Introduction to Pandas Family Tree

  1. Tree Data Structure and Its Importance
  2. Pandas Family Tree
Introduction to Pandas Family Tree

This tutorial introduces tree data structure and its types and then deep dive into implementing the family tree (also known as hierarchical tree/general tree) in Python.

Tree Data Structure and Its Importance

In computer science, a tree is inspired by a real-world tree having roots, branches, and leaves; the only difference is that the tree data structure is visualized upside down where the root is at the top of the tree. Let’s have a visual representation below.

visualize tree

In the above tree, every entity is known as a node. The Electronics node is the root node; it has two child nodes Laptops and Cell Phones, where each child node is the parent of leaf nodes (those nodes which do not have children).

Each arrow is an edge to connect two nodes. We can visualize this as follows.

visualize tree terms

We can see that Level-0 has the root node, which is Electronics, Level-1 has two nodes, Laptops and Cell Phones, where:

  1. Laptops is the child node of Electronics and parent of the leaf nodes (MacBook, Microsoft Surface, ThinkPad).
  2. Cell Phones is the child node of Electronics and parent of the leaf nodes (iPhone, Android, Vivo).

We can also say that Electronics and Cell Phones are the Ancestors of the iPhone. Similarly, Cell Phones and iPhone are the descendants of the Electronics node. The same case applies to Laptops.

It is also known as hierarchical data structures due to child-parent hierarchy. It is widely used where simplifying the problem, speeding it up, searching and sorting is required, for instance, file system.

We use trees where we need to represent non-linear data structures. To use a tree data structure, we must satisfy a property that states each tree has a particular root node and each child node has a parent while a parent can have many children.

This property must be satisfied for each tree data structure, but there are different additional properties for different tree data structures.

The types of tree data structure include General Tree, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree (BST), Adelson-Velshi and Landis (AVL) Tree, Red-Black Tree, and N-ary Tree that you can find here, for this tutorial, we are only focused on General Tree.

Pandas Family Tree

We have a table below where we stored information about the ancestors. There must not be a constraint on children; each node may have an infinite number of child nodes.

So, we are using the general tree to implement the family tree.

In a general tree, there is no restriction on the tree’s hierarchy, and every node can have an unlimited number of child nodes. Note that the general tree is a super-set of all other tree data structures.

Ancestors’ Information Table:

id gender first_name last_name dob dod fid mid birth_place job
AnAn M Antonio Andolini 1901 Corleone
SiAn F Signora Andolini 1901 Corleone housewife
PaAn87 M Paolo Andolini 1887 1901 AnAn SiAn
ViCo92 M Vito Corleone 1892 1954 AnAn SiAn Corleone godfather
CaCo97 F Carmella Corleone 1897 1959
ToHa10 M Tom Hagen 1910 1970 ViCo92 CaCo97 New York consigliere
SaCo16 M Santino Corleone 1916 1948 ViCo92 CaCo97 New York gangster
SaCo17 F Sandra Colombo 1917 Messina
FrCo19 M Frederico Corleone 1919 1959 ViCo92 CaCo97 New York casino manager
MiCo20 M Michael Corleone 1920 1997 ViCo92 CaCo97 New York godfather
ThHa20 F Theresa Hagen 1920 New Jersey art expert
LuMa23 F Lucy Mancini 1923 hotel employee
KaAd24 F Kay Adams 1934
FrCo37 F Francessa Corleone 1937 SaCo16 SaCo17
KaCo37 F Kathryn Corleone 1937 SaCo16 SaCo17
FrCo40 F Frank Corleone 1940 SaCo16 SaCo17
SaCo45 M Santino Jr. Corleone 1945 SaCo16 SaCo17
FrHa M Frank Hagen 1940 ToHa10 Th20
AnHa42 M Andrew Hagen 1942 ToHa10 Th20 priest
ViMa M Vincent Mancini 1948 SaCo16 LuMa23 New York godfather
GiHa58 F Gianna Hagen 1948 ToHa10 Th20
AnCo51 M Anthony Corleone 1951 MiCo20 KaAd24 New York singer
MaCo53 F Mary Corleone 1953 1979 MiCo20 KaAd24 New York student
ChHa54 F Christina Hagen 1954 ToHa10 Th20
CoCo27 F Constanzia Corleone 1927 ViCo92 CaCo97 New York rentier
CaRi20 M Carlo Rizzi 1920 1955 Nevada bookmaker
ViRi49 M Victor Rizzi 1949 CaRi20 CoCo27 New York
MiRi M Michael Rizzi 1955 CaRi20 CoCo27

We can see the relationship between individuals as the direct acyclic graph (DAG), but we will be using a graph drawing to represent this table as a family tree by following the given steps below.

{{ % step %}}

  • Import Required Libraries and Read Data
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from graphviz import Digraph

    We import the pandas library for reading data from a .csv file and use data frames for manipulating data. Then, we import numpy and graphviz to work with arrays and generate a direct acyclic graph (DAG), respectively.

  • Read Data
    rawdf = pd.read_csv("./data.csv", keep_default_na=False)

    The read_csv() method is used to read the data.csv file while keep_default_na=False is used to have blank cells instead of NaN.

  • Transform Table into an Edge List

    Next, we have to go through the following code to transform our table into an edge list where the start vertex is the id, and the end vertex is the ParentID.

    Create Two Data Frames:

element1 = rawdf[["id", "mid"]]
element2 = rawdf[["id", "fid"]]

    "'element1' head data:\n",
    "'element2' head data: \n",


'element1' head data:
	  id   mid
0    AnAn
1    SiAn
2 PaAn87 SiAn
3 ViCo92 SiAn
4 CaCo97

'element2' head data:
	  id   fid
0    AnAn
1    SiAn
2 PaAn87 AnAn
3 ViCo92 AnAn
4 CaCo97
Here, we make two new data frames, `element1` and `element2`, where the `element1` data frame has two columns, `id` and `mid`, while the `element2` data frame has `id` and `fid` as its columns.

Rename the Column Names:


element1.columns = ["Child", "ParentID"]
element2.columns = element1.columns

    "'element1' data:\n",
    "'element2' data: \n",

'element1' data:
   Child ParentID
0    AnAn
1    SiAn
2 PaAn87     SiAn
3 ViCo92     SiAn
4 CaCo97

'element2' data:
   Child ParentID
0    AnAn
1    SiAn
2 PaAn87     AnAn
3 ViCo92     AnAn
4 CaCo97

The above code snippet renames the column names of `element1` and `element2` data frames to `Child` and `ParentID`, as shown in the above output.

Concatenate Data Frames and Replace Blank Cells with `NaN`:

element = pd.concat([element1, element2])
element.replace("", np.nan, regex=True, inplace=True)

  Child ParentID
0    AnAn      NaN
1    SiAn      NaN
2 PaAn87     SiAn
3 ViCo92     SiAn
4 CaCo97      NaN

The `concat()` method is used to concatenate `element1` and `element2` data frames to make a new data frame called `element` while the `replace()` method replaces blank cells with `NaN`.

Replace Each Blank in `ParentID` with a Particular String:

t = pd.DataFrame({"tmp": ["no_entry" + str(i) for i in range(element.shape[0])]})
element["ParentID"].fillna(t["tmp"], inplace=True)

Merge Data Frames:

df = element.merge(rawdf, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left")

  Child   ParentID      id gender first_name last_name   dob   dod   fid  \
0    AnAn no_entry0    AnAn      M    Antonio Andolini        1901
0    AnAn no_entry0    AnAn      M    Antonio Andolini        1901
1    SiAn no_entry1    SiAn      F    Signora Andolini        1901
1    SiAn no_entry1    SiAn      F    Signora Andolini        1901
2 PaAn87       SiAn PaAn87      M      Paolo Andolini 1887 1901 AnAn

  mid birth_place        job
0          Corleone
0          Corleone
1          Corleone housewife
1          Corleone housewife
2 SiAn

Here, we use `merge()` to update the data of two data frames by using the specified method(s) to merge them. We use specific parameters to control which data values should be replaced and which should be kept.

For that, we are using the following parameters briefly described below.

1. `rawdf` - Required data frame to merge with.
2. `left_index` - Based on its value, we can decide whether to use the left data frame's index as a joining key.

	If it is set to `True`, then we can use it; otherwise, not. By default, its value is `False`.

3. `right_index` - It is similar to the `left_index` but here, we have to decide whether we can use the right data frame's index as a joining key.

	If it is set to `True`, then we can use it; otherwise, not. By default, its value is also `False`.
4. `how` - It indicates how to merge `left`, `outer`, `right`, `cross`, or `inner`. By default, its value is `inner`.

Create a `name` Column Having Full Name:

df["name"] = df[df.columns[4:6]].apply(
    lambda x: " ".join(x.dropna().astype(str)), axis=1


  Child   ParentID      id gender first_name last_name   dob   dod   fid  \
0    AnAn no_entry0    AnAn      M    Antonio Andolini        1901
0    AnAn no_entry0    AnAn      M    Antonio Andolini        1901
1    SiAn no_entry1    SiAn      F    Signora Andolini        1901
1    SiAn no_entry1    SiAn      F    Signora Andolini        1901
2 PaAn87       SiAn PaAn87      M      Paolo Andolini 1887 1901 AnAn

  mid birth_place        job              name
0          Corleone             Antonio Andolini
0          Corleone             Antonio Andolini
1          Corleone housewife Signora Andolini
1          Corleone housewife Signora Andolini
2 SiAn                           Paolo Andolini
Here, we use the `lambda` expression to iterate over each row and join `first_name` and `last_name`. Then, we place this full name in a new column called `name`, as seen in the above output.

Drop a Few Columns and Change the Order of Columns in the `df` Data Frame:


df = df.drop(["Child", "fid", "mid", "first_name", "last_name"], axis=1)
df = df[["id", "name", "gender", "dob", "dod", "birth_place", "job", "ParentID"]]


	 id              name gender   dob   dod birth_place        job ParentID
0    AnAn Antonio Andolini      M        1901    Corleone             no_entry0
0    AnAn Antonio Andolini      M        1901    Corleone             no_entry0
1    SiAn Signora Andolini      F        1901    Corleone housewife no_entry1
1    SiAn Signora Andolini      F        1901    Corleone housewife no_entry1
2 PaAn87    Paolo Andolini      M 1887 1901                         SiAn

First, we drop the `Child`, `fid`, `mid`, `first_name`, and `last_name` columns from the `df` data frame and change the order of columns, as you can see in the resulting data frame.
  • Generate Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG)

    You must have graphviz on your system to generate DAG.

f = Digraph(
    node_attr={"color": "lightblue2", "style": "filled"},
f.attr("node", shape="box")
for index, record in df.iterrows():
    f.edge(str(record["ParentID"]), str(record["id"]), label="")

This code snippet uses `graphviz`'s `Digraph()` class which takes a few attributes and creates a directed graph description in [DOT]( language, we save this reference in the `f` variable which is chained with `.attr()` method to specify the node's shape.

Finally, we iterate the `df` data frame to create edges and view the graph using `f.view()`.


![dag output one](</img/Pandas/introduction-to-pandas-family-tree---dag-output-one.webp>)

Suppose we want to have the following things in our graph:

1. One color for females and another color for males.
2. Replacing names with IDs
3. Arrows that look like family tree arrows
4. To add more details in each box (node), for instance, `job`, `dob`, `dod` etc.
To do that, execute the following code:

f = Digraph(
    node_attr={"style": "filled"},
    graph_attr={"concentrate": "true", "splines": "ortho"},
f.attr("node", shape="box")

for index, row in df.iterrows():
        + "\n"
        + row["job"]
        + "\n"
        + str(row["dob"])
        + "\n"
        + row["birth_place"]
        + "\n"
        + str(row["dod"]),
            "color": "lightpink"
            if row["gender"] == "F"
            else "lightblue"
            if row["gender"] == "M"
            else "lightgray"

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    f.edge(str(row["ParentID"]), str(row["id"]), label="")

![dag output two](</img/Pandas/introduction-to-pandas-family-tree---dag-output-two.webp>)

We use `graph_attr={"concentrate": "true", "splines": "ortho"})` to group edges with the exact starting and ending node and with square edges. The `label=` is used to display `name`, `job`, `dob`, `birth_place` and `dod` for the graph nodes.

The `_attributes={'color':'lightpink' if row['S']=='F' else 'lightblue' if row['S']=='M' else 'lightgray'}` is used to define colors for each node according to their `gender` property. You can find the complete source code below.

{{ % /step %}}

Complete Source Code:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from graphviz import Digraph

rawdf = pd.read_csv("./data.csv", keep_default_na=False)
element1 = rawdf[["id", "mid"]]
element2 = rawdf[["id", "fid"]]
element1.columns = ["Child", "ParentID"]
element2.columns = element1.columns

element = pd.concat([element1, element2])
element.replace("", np.nan, regex=True, inplace=True)
t = pd.DataFrame({"tmp": ["no_entry" + str(i) for i in range(element.shape[0])]})
element["ParentID"].fillna(t["tmp"], inplace=True)
df = element.merge(rawdf, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left")

df["name"] = df[df.columns[4:6]].apply(
    lambda x: " ".join(x.dropna().astype(str)), axis=1
df = df.drop(["Child", "fid", "mid", "first_name", "last_name"], axis=1)
df = df[["id", "name", "gender", "dob", "dod", "birth_place", "job", "ParentID"]]

f = Digraph(
    node_attr={"color": "lightblue2", "style": "filled"},
f.attr("node", shape="box")

for index, record in df.iterrows():
    f.edge(str(record["ParentID"]), str(record["id"]), label="")

f = Digraph(
    node_attr={"style": "filled"},
    graph_attr={"concentrate": "true", "splines": "ortho"},
f.attr("node", shape="box")

for index, row in df.iterrows():
        + "\n"
        + row["job"]
        + "\n"
        + str(row["dob"])
        + "\n"
        + row["birth_place"]
        + "\n"
        + str(row["dod"]),
            "color": "lightpink"
            if row["gender"] == "F"
            else "lightblue"
            if row["gender"] == "M"
            else "lightgray"

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    f.edge(str(row["ParentID"]), str(row["id"]), label="")
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Mehvish Ashiq avatar Mehvish Ashiq avatar

Mehvish Ashiq is a former Java Programmer and a Data Science enthusiast who leverages her expertise to help others to learn and grow by creating interesting, useful, and reader-friendly content in Computer Programming, Data Science, and Technology.

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