How to Fix TypeError: 'map' Object Is Not Subscriptable in Python

  1. Cause of the TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable Error in Python
  2. Fix the TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable Error in Python
How to Fix TypeError: 'map' Object Is Not Subscriptable in Python

Every programming language encounters many errors. Some occur at the compile time, some at run time.

This article will discuss the TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable, a sub-class of TypeError. We encounter a TypeError when we try to perform an operation incompatible with the type of object.

Cause of the TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable Error in Python

Python 2 Map Operations in Python 3

In Python 2, the map() method returns a list. We can access the list’s elements using their index through the subscriptor operator [].

In Python 3, the map() method returns an object which is an iterator and cannot be subscripted. If we try to access the item using the subscript operator [], the TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable will be raised.

Example Code:

# Python 3.x
my_list = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
my_list = map(int, my_list)


#Python 3.x
<class 'map'>
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-07511913e32f> in <module>()
      2 my_list = map(int, my_list)
      3 print(type(my_list))
----> 4 my_list[0]

TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable

Fix the TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable Error in Python

Convert the Map Object to List in Python 3

If we convert the map object to a list using the list() method, we can use the subscript operator/list methods.

Example Code:

# Python 3.x
my_list = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
my_list = list(map(int, my_list))


#Python 3.x

Use the for Loop With Iterator in Python 3

We can access the items in the iterator using a for loop. It calls the __next__() method at the back and prints all the values.

Example Code:

# Python 3.x
my_list = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
my_list = list(map(int, my_list))
for i in my_list:


#Python 3.x
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Author: Fariba Laiq
Fariba Laiq avatar Fariba Laiq avatar

I am Fariba Laiq from Pakistan. An android app developer, technical content writer, and coding instructor. Writing has always been one of my passions. I love to learn, implement and convey my knowledge to others.


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