Dictionary or Map Type in TypeScript

  1. Use the Record Type in TypeScript
  2. Use Partial With Record Type in TypeScript
Dictionary or Map Type in TypeScript

A dictionary or a map is used to quickly retrieve items from an object. TypeScript does not have any concept of map or dictionary.

Plain JavaScript has objects through which key-value pairs can be set and retrieved. TypeScript provides the Record type, representing a dictionary or map through plain JavaScript objects.

The Record type restricts the keys and values set in the plain JavaScript objects.

Use the Record Type in TypeScript

The Record type in TypeScript represents strict key-value pairs. More specifically, Record<K,V> denotes that the object accepts only type K and that the values corresponding to those keys should be type V.

The key of Record<K,V> would yield K as the type, and Record<K,V>[K] is equivalent to V. The Record type is an alias for index signatures like { [ key : K] : V }.

The following code segment shows equivalent index signature type and Record type structures used in TypeScript.

enum Level {
    info = "info",
    warning = "warning",
    danger = "danger",
    fatal = "fatal"
type LevelStrings = keyof typeof Level;

var bannerMessageInfo : Record<LevelStrings, string> = {
    info : "[INFO]",
    warning : "[WARNING]" ,
    danger : "[DANGER]",
    fatal : "[FATAL]"

function generateLogMessage(message : string , level : LevelStrings){
    console.log(bannerMessageInfo[level] + " : " + message);

generateLogMessage("This is how Record Type can be used.", Level.info);


"[INFO] : This is how Record Type can be used."

The above Record type can also be represented as an index signature.

type BannerTypeMap = {
    [level in LevelStrings] : string;

var bannerMessageInfo : BannerTypeMap = {
    info : "[INFO]",
    warning : "[WARNING]" ,
    danger : "[DANGER]",
    fatal : "[FATAL]"

The BannerTypeMap is a Mapped Type object in TypeScript, used here as an index signature and generated all the types of messages in bannerMessageInfo.

In the above examples, all of the fields in the map are necessary, or else TypeScript may fail to compile. Partial types can be used with Record types to create more robust ones.

Use Partial With Record Type in TypeScript

The Partial keyword can override some initial default properties with some passed-on properties. The following code segment demonstrates this.

type PropStrings = 'height' | 'width' | 'shadow' ;

type Props = Record<PropStrings , number>

function CombineProps(props : Partial<Props> ){
    var initProps : Props = {
        height : 10,
        width : 20,
        shadow : 4
    var finalProps = {...initProps , ...props};

CombineProps({width : 40});


  "height": 10,
  "width": 40,
  "shadow": 4
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Shuvayan Ghosh Dastidar avatar Shuvayan Ghosh Dastidar avatar

Shuvayan is a professional software developer with an avid interest in all kinds of technology and programming languages. He loves all kinds of problem solving and writing about his experiences.

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