How to Add Multiple classNames to React Component

  1. Use the Template Literals Method to Add Multiple classNames to React Component
  2. Use the classnames Package to Add Multiple classNames to React Component
  3. Use the classnames Package and the .map Method to Add Multiple classNames to React Component
  4. Conclusion
How to Add Multiple classNames to React Component

classNames in React perform the same function as classes in JavaScript. They are used instead of classes because class is a reserved word in React.

Adding multiple classNames to a component gives us room to set some conditions for that component. One className is used to set the styling; the other is used to set the conditions.

This is ideal when we are creating web pages that will have buttons.

Additionally, we might want to add extra styling to a component to overwrite the original styling in certain situations. Adding an extra className allows us to do this smoothly.

Besides, using multiple classNames to set styling makes CSS files easier to read, track, and adjust since a single className could become overloaded with too many stylings. Also, in situations where multiple CSS classes have similar attributes, we should create another class for similar attributes for ease of corrections and add-ons.

Let us look at different ways to add multiple classNames to a component.

Use the Template Literals Method to Add Multiple classNames to React Component

The template literals, otherwise called the template strings, allow users to create and manipulate multiple expressions wrapped in backticks, followed by the $ sign and curly braces.

We will create a button webpage example that shows the effect of multiple classNames using CSS stylings alongside it. Navigate to the App.js file of our project folder and write these codes:

Code Snippet- App.js:

import React from "react";
import "./App.css";
export default function App() {
  const [classNames, setClassNames] = React.useState(``);
  const [showRed, setShowRed] = React.useState(false);
  const [showBlue, setShowBlue] = React.useState(false);
  React.useEffect(() => {
    setClassNames(`${showRed ? "red" : ""} ${showBlue ? "blue" : ""}`);
  }, [showRed, showBlue]);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setShowRed(showRed => !showRed)}>
        Toggle Red
      <button onClick={() => setShowBlue(showBlue => !showBlue)}>
        Toggle Light Blue
      <div className={classNames}>hit me!</div>

The template literals are handy for accommodating classNames when we call the setClassNames functions. This is where we get to set our classes red and blue, respectively.

Then we will do a bit of coding inside the App.css file:

Code Snippet- App.css:

.red {
  color: red;
}.blue {
  background-color: lightblue;
  width: 50px;


Add Multiple classNames Using Template Literals Output

We used the button onClick event listener to tell React what to do when either button is hit. As we hit one of the buttons, we can see one className became active, and when we hit the other button, the other className is invoked, and the colors change.

Use the classnames Package to Add Multiple classNames to React Component

One of the reasons why React is widely accepted is because it has unlimited room for potential developments and tweaking, thanks to its dependency packages.

The classnames package is another method we can apply to add multiple classNames to a component. It helps us write less code than the template literals method and is better applied when dealing with more than two classNames.

Once we have created our project folder, we’ll navigate to the project folder still inside the internal and install the classnames package with:

npm install classnames

Then, we start to code, starting with the App.js file.

We are using the same styling as the first example. We won’t repeat the CSS snippet here.

Code Snippet- App.js:

import React from "react";
import "./App.css";
const classNames = require("classnames");

export default function App() {
  const [showRed, setShowRed] = React.useState(false);
  const [showBlue, setShowBlue] = React.useState(false); return (
      <button onClick={() => setShowRed(showRed => !showRed)}>
        Toggle Red
      <button onClick={() => setShowBlue(showBlue => !showBlue)}>
        Toggle Light Blue
      <div className={classNames({ red: showRed, blue: showBlue })}>


Add Multiple classNames Using Classnames Package Output

The classnames package is applied and wrapped in a div, where we set the classNames for each of our components, and then we use the onClick event listener to change the states of each class.

We can see each className gets toggled on/off when we click either of the buttons assigned to the classes.

Use the classnames Package and the .map Method to Add Multiple classNames to React Component

If we want to apply the same styling to multiple classes simultaneously, we can use the classnames package alongside the .map method. The .map method is a JavaScript function that helps us carry a function across similar elements.

Once we have created our project folder, we’ll navigate to the project folder still inside the internal, and we will install the classnames package with:

npm install classnames

Next, we proceed into coding; first, with the App.js file:

Code Snippet- App.js:

import React from "react";
import "./App.css";
const classNames = require("classnames");

export default function App() {
  const [showRed, setShowRed] = React.useState(false);
  return (
      {["foo", "bar", "baz"].map(buttonType => (
          className={classNames({ [`btn-${buttonType}`]: showRed })}
          onClick={() => setShowRed(showRed => !showRed)}
          Button {buttonType}

After declaring our classNames, the .map function maps all three classes to the buttonType object. This will enable us to pass the same function across multiple classes.

Then, our App.css will look like this:

.btn-baz {
  color: red;


Add Multiple classNames Using Classnames Package and map Output

We assigned the same color to all the classes, and the onClick event listener activated this CSS function when we toggled any buttons.


Working with multiple classes in React allows us to try different combinations, so we have different ways to work around an obstacle. And because it will enable us to carry out multiple stylings and conditions within a component, coding is much more flexible, and we can detect bugs and mistakes with pinpoint accuracy.

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Oluwafisayo Oluwatayo avatar Oluwafisayo Oluwatayo avatar

Fisayo is a tech expert and enthusiast who loves to solve problems, seek new challenges and aim to spread the knowledge of what she has learned across the globe.


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