How to Convert ReactJS Code to React Native
- Convert React to React Native
- Alternative Option to Convert React Application Into a Mobile Application

React and React Native are two frameworks similar in many ways but different. Even though both are based on JavaScript and component reusability, you can’t directly copy code from a React Native project and make it work with regular React without additional work.
For instance, ReactJS code often includes references to the DOM, an interface for web applications. DOM is not available in smartphones, nor is there a close alternative.
If you have a web application and would like to replicate the same functionality and visuals in a mobile application, you must go through every code piece. No tools will automatically convert React code into React Native Code.
There are additional difficulties if you need to use phone-specific features like GPS and camera functionality.
The team behind React Native framework did not prioritize the compatibility with the main React framework. It’s intended as a JavaScript-based alternative to writing code in native languages such as Java.
However, in general, knowing how to write React web applications allows you to easily transition into writing React Native apps.
Convert React to React Native
It’s certainly possible to take React applications and replicate their functionality and looks of UI. However, it’s not possible to copy the code directly.
React Native has a different architecture, and developers must follow these instructions when creating UI components.
You can reuse styles because CSS works the same way in both frameworks. Many application logic, such as state, also works the same between the two frameworks.
However, some very important parts of the application are different. In React Native, we use Native Components, such as <View>
, <Text>
, and <Image>
ReactJS applications are typically structured using the DOM elements, such as <div>
, <h1>
, and others.
Let’s take a simple example, an application that displays a specific text. A web application that has access to the DOM interface looks like below.
<h1>Hello World</h1>
The same text in a React Native application looks something like below.
<Text>Hello World</Text>
Any logic based on JavaScript code can be copied from React applications to React Native. However, any references to the DOM will be undefined in React Native.
For instance, a common example is an event handler that gets the value in an input element and stores it in the state. Accessing the value from the input element using the DOM interface will not work in React Native.
Alternative Option to Convert React Application Into a Mobile Application
Cordova is an alternative to React Native. It allows you to convert your React web apps into mobile applications without rewriting any code.
However, many React developers complain that Cordova applications are slow, and unless you optimize the Cordova application, the app doesn’t have a native feel in the smartphone.
Irakli is a writer who loves computers and helping people solve their technical problems. He lives in Georgia and enjoys spending time with animals.