await in Rust

In this article, we will learn the meaning of await
in Rust.
in Rust
is a technique for writing functions that can pause, surrender control to the runtime, and then resume execution where they left off. Typically, these pauses are used to await I/O, but they can serve various purposes.
may be familiar to you from JavaScript or C#. However, Rust’s implementation of the functionality has a few important changes.
To utilize async-await
, you must replace fn
with async fn
async fn new_fxn() -> u32 { .. }
In contrast to a conventional function, calling an async fn
has no immediate effect. It returns a future
The computation is suspended and waiting to be executed. Use the .await
operator to execute the future
async fn second_fxn () {
let future = new_fxn();
let result: u32 = future.await;
This example illustrates the first distinction between Rust and other languages: we write future.await
rather than await future. This syntax interacts better with Rust’s ?
operator for propagating errors, which are common in I/O.
You can write future.await?
to bear faults and await the result of a lot. Additionally, it has the benefit of making the method of chaining painless.
The term await
can only be used within the context of asynchronous functions, and only asynchronous functions can be awaited.
Rust’s futures
are lax; by default, they will do nothing before the first poll is conducted. When you await
the future
, it is surveyed.
For instance, if you call a function that returns a future
at the beginning of your program but does not await
it until the end of the program, the actual request will not be executed until you await
use std::thread;
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
use futures::future;
async fn main(){
let mut await_demo = Vec::new();
for count in 1..=5
await_demo.push(tokio::spawn(async move{
println!("Start the thread {count}, id= {:?}", thread::current().id());
sleep (Duration::from_millis(5000)).await;
println!("end the thread {count}, id = {:?})", thread::current().id());
future::join_all (await_demo).await;
First, five futures
(five async
blocks) are created, with each future
creating a sleep
future and calling await
on it. These futures
exist concurrently.
Each block displays the thread id before and following await
Standard Output
Start the thread 1, id= ThreadId(2)
Start the thread 3, id= ThreadId(2)
Start the thread 4, id= ThreadId(2)
Start the thread 5, id= ThreadId(2)
Start the thread 2, id= ThreadId(3)
end the thread 2, id = ThreadId(2))
end the thread 3, id = ThreadId(3))
end the thread 1, id = ThreadId(3))
end the thread 4, id = ThreadId(3))
end the thread 5, id = ThreadId(3))