How to Find Type of Variable in Scala
- Use Pattern Matching in Scala
Use the
Method in Scala -
in Scala -
in Scala -
Use Type Checking (
) in Scala - Conclusion

This article will teach how to find the type of variable in Scala. Let’s see different methods to get the type of a variable in Scala at runtime.
Use Pattern Matching in Scala
Pattern matching is a fundamental feature of Scala that enables sophisticated branching based on the structure of data. It allows you to define different cases, each matching a particular pattern, and execute corresponding logic based on the match.
In the context of determining variable types, we can use pattern matching to match against types and take appropriate actions accordingly.
Let’s begin with a basic example of pattern matching to determine the type of a variable. Suppose we have a variable data
of type Any
whose type we want to ascertain.
def getType(data: Any): String = data match {
case _: String => "String"
case _: Int => "Int"
case _: Double => "Double"
case _ => "Unknown type"
val variable1: Any = "hello"
val variable2: Any = 42
val variable3: Any = 3.14
The provided code begins by defining a method named getType
that takes an argument data
of type Any
. This method employs pattern matching to determine the type of input data
If the input matches the pattern of String
, it returns "String"
. If it matches Int
, it returns "Int"
If it matches Double
, it returns "Double"
. If there is no match, denoted by the wildcard _
, it returns "Unknown type"
Subsequently, three variables are declared and initialized of type Any
: variable1
holds a string, variable2
is an integer, and variable3
is a double. The println
statements then invoke the getType
method with each of these variables as arguments, showcasing the type detection functionality.
For variable1
, it prints String
since it matches the String
case in the getType
method. For variable2
, it prints Int
as it matches the Int
case, and for variable3
, it prints Double
since it matches the Double
Pattern Matching for Custom Types
Pattern matching is not limited to built-in types. You can also use it to match custom types and perform actions accordingly. Here’s an example of pattern matching with custom types:
sealed trait Animal
case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal
def displayAnimal(animal: Animal): Unit = animal match {
case Dog(name) => println(s"Dog named $name")
case Cat(name) => println(s"Cat named $name")
val myDog: Animal = Dog("Buddy")
val myCat: Animal = Cat("Fluffy")
Dog named Buddy
Cat named Fluffy
In this example, we define a hierarchy of animals using case classes and a sealed trait. We then use pattern matching to determine the type of the animal and display information accordingly.
Use the getClass
Method in Scala
The getClass
method in Scala is inherited from the Object
class, which is the base class for all objects. This method provides information about the runtime class of an object, allowing us to identify the type of the variable it represents.
When invoked on a variable, it returns an instance of the Class
type, providing details about the class or type of the object.
Let’s start with a basic example to understand how to use the getClass
method to determine the type of a variable.
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
val variable1: String = "Hello, Scala!"
val variable2: Int = 42
val variable3: Double = 3.14
println("Type of variable1: " + variable1.getClass.getSimpleName)
println("Type of variable2: " + variable2.getClass.getSimpleName)
println("Type of variable3: " + variable3.getClass.getSimpleName)
The output will be:
Type of variable1: String
Type of variable2: Integer
Type of variable3: Double
As we can see, within the TypeDetectionApp
object, three variables are declared and initialized with specific types: variable1
of type String
, variable2
of type Int
, and variable3
of type Double
. Each of these variables holds a string, an integer, and a double value, respectively.
Subsequently, the code uses the getClass
method on each variable to retrieve the runtime class of the variable. The getSimpleName
method is then applied to obtain the simple (unqualified) name of the class, representing the type of the variable.
The println
statements display the types of the variables using the simple names obtained through getClass.getSimpleName
Use getClass
With Custom Types
The getClass
method is not limited to built-in types; it also works with custom types. Let’s see an example where we define a custom class and use getClass
to determine its type.
class CustomType
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
val customObject = new CustomType
println("Type of customObject: " + customObject.getClass.getSimpleName)
Type of customObject: CustomType
In this example, we create an instance of a custom class CustomType
and use the getClass
method to determine its runtime class, effectively identifying its type.
Simplify Type Output With getSimpleName
The output of the getClass
method often includes the fully qualified class name, which might not be very readable. For instance,
object MyClass {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x = 123;
val y = "hero"
val z = 34.56
class java.lang.String
The output above shows that it prints java.lang.String
when it comes to strings because the Scala string is nothing but a wrapper
around java.lang.String
To enhance readability, we can use the getSimpleName
method, which is available on the Class
type. This method returns a string representing the simple name of the class (the name without the package).
Here’s an example illustrating the usage of getSimpleName
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
val someString = "Hello, Scala!"
println("Type of someString: " + someString.getClass.getSimpleName)
Type of someString: String
Therefore, instead of java.lang.String
, if we want a String
with a more meaningful output, we can use getSimpleName
with the getClass
Use Manifest
in Scala
is a powerful feature in Scala that provides a way to obtain information about generic types at runtime. It serves as a means to capture the type information of a generic type, enabling us to work with type parameters dynamically.
Let’s start with a basic example to understand how to use Manifest
to determine the type of a variable.
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
def printType[T](data: T)(implicit manifest: Manifest[T]): Unit = {
println("Type of data: " + manifest.toString)
val variable1: Int = 42
val variable2: String = "Hello, Scala!"
Type of data: Int
Type of data: java.lang.String
Within the TypeDetectionApp
object, we have a method named printType[T](data: T)(implicit manifest: Manifest[T]): Unit
. This method is parameterized with a generic type T
and takes an implicit Manifest[T]
as well, which is crucial for obtaining type information at runtime.
Within the method, the type of data
is determined using the provided Manifest
and printed to the console.
Two variables are then declared: variable1
of type Int
with a value of 42
, and variable2
of type String
with the value "Hello, Scala!"
. Subsequently, the printType
method is invoked with variable1
and variable2
as arguments.
Due to the implicit Manifest
, the method is able to ascertain and print the types of variable1
and variable2
. Finally, the output of the program displays the types Int
and String
, corresponding to variable1
and variable2
, respectively.
One major advantage of using Manifest
is finding the type of non-primitive types, like if a variable is a List
or a Sequence
Let’s consider the following example:
object MyClass {
def myFunc[T: Manifest](t: T): Manifest[T] = manifest[T]
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val y = List(1,2,3,4)
val z = Seq("apple","mango")
In this example, we use Manifest
to obtain the types of a List
and a Seq
. As shown in the output, we accurately determine the types, demonstrating the utility of Manifest
in identifying complex, non-primitive types.
Use Manifest
With Custom Types
also works with custom types. Let’s see an example where we define a custom class and use Manifest
to determine its type.
class CustomType
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
def printType[T](data: T)(implicit manifest: Manifest[T]): Unit = {
println("Type of data: " + manifest.toString)
val customObject = new CustomType
printType(customObject) // Prints: Type of data: CustomType
Type of data: CustomType
In this example, we create an instance of a custom class CustomType
and use Manifest
to determine its runtime type, effectively identifying its type.
Use TypeTag
in Scala
is a part of Scala’s reflection library that provides runtime type information about types and enables the recovery of generic type parameters. When using generics or dealing with polymorphic types, type erasure may strip away type information, making it challenging to work with the types at runtime. TypeTag
helps overcome this limitation by capturing the type information even when it would otherwise be erased.
Let’s start with a basic example to understand how to use TypeTag
to determine the type of a variable.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
def printType[T: TypeTag](data: T): Unit = {
println("Type of data: " + typeOf[T])
val variable1: Int = 42
val variable2: String = "Hello, Scala!"
Type of data: Int
Type of data: String
In this example, we define an object named TypeDetectionApp
, extending App
for standalone execution. Within this object, a method printType[T: TypeTag](data: T)
is declared.
This method is parameterized with a type T
and has a context bound with TypeTag[T]
, allowing access to type information at runtime. Inside the method, the typeOf
function is employed to retrieve and print the type of the input variable.
Following this, two variables, variable1
of type Int
and variable2
of type String
, are defined with respective values. The printType
method is then invoked with these variables as arguments, enabling the determination and printing of their types.
As we can see, the output demonstrates the successful retrieval of types for variable1
and variable2
as Int
and String
, respectively.
Use TypeTag
With Custom Types
can also work with custom types. Let’s see an example where we define a custom class and use TypeTag
to determine its type.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
class CustomType
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
def printType[T: TypeTag](data: T): Unit = {
println("Type of data: " + typeOf[T])
val customObject = new CustomType
Type of data: CustomType
In this example, we create an instance of a custom class CustomType
and use TypeTag
to determine its runtime type, effectively identifying its type.
Use Type Checking (isInstanceOf
) in Scala
Scala provides the isInstanceOf
method, which allows you to determine whether an object is an instance of a particular type. This is a form of type checking that enables runtime type detection, allowing you to adapt your program’s behavior based on the actual types of variables and objects.
Let’s start with a basic example to understand how to use isInstanceOf
for type checking in Scala.
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
val variable1: Any = 42
val variable2: Any = "Hello, Scala!"
println("Is variable1 an Int? " + (variable1.isInstanceOf[Int]))
println("Is variable2 a String? " + (variable2.isInstanceOf[String]))
Is variable1 an Int? true
Is variable2 a String? true
As we can see, two variables are declared: variable1
and variable2
, both of type Any
. Any
is a superclass of all Scala classes and represents the most general type in Scala’s type system, allowing for any type of value to be stored.
The variable1
is assigned the value 42
, an integer, while variable2
is assigned the string "Hello, Scala!"
. Subsequently, the code uses the isInstanceOf
method to perform type-checking on these variables.
For variable1
, it checks if the variable is an instance of Int
, returning true
since variable1
indeed holds an integer. For variable2
, the code checks if it’s an instance of String
, returning true
as variable2
holds a string.
The println
statements display these results, indicating whether each variable is of the specified type.
Use Type Checking With Custom Types
You can also use type checking to determine if an object is an instance of a custom type. Let’s see an example:
class CustomType
object TypeDetectionApp extends App {
val customObject = new CustomType
println("Is customObject an instance of CustomType? " + (customObject.isInstanceOf[CustomType]))
Is customObject an instance of CustomType? true
In this example, we define a custom class CustomType
and create an instance of it. We then use isInstanceOf
to determine if the object is an instance of CustomType
We have discussed several methods to determine the type of a variable at runtime in Scala. Choose the appropriate method based on your requirements and the Scala version.