if...else in Lambda Function Python

Hemank Mehtani Oct 10, 2023
if...else in Lambda Function Python

A lambda function is used to implement some simple logic in Python and can be thought of as an anonymous function. It can have many arguments but can only have one expression, just like any other function defined using the def keyword.

We can define lambda functions in a single line of code and have proven to be very useful in Python.

In this tutorial, we will use the if-else statement in lambda functions in Python.

The if-else statement is a conditional statement in Python used to execute both the True and False parts of the condition.

The code within the if block will execute when the condition code is True, and the else block when the condition is False.

We can incorporate the if-else statements within a lambda function in Python.

See the following example,

def test(a):
    return True if (a > 10 and a < 20) else False




Related Article - Python Lambda