How to Test Hypothesis in R
Test in R - Wilcoxon Test in R
and Wilcoxon Tests in R -
Other Tests in the
Package in R

R provides many functions to perform hypothesis tests.
This article will introduce two functions that will help us perform the t
and Wilcoxon tests. We will also see how to discover many other tests built into R.
Test in R
The function t.test()
is used for the Student’s t
test. The same function can be used for one-sample and two-sample tests and two-tailed and one-tailed tests.
The main arguments are:
: A vector of
: The unknown value of the mean or the unknown difference of means.alternative
: For one-tailed tests, we should specify eithergreater
for the alternate hypothesis.conf.level
: The confidence level of the interval. By default, a level of 0.95 is used.
For two-sample tests, we also use the following:
: It is innumeric_vector ~ two-factor_vector
: This data frame should contain the variables mentioned informula
, the variance is computed for the pooled sample. IfFALSE
(default), the Welch approximation is used.
The output includes the following:
- A confidence interval at the given level of confidence around the sample mean.
- A
stating the probability of the true mean being the specified valuemu
, given the sample mean.
One-Sample Two-Tailed t
Test in R
We will now perform one-sample two-tailed t
tests on sample data and look at the output.
Example Code:
# Data
# Population Mean = 8; Population SD = 3.
one = rnorm(232,8,3)
# One-sample two-tailed t tests.
# mu is the correct value.
t.test(one, mu = 8)
# mu is some desired value.
# Let us check if mu is 10
t.test(one, mu = 10)
# Change the confidence level.
t.test(one, mu = 10, conf.level = 0.99)
> # One-sample two-tailed t tests.
> # mu is the correct value.
> t.test(one, mu = 8)
One Sample t-test
data: one
t = 0.59131, df = 231, p-value = 0.5549
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 8
95 percent confidence interval:
7.741578 8.480045
sample estimates:
mean of x
> # mu is some desired value.
> # Let us check if mu is 10
> t.test(one, mu = 10)
One Sample t-test
data: one
t = -10.081, df = 231, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 10
95 percent confidence interval:
7.741578 8.480045
sample estimates:
mean of x
When we tested the hypothesis that mu
equals 8, we got a very large p-value
in the first case. We cannot reject the null hypothesis.
The confidence interval for the sample mean includes the value of mu
In the second test, the small p-value
suggests that the probability of mu
being 10 is extremely low. The third case illustrates the syntax for changing the confidence level.
One-Sample One-Tailed t
Test in R
For a one-tailed test, the argument alternative
is used. This is the alternative hypothesis.
Example Code:
# One-sample, one-tailed t test.
t.test(one, mu = 10, alternative = "less", conf.level = 0.99)
# Change mu
t.test(one, mu = 8.3, alternative = "less", conf.level = 0.99)
> # One-sample, one-tailed t test.
> t.test(one, mu = 10, alternative = "less", conf.level = 0.99)
One Sample t-test
data: one
t = -10.081, df = 231, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 10
99 percent confidence interval:
-Inf 8.549816
sample estimates:
mean of x
> # Change mu
> t.test(one, mu = 8.3, alternative = "less", conf.level = 0.99)
One Sample t-test
data: one
t = -1.0095, df = 231, p-value = 0.1569
alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 8.3
99 percent confidence interval:
-Inf 8.549816
sample estimates:
mean of x
First, we tested the hypothesis that mu
is 10 or more and got a low p-value
We tested the hypothesis that mu
is 8.3 or more in the second case. Now the p-value
was higher.
Two-Sample t
Test in R
For the two-sample t
test, the data must be in the form of a data frame or a matrix.
- It must have both samples in a single numeric vector.
- The sample/group must be specified using a two-factor vector.
- Therefore, each row of the data frame or matrix contains observation and the group it belongs to.
- Depending on which factor is first and second, we need to calculate the difference of the first mean minus the second mean for the argument
. This is very important.
We will first test the hypothesis that two samples have the same mean. The second test checks whether the means differ by mu
Example Code:
# Create vectors and data frame.
two_a = rnorm(75, 8, 3.5)
two_b = rnorm(65, 8.5, 3)
two = c(two_a, two_b)
ftr = c(rep("A",75), rep("B",65))
dtf = data.frame(DV = two, FV = ftr)
# Two-sample t test for no difference in means.
t.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf)
# Two-sample t test for a difference of mu between the means.
t.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf, mu=-1.5)
# Two-sample t test with pooled variance at 90 percent confidence interval.
t.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf, var.equal=TRUE, conf.level=0.9)
> # Two-sample t test for no difference in means.
> t.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf)
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: DV by FV
t = -2.2723, df = 137.16, p-value = 0.02462
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group A and group B is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-2.3975526 -0.1663727
sample estimates:
mean in group A mean in group B
7.815221 9.097184
> # Two-sample t test for a difference of mu between the means.
> t.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf, mu=-1.5)
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: DV by FV
t = 0.38648, df = 137.16, p-value = 0.6997
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group A and group B is not equal to -1.5
95 percent confidence interval:
-2.3975526 -0.1663727
sample estimates:
mean in group A mean in group B
7.815221 9.097184
First, we performed the default two-sample t
test, the Welch test, and tested the null hypothesis that the difference of the means is 0. The p-value
is about 0.02.
Second, we tested whether the difference in means is -1.5.
The third case illustrates the syntax for the t
test, assuming that the two samples have the same variance.
Wilcoxon Test in R
The syntax for the Wilcoxon test is similar.
One-Sample Two-Sided Wilcoxon Test in R
The argument mu
is the median as per the null hypothesis we are testing.
Example Code:
# Wilcoxon test.
# One-sample two-tailed test.
wilcox.test(one, mu=8)
# Try a different mu.
wilcox.test(one, mu=9, )
> wilcox.test(one, mu=8)
Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction
data: one
V = 13992, p-value = 0.6408
alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 8
> # Try a different mu.
> wilcox.test(one, mu=9, )
Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction
data: one
V = 8953, p-value = 8.341e-06
alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 9
In the first case, the sample supports the null hypothesis that the median is 8.
In the second case, we get a very small p-value
Two-Sample Wilcoxon Test in R
This is also called the Mann-Whitney test.
Example Code:
# Test whether two locations differ by mu.
wilcox.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf, mu=-1.5)
wilcox.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf)
> # Test whether two two locations differ by mu.
> wilcox.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf, mu=-1.5)
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: DV by FV
W = 2530, p-value = 0.7007
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to -1.5
> wilcox.test(formula=DV~FV, data=dtf)
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: DV by FV
W = 1888, p-value = 0.0218
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
In the first case, we tested the hypothesis that the location of the two samples differs by -1.5. The large p-value
supports the null hypothesis.
We tested the hypothesis that the two samples have the same location in the second case.
Paired t
and Wilcoxon Tests in R
When data is paired, there are two observations per unit; we should use the paired version of these tests to test the hypothesis that there is no difference, or a specified difference, between the paired observations of the sample.
- We will use the argument
paired = TRUE
for these tests. - The data must be given in two separate numeric vectors of equal length to the arguments
Example Code:
# Data
m = rnorm(92, 15, 3)
n = rnorm(92, 14, 2.5)
# Paired t test. Testing for NO DIFFERENCE.
t.test(x=m, y=n, paired = TRUE)
# Paired Wilcoxon test.
wilcox.test(x=m, y=n, paired = TRUE, mu=1)
> # Paired t test. Testing for NO DIFFERENCE.
> t.test(x=m, y=n, paired = TRUE)
Paired t-test
data: m and n
t = 2.5187, df = 91, p-value = 0.01353
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.1962145 1.6605854
sample estimates:
mean of the differences
> # Paired Wilcoxon test.
> wilcox.test(x=m, y=n, paired = TRUE, mu=1)
Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction
data: m and n
V = 1930, p-value = 0.4169
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 1
In the example of the paired t
test, the null hypothesis that the difference is 0 cannot be supported by this sample.
In the paired Wilcoxon test, we tested the hypothesis that the difference is 1. We find the p-value
Other Tests in the stats
Package in R
The default installation of R includes the stats
package. This package provides many other functions to test hypotheses about sample statistics.
Run the code below to get a list of all the functions in the package.
Example Code:
library(help = "stats")
R provides documentation and examples for each test function that can be accessed via the inbuilt help.