How to Parse Over Boolean Values in Command-Line Arguments in Python

Vaibhav Vaibhav Feb 02, 2024 Python
How to Parse Over Boolean Values in Command-Line Arguments in Python

When executing Python scripts from any command line, for example, the command prompt, the Git Bash, the Linux Terminal, the MAC Shell, etc., we can pass arguments or values to them. These values are known as command line arguments.

These arguments are generally integer numbers, floating numbers, strings, and boolean values represented as strings, which means that they have to be typecasted inside the code.

In this article, we will learn how to parse boolean values from command line arguments using Python.

Parse Boolean Values From Command Line Arguments Using the argparse Module in Python

Python has a bunch of essential in-built modules such as math, random, json, csv, etc. that aim to solve general and repetitive programming problems. One such package is the argparse that helps programmers quickly write user-friendly command-line interfaces. Using this module, one can define the arguments that the program requires to work correctly.

Apart from the definition, the argparse module can also define default values, error messages, help texts, and perform common actions over values such as validation, typecasting, conversion, etc. We can use the argparse module for our use case.

We will implement a program that needs a string value and two boolean values to work properly. This is just an example for understanding purposes.

Refer to the following Python code.

import argparse

def parse_boolean(value):
    value = value.lower()

    if value in ["true", "yes", "y", "1", "t"]:
        return True
    elif value in ["false", "no", "n", "0", "f"]:
        return False

    return False

def output(name, burger, cake):
    if burger and cake:
        return f"{name} is eating a burger and a cake."
    elif burger:
        return f"{name} is eating a burger."
    elif cake:
        return f"{name} is eating a cake."

    return f"{name} is eating nothing."

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="A program that accepts one string and two boolean values."
parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of a person.")
    "--burger", type=parse_boolean, default=False, help="Flag for burger."
parser.add_argument("--cake", type=parse_boolean, default=False, help="Flag for cake.")
args = parser.parse_args()
print(output(, args.burger, args.cake))

Python Code Explanation

The Python code above first creates an object of the ArgumentParser class. This class has all the utilities for parsing the command line arguments. Following is the class signature of this class.

class argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=None, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None, parents=[], formatter_class=argparse.HelpFormatter, prefix_chars='-', fromfile_prefix_chars=None, argument_default=None, conflict_handler='error', add_help=True, allow_abbrev=True, exit_on_error=True)

All these arguments are keyword arguments, and they should be passed as keyword arguments to the class.

Next, using this object’s add_argument() function, we add arguments to the parser. Following are some of the main arguments for this function.

  • name - A name or a list of option strings. For example, world, or --world and -w.
  • action - The action to take when this argument is found in the command line arguments.
  • nargs - The number of command-line arguments that should be considered.
  • type - The data type to which the argument should be converted.
  • const - A constant value required for action and nargs.
  • default - The default value that should be considered if the argument is missing from the command line arguments.
  • help - The help text for the argument.

We add three arguments, namely, name, --burger, and --cake. Here, name is a positional argument, and --burger and --cake are two optional arguments. We define the help text for each argument, and for optional arguments, we also define the default values.

Next, we convert the string arguments to their respective objects or data types using the parse_args() method. This method returns a Namespace object that contains all the arguments as keys pointing to their respective converted values. We can access these typecasted values as follows.

We also define two functions, namely, parse_boolean() and output(). The parse_boolean() function accepts the value entered as a command-line argument next to optional boolean arguments. Then it interprets the value and returns the corresponding boolean value.

Note that here the function will return False for any gibberish value. One can also raise an exception instead of returning some default value. You can test that using the following command.

python Vaibhav --burger Hello --cake World


Vaibhav is eating nothing.

The other function is the output() function. This function accepts the three values (one string and two booleans) and returns a suitable output string.


To test the program, execute the following commands from any command line. Note that the following commands consider that the above Python code is present inside a file by the name of

python Vaibhav --burger True --cake True
python Vaibhav --burger T --cake 0
python Vaibhav --burger False --cake False
python Vaibhav --burger True --cake False
python Vaibhav --burger False --cake True
python Vaibhav --burger ABC --cake XYZ
python Vaibhav
python Vaibhav --burger True
python Vaibhav --cake False


Vaibhav is eating a burger and a cake.
Vaibhav is eating a burger.
Vaibhav is eating nothing.
Vaibhav is eating a burger.
Vaibhav is eating a cake.
Vaibhav is eating nothing.
Vaibhav is eating nothing.
Vaibhav is eating a burger.
Vaibhav is eating nothing.
usage: [-h] [--burger BURGER] [--cake CAKE] name error: the following arguments are required: name

As we can see, the last command, python, throws an error. The reason behind the same is simple; name is a positional and compulsory argument.

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Vaibhav is an artificial intelligence and cloud computing stan. He likes to build end-to-end full-stack web and mobile applications. Besides computer science and technology, he loves playing cricket and badminton, going on bike rides, and doodling.