How to Remove Pandas DataFrame Index

  1. Remove Index of a Pandas DataFrame Using the reset_index() Method
  2. Remove Index of a Pandas DataFrame Using the set_index() Method
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How to Remove Pandas DataFrame Index

This tutorial will explain how we can remove the index of Pandas DataFrame.

We will use the DataFrame displayed below to show how we can remove the index.

import pandas as pd

my_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Person": ["Alice", "Steven", "Neesham", "Chris", "Alice"],
        "City": ["Berlin", "Montreal", "Toronto", "Rome", "Munich"],
        "Mother Tongue": ["German", "French", "English", "Italian", "German"],
        "Age": [37, 20, 38, 23, 35],
    index=["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],



    Person      City Mother Tongue  Age
A    Alice    Berlin         German   37
B   Steven  Montreal         French   20
C  Neesham   Toronto        English   38
D    Chris      Rome        Italian   23
E    Alice    Munich         German   35

Remove Index of a Pandas DataFrame Using the reset_index() Method

The pandas.DataFrame.reset_index() method will reset the index of the DataFrame to the default index.

import pandas as pd

my_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Person": ["Alice", "Steven", "Neesham", "Chris", "Alice"],
        "City": ["Berlin", "Montreal", "Toronto", "Rome", "Munich"],
        "Mother Tongue": ["German", "French", "English", "Italian", "German"],
        "Age": [37, 20, 38, 23, 35],
    index=["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],

df_reset = my_df.reset_index()

print("Before reseting Index:")
print(my_df, "\n")

print("After reseting Index:")


Before reseting Index:
    Person      City Mother Tongue  Age
A    Alice    Berlin         German   37
B   Steven  Montreal         French   20
C  Neesham   Toronto        English   38
D    Chris      Rome        Italian   23
E    Alice    Munich         German   35

After reseting Index:
  index   Person      City Mother Tongue  Age
0     A    Alice    Berlin         German   37
1     B   Steven  Montreal         French   20
2     C  Neesham   Toronto        English   38
3     D    Chris      Rome        Italian   23
4     E    Alice    Munich         German   35

It will reset the index of the my_df DataFrame but the index will now appear as the index column. If we want to drop the index column, we can set drop=True in the reset_index() method.

import pandas as pd

my_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Person": ["Alice", "Steven", "Neesham", "Chris", "Alice"],
        "City": ["Berlin", "Montreal", "Toronto", "Rome", "Munich"],
        "Mother Tongue": ["German", "French", "English", "Italian", "German"],
        "Age": [37, 20, 38, 23, 35],
    index=["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],

df_reset = my_df.reset_index(drop=True)

print("Before reseting Index:")
print(my_df, "\n")

print("After reseting Index:")


Before reseting Index:
    Person      City Mother Tongue  Age
A    Alice    Berlin         German   37
B   Steven  Montreal         French   20
C  Neesham   Toronto        English   38
D    Chris      Rome        Italian   23
E    Alice    Munich         German   35

After reseting Index:
    Person      City Mother Tongue  Age
0    Alice    Berlin         German   37
1   Steven  Montreal         French   20
2  Neesham   Toronto        English   38
3    Chris      Rome        Italian   23
4    Alice    Munich         German   35

Remove Index of a Pandas DataFrame Using the set_index() Method

The pandas.DataFrame.set_index() method will set the column passed as an argument as the index of the DataFrame overriding the initial index.

import pandas as pd

my_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Person": ["Alice", "Steven", "Neesham", "Chris", "Alice"],
        "City": ["Berlin", "Montreal", "Toronto", "Rome", "Munich"],
        "Mother Tongue": ["German", "French", "English", "Italian", "German"],
        "Age": [37, 20, 38, 23, 35],
    index=["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],

df_reset = my_df.set_index("Person")

print("Initial DataFrame:")
print(my_df, "\n")

print("After setting Person column as Index:")


Initial DataFrame:
    Person      City Mother Tongue  Age
A    Alice    Berlin         German   37
B   Steven  Montreal         French   20
C  Neesham   Toronto        English   38
D    Chris      Rome        Italian   23
E    Alice    Munich         German   35

After setting Person column as Index:
             City Mother Tongue  Age
Alice      Berlin         German   37
Steven   Montreal         French   20
Neesham   Toronto        English   38
Chris        Rome        Italian   23
Alice      Munich         German   35

It sets the Person column as an index of the my_df DataFrame overriding the initial index of the DataFrame.

Author: Suraj Joshi
Suraj Joshi avatar Suraj Joshi avatar

Suraj Joshi is a backend software engineer at


Related Article - Pandas Index