How to Check Whether a String Contains Substring in Python

  1. in Operator to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring
  2. str.find() Method to Check Whether a String Contains Substring
  3. str.index() Method
  4. Substring Checking Solution Conclusion
How to Check Whether a String Contains Substring in Python

It is quite often that we need to check whether the given string contains a specific substring. We will list some methods here, and then compare the running time performance to select the most efficient method.

We will take the string - It is a given string as the given string and given is the substring to be checked.

in Operator to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring

in operator is the membership checking operator. x in y is evaluated to be True if x is a member of y, or in other words, y contains x.

It returns True if the string y contains the substring x.

>>> "given" in "It is a given string"
>>> "gaven" in "It is a given string"

in Operator Performance

import timeit

def in_method(given, sub):
    return sub in given

print(min(timeit.repeat(lambda: in_method("It is a given string", "given"))))

str.find() Method to Check Whether a String Contains Substring

find is a built-in method of string - str.find(sub).

It returns the lowest index in str where substring sub is found, otherwise returns -1 if sub is not found.

>>> givenStr = 'It is a given string'
>>> givenStr.find('given')
>>> givenStr.find('gaven')

str.find() Method Performance

import timeit

def find_method(given, sub):
    return given.find(sub)

print(min(timeit.repeat(lambda: find_method("It is a given string", "given"))))

str.index() Method

str.index(sub) is a string built-in method that returns the lowest index in str where sub is found. It will raise ValueError when the substring sub is not found.

>>> givenStr = 'It is a given string'
>>> givenStr.index('given')
>>> givenStr.index('gaven')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: substring not found

str.index() Method Performance

import timeit

def find_method(given, sub):
    return given.find(sub)

print(min(timeit.repeat(lambda: find_method("It is a given string", "given"))))

Substring Checking Solution Conclusion

  1. in operator is the one you should use to check whether a substring exists in the given string because it is the fastest
  2. str.find() and str.index() could also be used but not the optimal because of the poor performance
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Author: Jinku Hu
Jinku Hu avatar Jinku Hu avatar

Founder of Jinku has worked in the robotics and automotive industries for over 8 years. He sharpened his coding skills when he needed to do the automatic testing, data collection from remote servers and report creation from the endurance test. He is from an electrical/electronics engineering background but has expanded his interest to embedded electronics, embedded programming and front-/back-end programming.

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