How to Return Value in PowerShell

  1. Using the return Keyword in PowerShell
  2. Return Values in the Pipeline in PowerShell
  3. Defining Classes in PowerShell 5
How to Return Value in PowerShell

In general, the return keyword exits a function, script, or script block. So, for example, we can use it to leave a scope at a specific point, return a value, or indicate that the scope’s end has been reached.

However, in Windows PowerShell, using the return keyword can be a little bit confusing as your script may print an output that you may not have expected.

This article will discuss how the return keyword works and how to properly use them in Windows PowerShell.

Using the return Keyword in PowerShell

The script block below is the basic form of the syntax of the return keyword.

return <expression>

The return keyword can appear alone, or a value or expression can follow it. The return keyword alone will return the command line to its previous calling point.

return $a
return (1 + $a)

The example below uses the return keyword to exit a function if a conditional is met at a specific point. In this example, the odd numbers are not multiplied because the return statement goes before that statement can execute.

function MultiplyOnlyEven {

    if ($num % 2) { return "$num is not even" }
    $num * 2

1..10 | ForEach-Object { MultiplyOnlyEven -Num $_ }


1 is not even
3 is not even
5 is not even
7 is not even
9 is not even

Windows PowerShell has confusing return semantics when viewed from a more native programming perspective. There are two main ideas that we need to consider:

  1. All output is captured and returned.
  2. The return keyword indicates a logical exit point.

With that being said, the following couple of script blocks will return the value of the $a variable.

Return keyword with an expression:

$a = "Hello World"
return $a

Return keyword without an expression:

$a = "Hello World"

The return keyword is also not needed in the second script block, as calling the variable in the command-line will explicitly return that said variable.

Return Values in the Pipeline in PowerShell

When you return a value from your script block or function, Windows PowerShell automatically pops the members and pushes them one at a time through the pipeline. The reason behind this use case is due to Windows PowerShell’s one-at-a-time processing.

The following function demonstrates this idea will return an array of numbers.

function Test-Return {
    $array = 1, 2, 3
    return $array
Test-Return | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count



When using the Test-Return cmdlet, the output from the function below is piped to the Measure-Object cmdlet. The cmdlet will count the number of objects in the pipeline, and as executed, the returned count is three.

To make a script block or function return only a single object to the pipeline, use one of the following methods:

Utilizing Unary Array Expression in PowerShell

Utilizing a unary expression can send your return value down the pipeline as a single object, as demonstrated by the following example.

function Test-Return {
    $array = 1, 2, 3
    return (, $array)
Test-Return | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count



Use Write-Output With NoEnumerate Parameter in PowerShell

We can also use the Write-Output cmdlet with the -NoEnumerate parameter. The example below uses the Measure-Object cmdlet to count the objects sent to the pipeline from the sample function by the return keyword.

Example Code:

function Test-Return {
    $array = 1, 2, 3
    return Write-Output -NoEnumerate $array
Test-Return | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count



Another method of forcing the pipeline to return only a single object is introduced in PowerShell version 5, which we will discuss in the article’s next section.

Defining Classes in PowerShell 5

With Windows PowerShell version 5.0, we can now create and define our custom classes. Change your function into a class, and the return keyword will only return the single object immediately preceding it.

Example Code:

class test_class {
    [int]return_what() {
        Write-Output "Hello, World!"
        return 1000
$tc = New-Object -TypeName test_class



If the above class is a function, it will return all of the stored values in the pipeline.


Hello World!
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Marion Paul Kenneth Mendoza avatar Marion Paul Kenneth Mendoza avatar

Marion specializes in anything Microsoft-related and always tries to work and apply code in an IT infrastructure.
