Python Audio Synthesis

  1. Python Audio Synthesis
  2. Use IPython.display for Additive Synthesis in Python
  3. Make Various Basic Wave Forms With Additive Synthesis in Python
  4. Use pyaudio to Generate Audio Synthesis in Python
Python Audio Synthesis

Today, we will learn about audio synthesis and how we can generate sound using Python.

Python Audio Synthesis

Sound synthesis or audio synthesis generates sound electronically (using hardware or software) that mimics the human voice or musical instruments.

Synthesis is primarily for music, where an electronic device/instrument known as a synthesizer is used to record and perform music.

Now, the point is can we use Python to generate these kinds of simple sounds, for instance, sine wave? Do we have any module for that, or how can we create our own?

Let’s learn the different ways below.

Use IPython.display for Additive Synthesis in Python

  • First, we import the necessary modules and libraries. We import IPython to display sound player, numpy for working with arrays, matplotlib for plotting charts (we’ll be doing it while generating basic waveforms), and math to use mathematical functions.
    import IPython.display as ipd
    import numpy
    import math
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Set the sample rate. Here, we set the sample_rate with 22050.
    sample_rate = 22050
  • Make the sine waveform.
    def makesine(frequency, duration):
        t = numpy.linspace(0, duration, math.ceil(sample_rate * duration))
        x = numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * frequency * t)
        return x

    At this step, we define a function makesine(), which takes frequency and duration as parameters. We use duration in numpy.linspace() and frequency in numpy.sin() methods to reuse pure sine waveforms.

    Note that the numpy.linspace() creates numeric sequences, or we can say it returns evenly spaced numbers/samples w.r.t. interval (start,stop). It is similar to the numpy.arange() but takes a sample number (num) as a parameter instead of step.

    You can find more on that here.

    On the other hand, numpy.sin() calculates the trigonometric sine for all the specified x (an array of elements).

  • Run makesine().
    output = numpy.array(())
    y = makesine(261.63, 0.5)  # C for 0.5 seconds
    output = numpy.concatenate((output, y))
    y = makesine(293.66, 0.5)  # D for 0.5 seconds
    output = numpy.concatenate((output, y))
    y = makesine(329.63, 0.5)  # E for 0.5 seconds
    output = numpy.concatenate((output, y))
    ipd.Audio(output, rate=sample_rate)

    Next, we execute makesine() multiple times to form a new waveform with specified frequency and duration. After that, we use numpy.concatenate() to place all of them together.

    You can find the complete working source code below with the respective output.

  • Here is the complete source code.
    import IPython.display as ipd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy
    import math
    sample_rate = 22050
    def makesine(frequency, duration):
        t = numpy.linspace(0, duration, math.ceil(sample_rate * duration))
        x = numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * frequency * t)
        return x
    output = numpy.array(())
    y = makesine(261.63, 0.5)  # C for 0.5 seconds
    output = numpy.concatenate((output, y))
    y = makesine(293.66, 0.5)  # D for 0.5 seconds
    output = numpy.concatenate((output, y))
    y = makesine(329.63, 0.5)  # E for 0.5 seconds
    output = numpy.concatenate((output, y))
    ipd.Audio(output, rate=sample_rate)


    python audio synthesis - ipython display.wav

Make Various Basic Wave Forms With Additive Synthesis in Python

We are done with the basic sine waveform. Let’s experiment with various basic waveforms with frequencies at the integer multiples using frequency * i; here, i is the counter from 1 and increments by 1 every time.

We need to soften these sine waves into predefined amplitudes (amplist), which are then stacked up in the output. To make that happen, we are required to make a function named addsyn() as follows:

def addsyn(frequency, duration, amplist):
    i = 1
    t = numpy.linspace(0, duration, math.ceil(sample_rate * duration))
    output = numpy.zeros(t.size)

    for amp in amplist:
        x = numpy.multiply(makesine(frequency * i, duration), amp)
        output = output + x
        i += 1

    if numpy.max(output) > abs(numpy.min(output)):
        output = output / numpy.max(output)
        output = output / -numpy.min(output)
    return output

Inside the addsyn(), we initialize a new output. Inside the for loop, we make the sine waveform with a maximum amplitude (amp); here, frequency is an integer multiple.

Then, we sum it to the output and save it in the output variable. Next, we ensure that the maximum amplitude doesn’t exceed 1 and return the output.

Now, we can execute the following piece of code to make only one harmonic sine wave and make a chart for it that shows only 0.005 seconds to see this waveform shape.

t = numpy.linspace(0, 1, sample_rate)
sinewave = addsyn(440, 1, [1])
plt.plot(t, sinewave)
plt.xlim(0, 0.005)
ipd.Audio(sinewave, rate=sample_rate)

The complete source code would be as follows.

Example Code:

import IPython.display as ipd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import math

sample_rate = 22050

def addsyn(frequency, duration, amplist):
    i = 1
    t = numpy.linspace(0, duration, math.ceil(sample_rate * duration))
    output = numpy.zeros(t.size)

    for amp in amplist:
        x = numpy.multiply(makesine(frequency * i, duration), amp)
        output = output + x
        i += 1

    if numpy.max(output) > abs(numpy.min(output)):
        output = output / numpy.max(output)
        output = output / -numpy.min(output)
    return output

t = numpy.linspace(0, 1, sample_rate)
sinewave = addsyn(440, 1, [1])
plt.plot(t, sinewave)
plt.xlim(0, 0.005)
ipd.Audio(sinewave, rate=sample_rate)


python audio synthesis - basic sine waveform harmonic.wav

python audio synthesis - basic sine waveform harmonic graph

Now, we can play around with different values of the addsyn() function to get different outputs. See another example to create a square wave below.

Example Code:

import IPython.display as ipd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import math

sample_rate = 22050

def addsyn(frequency, duration, amplist):
    i = 1
    t = numpy.linspace(0, duration, math.ceil(sample_rate * duration))
    output = numpy.zeros(t.size)

    for amp in amplist:
        x = numpy.multiply(makesine(frequency * i, duration), amp)
        output = output + x
        i += 1

    if numpy.max(output) > abs(numpy.min(output)):
        output = output / numpy.max(output)
        output = output / -numpy.min(output)
    return output

t = numpy.linspace(0, 1, sample_rate)
square_wave = addsyn(440, 1, [1, 0, 0.349, 0, 0.214, 0, 0.156, 0, 0.121, 0])
plt.plot(t, square_wave)
plt.xlim(0, 0.005)
ipd.Audio(square_wave, rate=sample_rate)


python audio synthesis - basic sine waveform square.wav

python audio synthesis - basic sine waveform square graph

Use pyaudio to Generate Audio Synthesis in Python

Here, we will use pyaudio, a Python module recording audio with Python.

  • First, we import necessary libraries: math for performing mathematical functions and pyaudio for generating waves.
    import math  # import needed modules
    import pyaudio  # sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio
  • Initialize pyaudio.
    PyAudio = pyaudio.PyAudio
  • Initialize variables.
    bit_rate = 16000
    frequency = 500
    length = 1
    bit_rate = max(bit_rate, frequency + 100)
    number_of_frames = int(bit_rate * length)
    rest_frames = number_of_frames % bit_rate
    wave_data = ""

    Here, we initialized the bit_rate with 16000, which shows the number of frames per second. The frequency is set to 500 Hz denoting the waves per second (261.63=C4-note) while length is initialized with 1.

    After that, we use the max() function to find the maximum from bit_rate and frequency+100 and assign the maximum value to bit_rate. Then, we multiply the bit_rate and length, convert it to int type using the int() function and assign it to number_of_frames.

    Next, we use the modulo operator (%) to divide number_of_frames with bit_rate and assign the remainder to rest_frames. Finally, we initialize wave_data with an empty string.

  • Generate waves.
    for x in range(number_of_frames):
        wave_data = wave_data + chr(
            int(math.sin(x / ((bit_rate / frequency) / math.pi)) * 127 + 128)
    for x in range(rest_frames):
        wave_data = wave_data + chr(128)

    Here, we used two for loops that iterate until the number_of_frames to generate waves.

  • Record audio.
    p = PyAudio()
    stream =
        format=p.get_format_from_width(1), channels=1, rate=bit_rate, output=True

    Here, we created an instance of PyAudio, saved the reference in p, and used that reference to open a stream using the open() method, which will record audio. Next, we wrote wave_data, stopped the stream, and closed it. Finally, terminate the PyAudio instance (p) as well.

    You can read about open(), write(), stop_stream(), and close() here in detail.

  • Here is the complete source code.
    import math
    import pyaudio
    PyAudio = pyaudio.PyAudio
    bit_rate = 16000
    frequency = 500
    length = 1
    bit_rate = max(bit_rate, frequency + 100)
    number_of_frames = int(bit_rate * length)
    rest_frames = number_of_frames % bit_rate
    wave_data = ""
    for x in range(number_of_frames):
        wave_data = wave_data + chr(
            int(math.sin(x / ((bit_rate / frequency) / math.pi)) * 127 + 128)
    for x in range(rest_frames):
        wave_data = wave_data + chr(128)
    p = PyAudio()
    stream =
        format=p.get_format_from_width(1), channels=1, rate=bit_rate, output=True

    Once we execute the above code, we can hear a wave. Note that we are not saving this wave in a .wav file.

    You may read here to learn about saving in a .wav file.

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Mehvish Ashiq is a former Java Programmer and a Data Science enthusiast who leverages her expertise to help others to learn and grow by creating interesting, useful, and reader-friendly content in Computer Programming, Data Science, and Technology.

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