How to Check Interface Type in TypeScript

  1. Type Guards in TypeScript
  2. Use typeof to Check Types in TypeScript
  3. Use instanceof in TypeScript
  4. Use the in Keyword to Check for Types in TypeScript
How to Check Interface Type in TypeScript

Interfaces are an important part of TypeScript for associating types to variables and elements in TypeScript to ensure type safety and thus avoiding runtime errors. Classes and other interfaces can implement interfaces, and thus this can be used for dynamic behaviors in the actual code.

Thus, knowing the actual interface type can sometimes be required to ensure the type safety, just like the instanceof keyword in Java. This tutorial will demonstrate how the types of interfaces can be checked to ensure type safety.

Type Guards in TypeScript

A type guard is a check on the different types present in TypeScript to ensure type safety. It is in the form of conditional statements.

It is especially needed when a certain type is a composition of one or more types. Various keywords are available through which interfaces can be checked, such as typeof, instanceof, in, and one can even make custom type guards.

interface Animal {
    name : string;
    legs : number;
    eyes : number;

interface Dog extends Animal {
    bark : () => void

interface Cat extends Animal {
    meow : () => void;

function getAnimal() : Dog | Cat {
    let choice = Math.random();
    if ( choice > 0.5){
        const dog : Dog = {
            name : 'Labrador',
            legs : 4,
            eyes : 2,
            bark : () => console.log("Woof")
        return dog;
    }else {
        const cat : Cat = {
            name : 'Labrador',
            legs : 4,
            eyes : 2,
            meow : () => console.log("Meow")
        return cat;

const animal = getAnimal();
// Property 'meow' does not exist on type 'Dog | Cat'.
// Property 'bark' does not exist on type 'Dog | Cat'.

In the above example, the properties meow or the bark functions cannot be resolved as the TypeScript compiler is unsure what to infer. The getAnimal function returns a union of two types, Dog | Cat, which confuses the compiler.

Type guards or type checks must be introduced to make the compiler understand the appropriate type.

if ( 'meow' in animal){
} else if ( 'bark' in animal){

The above is an example of how type checks can be enforced to ensure type safety. The meow and the bark attributes are checked if they are present in the animal object and are called accordingly.

Use typeof to Check Types in TypeScript

The typeof keyword can be used to determine the types of variables; however, it has a very limited scope. It can be used for checking primitive types.

The values returned by the typeof keyword can be of string, number, bigint, boolean, symbol, undefined, object or function.

The typeof keyword returns all the complex types and null values as an object.

const displayBill = ( amount : string | number ) => {
    if ( typeof amount === 'string') {
        amount = Number(amount);
    let tax = (18.5 * amount) / 100;
    console.log('Bill : '+ amount + " $");
    console.log('Tax : '+ tax + " $");
    console.log('Total Payable : '+ (amount + tax) + " $");




"String conversion being done!"
"Bill : 23.5 $"
"Tax : 4.3475 $"
"Total Payable : 27.8475 $"

Thus in the above example, the typeof keyword has been used to check on the type of the variable amount, and conversion has been done after the check. This check is necessary for calculating the tax variable, which requires the amount to be of type number.

Use instanceof in TypeScript

The instanceof keyword checks for variables corresponding to some classes. The following type guard is used for those variables, which are instantiated as class objects.

class User {
    name : string;
    amountDue : number;
    constructor( name : string, amount : number){ = name;
        this.amountDue = amount;

class UserCredit extends User {
    constructor( user : User) {
        super(, user.amountDue);
    generateCredit(amount : number) {
        this.amountDue += amount;
        return this.amountDue;

class UserDebit extends User {
    constructor( user : User) {
        super(, user.amountDue);
        this.amountDue = 0;

const TransactionSystem = () => {
    const user : User = {
        name : 'Alex',
        amountDue : 0
    const option = Math.random();
    if ( option > 0.5) {
        // settle debts
        const userDebt = new UserDebit(user);
        return userDebt;
    } else {
        // increase credit
        const userCredit = new UserCredit(user);
        return userCredit;

const UserTransaction = TransactionSystem();
if ( UserTransaction instanceof UserDebit) {
    console.log('Credit balance successfully debited');
} else if (UserTransaction instanceof UserCredit) {
    console.log("Credit limit increased")

Use the in Keyword to Check for Types in TypeScript

The in can be used to check if a certain attribute is present in a type or an interface and thus can be used with a conditional statement like if-else to check for types and thus act upon and execute further actions. The following shows an example of how this can be achieved.

interface Person {
    name : string;
    age : number;
const person : Person = {
    name : "Alex",
    age : 30
console.log("name" in person); // true
console.log("address" in person); // false
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Shuvayan Ghosh Dastidar avatar Shuvayan Ghosh Dastidar avatar

Shuvayan is a professional software developer with an avid interest in all kinds of technology and programming languages. He loves all kinds of problem solving and writing about his experiences.

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