How to Write to a File in Ruby

Nurudeen Ibrahim Feb 02, 2024
How to Write to a File in Ruby

The File class in Ruby has a write() method for writing to a file. The method returns the length written and ensures the file is automatically closed. It has the syntax below.

File.write('/your/file/path', 'Message content')

Let’s write a simple message to a file.

File.write('my-file.txt', 'A simlpe message.')

The above code helps us create a file called my-file.txt if it does not already exist and allows us to write A simple message. to the file. If the file already exists, the code overwrites the file and its content.

Instead of overwriting the file content, Ruby provides a way of appending to the content by specifying the mode option, and an example is shown below.

File.write('my-file.txt', " Another simple message\n", mode: 'a')

The \n in the example above is a new line character, and it means the following message we’ll be writing to this file should go to the following line. Let’s write another message to confirm this.

File.write('my-file.txt', 'This message should go on the next line', mode: 'a')

As a way of summarising the explanation above, let’s write a simple program that writes five lines of text to a file.

todos = [
  'wake up, shower, and leave for work',
  'Pick up John from school',
  'Meet with team to practice presentation',
  'Dinner with friends',
  'Relax and bedtime.'

todos.each_with_index do |todo, index|
  File.write('todo-list.txt', "#{index + 1}. #{todo}\n", mode: 'a')

Below is the todo-list.txt file content after running the program.


1. wake up, shower, and leave for work
2. Pick up John from school
3. Meet with team to practice presentation
4. Dinner with friends
5. Relax and bedtime.

Related Article - Ruby File