The sep Parameter in the Print Function in Python

Muhammad Waiz Khan Oct 10, 2023 Python
The sep Parameter in the Print Function in Python

This tutorial will explain the sep parameter in the print() function.

The print(objects, sep, end, file, flush) function converts the objects into strings and prints them to the provided file text stream; the end is the value that is appended at the end of the last input object. The flush is set True if the user wants to flush the stream forcibly. The sep argument is used as the separator that separates the objects being printed by the print() function.

the sep Argument of the print() Function in Python

The default value of the sep argument is ' ', which is why the multiple strings are printed by the print() function and separated by the ' '. The below example code demonstrates the output of the default value of the sep argument when the print() function is used:

print("hey", "hi", "hello")


hey hi hello

We can set the value of the sep argument by ourselves and separate the input objects (that we want to print) using the chosen sep value. The below example code demonstrates how to use different values as the sep argument of the print() function in Python.

print("hey", "hi", "hello", sep="_")
print("hey", "hi", "hello", sep="\t")
print("hey", "hi", "hello", sep="\n")


hey	hi	hello
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