How to Fix ImportError: No Module Named mysql.connector

  1. Install MySQL Connector to Fix ImportError: No module named mysql.connector in Python
  2. Import the mysql.connector Module in Python
How to Fix ImportError: No Module Named mysql.connector

The ImportError is raised when the Python program cannot import the specified module or member of a module. It is because Python cannot locate the module you are trying to import.

The main reason for this error is that the module is not installed. The ImportError: No module named mysql.connector can be solved by installing the module MySQL Connector.

This tutorial teaches you to fix the error ImportError: No module named mysql.connector in Python.

Install MySQL Connector to Fix ImportError: No module named mysql.connector in Python

The module MySQL Connector does not come with the Python Standard Library. To import the module mysql.connector, you must install the MySQL driver mysql-connector-python.

Run the following command in the terminal.

pip install mysql-connector-python

For Python 3, use the command below.

pip3 install mysql-connector-python

You can also install the MySQL driver mysql-connector-python-rf to import mysql.connector in Python.

pip install mysql-connector-python-rf

After installing the module, run the Python program again, and the ImportError must be solved now.

Import the mysql.connector Module in Python

Verify if the installation was successful by importing the module mysql.connector.

Run the import command in Python.

import mysql.connector

The MySQL Connector is successfully installed if it does not return any errors.

Let’s see an example of a Python program to connect to the MySQL server.

import mysql.connector

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="rohan", password="pass1234", host="localhost")

The connect() constructor helps to establish a connection to the MySQL server. Replace the user, password, and host to match values in your MySQL server.


<mysql.connector.connection.MySQLConnection object at 0x000001B6F8BE0D30>

It returns a MySQLConnection object.

Now you know how to fix the ImportError: No module named mysql.connector in Python. You have learned to install the MySQL Connector and create a connection to the MySQL server.

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Rohan is a learner, problem solver, and web developer. He loves to write and share his understanding.

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