How to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

  1. Use the include? Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby
  2. Use the [] Syntax to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby
  3. Use Regular Expressions to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby
  4. Use the index Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby
  5. Use the match Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby
  6. Use the scan Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby
  7. Conclusion
How to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

Checking whether a string contains a substring is a fundamental operation in many programming tasks, and Ruby offers a variety of methods to accomplish this task efficiently. From the straightforward include? method to the more advanced regular expressions and the unique approach of the scan method, Ruby provides developers with a set of tools to handle substring checks.

In this article, we will explore some of these methods, discussing their syntax and functionality.

Use the include? Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

In Ruby, the include? method provides a simple and direct way to check whether a string contains a substring.

The include? method is called on a string and takes a substring as its argument. Here’s the basic syntax:



  • string: The original string you want to check.
  • substring: The sequence of characters you are looking for within the string.

The method returns true if the substring is found in the string and false otherwise.

Let’s consider a practical example where we have a user input, and we want to check if it contains the substring Ruby. Here’s the code:

user_input = gets.chomp

substring = 'Ruby'

if user_input.include?(substring)
  puts "The input contains the substring '#{substring}'."
  puts "The input does not contain the substring '#{substring}'."


Hello Ruby
The input contains the substring 'Ruby'.

In this example, we take user input using gets.chomp and store it in the variable user_input. We then define the substring we want to check for, in this case, Ruby.

The include? method is employed to determine if the user_input contains the specified substring.

Here, the if statement evaluates the result of user_input.include?(substring). If the condition is true, it means the substring is present, and the corresponding message is displayed using puts.

If the condition is false, indicating the absence of the substring, the alternative message is printed.

Use the [] Syntax to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

In addition to the include? method, Ruby provides another concise way to check for substrings using the [] syntax. This syntax allows us to directly check if a substring is present in a string, providing a more compact alternative to some of the other methods.

The [] syntax involves placing the substring inside square brackets immediately following the string. Here’s the basic syntax:



  • string: The original string you want to check.
  • substring: The sequence of characters you are looking for within the string.

The result of this operation is the substring if it is found or nil if the substring is not present.

Let’s consider a scenario where we have a predefined string, and we want to check if it contains the substring Ruby.

full_string = 'Welcome to the world of Ruby programming.'

substring = 'Ruby'

if full_string[substring]
  puts "The string contains the substring '#{substring}'."
  puts "The string does not contain the substring '#{substring}'."


The string contains the substring 'Ruby'.

Here, we have a predefined string, full_string, and a substring to check for, which is Ruby. The full_string[substring] syntax is employed to directly check if the substring is present in the full string.

The if statement evaluates the result of full_string[substring]. If the result is not nil, it means the substring is present, and the corresponding message is displayed using puts.

If the result is nil, indicating the absence of the substring, the alternative message is printed.

The [] syntax is particularly useful when you only need to know if a substring is present and doesn’t require additional information, such as the index of the substring.

Use Regular Expressions to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

For more advanced and flexible substring checks, Ruby allows us to use regular expressions. Regular expressions, often referred to as regex, provide a powerful way to define patterns in strings.

In Ruby, we use the =~ operator to match a regular expression against a string. Here’s the basic syntax for checking if a string contains a substring using a regular expression:

string =~ /regex_pattern/


  • string: The original string you want to check.
  • /regex_pattern/: The regular expression pattern defining the substring.

The =~ operator returns the index of the first match if the substring is found or nil if there’s no match.

Let’s consider a scenario where we want to check if a string contains the substring powerful using a regular expression.

text = 'Regular expressions are powerful in Ruby programming.'

substring_regex = /powerful/

if text =~ substring_regex
  puts "The string contains the substring 'powerful'."
  puts "The string does not contain the substring 'powerful'."


The string contains the substring 'powerful'.

In this example, we have a sample string text and a regular expression pattern substring_regex that defines the substring we’re looking for, which is powerful. The text =~ substring_regex expression checks if the regular expression pattern matches the string.

The if statement evaluates the result of text =~ substring_regex. If the result is not nil, it means the substring is present, and the corresponding message is displayed using puts.

If the result is nil, indicating the absence of the substring, the alternative message is printed.

Regular expressions offer a more sophisticated way to express substring patterns. While the syntax may seem intricate initially, it provides flexibility when dealing with more intricate substring matching scenarios.

Use the index Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

Another powerful method in Ruby for checking whether a string contains a substring is the index method.

The index method is called on a string and takes the substring as its argument. Here’s the basic syntax:



  • string: The original string you want to check.
  • substring: The sequence of characters you are looking for within the string.

The index method returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring in the string or nil if the substring is not found.

Let’s consider a scenario where we have a user input, and we want to check if it contains the substring Ruby using the index method.

user_input = gets.chomp

substring = 'Ruby'

if user_input.index(substring)
  puts "The input contains the substring '#{substring}' at index #{user_input.index(substring)}."
  puts "The input does not contain the substring '#{substring}'."


Hello Ruby
The input contains the substring 'Ruby' at index 6.

In this example, we again use gets.chomp to get user input, and we define the substring we want to check for as Ruby. The user_input.index(substring) expression is used to determine the starting index of the first occurrence of the substring in the user input.

The if statement evaluates the result of user_input.index(substring). If the result is not nil, it means the substring is present, and the corresponding message is displayed using puts, along with the index of the first occurrence.

If the result is nil, indicating the absence of the substring, the alternative message is printed.

The index method is particularly useful when you need to know the position of the substring within the string. It provides a concise way to perform substring checks while also obtaining additional information about the location of the substring within the string.

Use the match Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

The match method in Ruby is another versatile way to check whether a string contains a substring, especially when dealing with more complex patterns using regular expressions.

The match method is called on a string and takes a regular expression or a substring as its argument. Here’s the basic syntax:



  • string: The original string you want to check.
  • pattern: A regular expression or a substring to match within the string.

The match method returns a MatchData object if a match is found or nil if there is no match.

Let’s consider a scenario where we have a string containing information about programming languages, and we want to check if it contains the substring Ruby using the match method with a regular expression.

programming_info = 'Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language.'

substring_regex = /Ruby/

match_data = programming_info.match(substring_regex)

if match_data
  puts "The string contains the substring 'Ruby'."
  puts "The string does not contain the substring 'Ruby'."


The string contains the substring 'Ruby'.

In this example, we have a sample string programming_info containing information about programming languages. We define a regular expression pattern substring_regex to match the substring Ruby.

The programming_info.match(substring_regex) expression checks if the regular expression pattern matches the string. Then, the result is assigned to the variable match_data, which will be a MatchData object if the match is found and nil otherwise.

The if statement evaluates the truthiness of match_data.

If it’s true, the substring is present, and the corresponding message is displayed using puts. If it’s false (i.e., nil), indicating the absence of the substring, the alternative message is printed.

The match method is particularly useful when dealing with more intricate substring patterns or when you need additional information about the match.

Use the scan Method to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring in Ruby

In Ruby, the scan method provides a unique approach to checking whether a string contains a substring. Unlike other methods, scan returns an array of all occurrences of a specified pattern or substring within the string.

The scan method is called on a string and takes a regular expression or a substring as its argument. Here’s the basic syntax:



  • string: The original string you want to check.
  • pattern: A regular expression or a substring to match within the string.

Let’s consider a scenario where we have a string containing various programming languages, and we want to check how many times the substring Ruby appears in the string using the scan method.

programming_languages = 'Ruby, Python, Java, Ruby, C++'

substring = 'Ruby'

occurrences = programming_languages.scan(substring)

if occurrences.any?
  puts "The string contains the substring '#{substring}' #{occurrences.length} times."
  puts "The string does not contain the substring '#{substring}'."


The string contains the substring 'Ruby' 2 times.

In this example, we have a string programming_languages containing a list of programming languages. We specify the substring we want to check for as Ruby.

The programming_languages.scan(substring) expression utilizes the scan method to find all occurrences of the substring in the string. The result is stored in the variable occurrences, which is an array containing all instances of the specified substring within the string.

The if statement checks if the array has any elements using occurrences.any?. If there are elements, it means the substring is present, and the corresponding message is displayed using puts, along with the number of occurrences.

If the array is empty, indicating the absence of the substring, the alternative message is printed.

The scan method is particularly useful when you need to find multiple occurrences of a substring within a string.


In Ruby programming, the ability to check whether a string contains a substring is a skill that can enhance the efficiency and clarity of your code. Each method discussed here, from the simplicity of include? to the flexibility of regular expressions and the unique capabilities of scan, brings its strengths to the table.

By understanding and choosing the right method for your specific needs, you can write cleaner, more expressive code.

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