Mutable List in Scala

Suraj P May 03, 2022 Scala Scala List
  1. DoubleLinkedList in Scala
  2. LinkedList in Scala
  3. ListBuffer in Scala
Mutable List in Scala

In this article, we will learn about mutable lists in Scala. List by default in Scala are immutable means once initialized, they can’t be updated, but Scala does provide many mutable lists.

Let’s look at them one by one.

DoubleLinkedList in Scala

DoubleLinkedList in Scala is a linked list with two references, prev and next, to go to the previous node or next node; having two references allows us to traverse the list back and forth.

Let’s look at an example.

object MyClass {

class Node(var data: Int,var prev: Node, var next: Node)
	def this(data: Int)
		this(data, null, null)

class DoublyLinkedList(var head:Node,var tail: Node)
	def this()
		this(null, null)

	def insert(x: Int): Unit = {

		var node:Node = new Node(x);
		if (this.head == null)
			this.head = node;
			this.tail = node;
		} = node;
		node.prev = this.tail;
		this.tail = node;

    def show(): Unit = {

		if (this.head == null)
			println("List is empty");
			print("\nPrinting list from front to back :\n");

			var first: Node = this.head;

			while (first!= null)
				print("  " +;

				first =;
			print("\nPrinting list from back to front:\n");

		var last: Node = this.tail;

			while (last!= null)
				print("  " +;

				last = last.prev;

    def main(args: Array[String])
      var dll: DoublyLinkedList = new DoublyLinkedList();
		dll.insert(400);; //to print the list



Printing list from front to back :
  100  200  300  400
Printing list from back to front:
  400  300  200  100

LinkedList in Scala

LinkedList in Scala is used to create a single linked list, so we have no prev pointer here. It is used when we want to traverse to the next node that is only in one direction.

So here, we can create links and modify them as required.

Example code:

case class LinkedList[obj]()
  var head: node[obj] = null;

  def insert(myData: obj) = {
    head match {
      case null => head = new node(myData,null)

      case _ =>
        var end:node[obj] = head;

        while (!= null) {
          end =;
        } = new node[obj](myData, null);

  def display()
    if (head != null) {


sealed case class node[obj](var data: obj, var next: node[obj])
  def myData: obj =
  def nextPtr: node[obj] =;

  def displayLinkedList(): Unit = {

    if (next!= null) {
      print(" -> ")



object Main extends App {

  var list: LinkedList[Int] = new LinkedList();




100 -> 200 -> 300

DoubleLinkedList and LinkedList are used to create more complex list structures such as mutable.Queues and mutable.lists.

ListBuffer in Scala

ListBuffer, as the name suggests, is a Buffer implementation backed by a list. The main advantage of using it is that it performs most linear-time operations.

Operations such as append and prepend. Hence, it is widely used to implement a list when it wants it to be mutable.

Since the list is immutable, we use ListBuffer when we want to have a list that keeps changing frequently. To use ListBuffer, we have to import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer in our program.


var one = new ListBuffer[data_type]() //this creates empty buffer


var two = new ListBuffer("apple","orange","watermelon")

Some of the common operations which are performed on a ListBuffer are:

  1. We can use LB+=element to append an element in constant time.
  2. We can use LB+=:Buffer to prepend an element in constant time.
  3. Once we are done with our list, we can use LB.toList to convert the ListBuffer (mutable) to List (immutable) in constant time.

Example code:

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

object MyClass {

    def main(args: Array[String]) {
         var lb = ListBuffer[String]()

         lb+= "Apple";
         lb+= "Orange";
         "dragonFruit"+=:lb  //prepending


		 var result: List[String] = lb.toList



ListBuffer(dragonFruit, Apple, Orange)
List(dragonFruit, Apple, Orange)
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Author: Suraj P
Suraj P avatar Suraj P avatar

A technophile and a Big Data developer by passion. Loves developing advance C++ and Java applications in free time works as SME at Chegg where I help students with there doubts and assignments in the field of Computer Science.

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