How to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function

  1. Use Array to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function
  2. Use [PSCustomObject] to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function
  3. Use Hash Tables to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function
  4. Use Custom Objects to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function
  5. Conclusion
How to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function

When working with PowerShell functions, there often arises a need to return multiple values efficiently. One effective approach is to utilize arrays, [PSCustomObject], hash tables or custom objects to encapsulate and present these values.

In this article, we’ll delve into how to use the methods mentioned to return multiple items from a PowerShell function. We’ll outline step-by-step procedures for each method and provide code examples to illustrate their implementation and showcase their outputs.

Use Array to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function

To return multiple values from a PowerShell function using an array, follow these steps:

  • Declare an Array Variable: Start by declaring an array variable within the function to hold the multiple values you want to return.
  • Populate the Array: Populate the array with the desired values that you want to return. You can add elements to the array using indexing.
  • Return the Array: Return the populated array as the output of the function.

Let’s create a simple PowerShell function that returns multiple values using an array.

function Get-MultipleValues {
    $values = @()

    $values += "Value1"
    $values += "Value2"
    $values += "Value3"

    return $values

$resultArray = Get-MultipleValues

Write-Output "Values returned from the function:"
foreach ($value in $resultArray) {
    Write-Output $value


Values returned from the function:

In this example, we have a function named Get-MultipleValues. Within the function, we declare an array variable $values.

We then populate this array with three values: "Value1", "Value2", and "Value3". Finally, we return the populated array as the output of the function.

When calling the function, we store the result in a variable ($resultArray) and display the values within the array using a loop.

Use [PSCustomObject] to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function

You can also use [PSCustomObject] to create custom objects in PowerShell. It allows you to define properties and values for an object, making it a suitable choice for returning multiple values from a function.

To create a custom object using [PSCustomObject], you simply define the properties and their corresponding values like this:

$customObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    Property1 = 'Value1'
    Property2 = 'Value2'

To return multiple values using [PSCustomObject] in a PowerShell function, begin by defining the PowerShell function and creating an instance of [PSCustomObject]. Define the properties and values you want to return within the custom object.

function Get-MultipleValues {
    param (

    $resultObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Name    = $Value1
        Age     = $Value2
        Address = $Value3

    return $resultObject

Now, you can call the function and retrieve the custom object containing multiple values.

$result = Get-MultipleValues -Value1 'Rohan' -Value2 21 -Value3 'UK'

Write-Output "Values returned from the function:"
foreach ($value in $result) {
    Write-Output $value


Values returned from the function:
Name  Age Address
----  --- -------
Rohan  21 UK

As we can see, the PowerShell code above introduces a function named Get-MultipleValues. This function, tagged with [CmdletBinding()], indicates its ability to utilize common cmdlet parameters.

Within the function, three parameters are defined: $Value1 (a string), $Value2 (an integer), and $Value3 (a string). The function constructs a custom object named $resultObject using these parameters, assigning them to properties Name, Age, and Address within the custom object.

The return $resultObject statement ensures that this custom object is returned as the output of the Get-MultipleValues function.

After that, the script calls the Get-MultipleValues function, specifying values for each parameter: $Value1 is set to 'Rohan', $Value2 is set to 21, and $Value3 is set to 'UK'. The resulting custom object, incorporating the provided parameter values, is stored in the variable $result.

Following this, the script employs Write-Output to present a message on the console and initiates a loop, traversing through the properties of the custom object held in $result. For each property, the script displays both the property name and its respective value on the console.

Use Hash Tables to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function

A hash table in PowerShell is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Each key must be unique, and the associated value can be of any data type.

It is also called a dictionary or associative array. Hash tables are particularly useful when you need to store and retrieve data based on specific keys, providing a structured way to organize information.

To return multiple values from a PowerShell function using hash tables, follow these steps:

  • Create a Hash Table: Instantiate a hash table within the function to store the key-value pairs representing the data you want to return.

    You can create a hash table in PowerShell using @{}. The keys and values are placed in the {} brackets.

    The syntax to create a hash table is as follows.

    @{ <key> = <value>; [<key> = <value> ] ... }
  • Add Key-Value Pairs: Add the key-value pairs to the hash table, associating each value with a unique key.
  • Return the Hash Table: Return the populated hash table as the output of the function.

Let’s have an example that uses the hash table to return multiple values from a function named user.


function user() {
    $hash = @{ Name = 'Rohan'; Age = 21; Address = 'UK' }
    return $hash

$a = user
Write-Host "$($a.Name) is $($a.Age) and lives in $($a.Address)."


Rohan is 21 and lives in UK.

As we can see, this code defines a function named user() using the function keyword. Within this function, a hash table named $hash is created using the @{} syntax, containing three key-value pairs: Name with the value 'Rohan', Age with the value 21, and Address with the value 'UK'.

The return $hash statement ensures that this hash table is the output of the user() function.

Subsequently, the script calls the user() function and assigns the resulting hash table to the variable $a. This means that $a now holds the hash table returned by the user() function.

Finally, the Write-Host cmdlet is used to display a message to the console. The message incorporates the values from the hash table stored in $a, retrieved using $($a.Name), $($a.Age), and $($a.Address) to access the Name, Age, and Address values respectively.

Now, let’s create another PowerShell function that calculates the sum and product of two numbers and returns the results using a hash table.

function Calculate-SumAndProduct {

    $resultHashTable = @{
        Sum     = $num1 + $num2
        Product = $num1 * $num2

    return $resultHashTable

$inputNum1 = 5
$inputNum2 = 7

$result = Calculate-SumAndProduct -num1 $inputNum1 -num2 $inputNum2

Write-Output "Sum: $($result['Sum'])"
Write-Output "Product: $($result['Product'])"


Sum: 12
Product: 35

This code begins by defining a function called Calculate-SumAndProduct, which accepts two int parameters, $num1 and $num2. Inside the function, a hash table named $resultHashTable is created using the @{} syntax.

This hash table contains two key-value pairs: Sum with a value equal to the sum of $num1 and $num2, and Product with a value equal to the product of $num1 and $num2. The function then returns this hash table, making it the output of the Calculate-SumAndProduct function.

Moving forward in the script, two input numbers are defined: $inputNum1 with a value of 5 and $inputNum2 with a value of 7. The Calculate-SumAndProduct function is called with these input numbers, and the resulting hash table is stored in a variable named $result.

Finally, the script uses the Write-Output cmdlet to display the sum and product values by accessing the corresponding values in the hash table stored in $result.

Use Custom Objects to Return Several Items From a PowerShell Function

A custom object in PowerShell is an instance of the System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject class. It allows you to define properties and values associated with those properties, mimicking a real-world object.

Custom objects are flexible and enable the organization and retrieval of data in a structured manner.

To return multiple values from a PowerShell function using custom objects, follow these steps:

  • Define a Custom Object: Create a custom object within the function and define properties for the values you want to return.
  • Assign Property Values: Assign the values you want to return to the properties of the custom object.
  • Return the Custom Object: Return the populated custom object as the output of the function.

Let’s create a PowerShell function that calculates the sum and product of two numbers and returns the results using a custom object.

function Calculate-SumAndProduct {

    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject
    $resultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Sum" -Value ($num1 + $num2)
    $resultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Product" -Value ($num1 * $num2)

    return $resultObject

$inputNum1 = 5
$inputNum2 = 7

$result = Calculate-SumAndProduct -num1 $inputNum1 -num2 $inputNum2

Write-Output "Sum: $($result.Sum)"
Write-Output "Product: $($result.Product)"


Sum: 12
Product: 35

In this example, we defined a function named Calculate-SumAndProduct that takes two input numbers ($num1 and $num2). Inside the function, we created a custom object named $resultObject and added properties (Sum and Product) to it, assigning the respective calculated values.

When calling the function with input numbers (5 and 7), we store the result in a variable ($result). We then displayed the sum and product by accessing the properties of the result custom object.


This article has explored various techniques to return multiple values from a function, including using arrays, [PSCustomObject], hash tables, and custom objects. Each method offers its advantages and can be selected based on the specific requirements of your script.

Arrays provide a straightforward way to return multiple values, especially when the data items share a similar type or structure. [PSCustomObject] enables you to create custom objects with named properties, offering a structured approach for returning data.

Hash tables excel in scenarios where data retrieval is based on specific keys, providing an organized and efficient solution. Custom objects, built using the [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] class, offer flexibility and mimic real-world objects.

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Rohan Timalsina avatar Rohan Timalsina avatar

Rohan is a learner, problem solver, and web developer. He loves to write and share his understanding.

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