.Font.Name = "Calibri"
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.Font.Italic = True
Selection.Interior.Color = vbBlue

End Sub


selecting a range and changing format in VBA

Use the With Construct in VBA

We can relate the above example using the With or End With statement to refer only once to the Selection object. This keeps typing and normally makes your code easier to read.

Sub newFunc()

With Selection
.Font.Name = "Calibri"
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Italic = False
.Interior.Color = vbBlue

End With
End Sub


selecting a range using with construct and changing format in VBA

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