How to Split a String Into Separate Variables in PowerShell

Rohan Timalsina Feb 02, 2024
  1. Use the Split() Function to Split a String Into Separate Variables in PowerShell
  2. Use the -Split Flag to Split a String Into Separate Variables in PowerShell
How to Split a String Into Separate Variables in PowerShell

A string is the sequence of characters used to represent texts. It is one of the common data type in PowerShell.

You can define the string in PowerShell using single or double quotes. PowerShell string is created with the System.String object type. This tutorial will introduce two methods to split a string into separate variables in PowerShell.

Use the Split() Function to Split a String Into Separate Variables in PowerShell

The Split() is a built-in function used to split a string in PowerShell. We can store the result of the Split() function into multiple variables.

We have created a string variable $print as shown below.

$print = "Hello World"

To split a string of $print into two separate variables $a and $b, we can use:

$a, $b = $print.Split()

It splits the string on characters like spaces, line breaks, and tabs by default.

Check the data in variable $a.




Check the data in variable $b.




A delimiter is a character that marks the beginning or end of a data. You can specify a delimiter with single ' ' or double quotes " ". It allows you to split the string on the desired character. The specified character will be removed from the resulting string.

For example, if you want to split on the letter l, you can use:

$a, $b = $print.Split("l")



You can also select the maximum number of strings to split into. For example, if you need to split the string into 3 parts, you can use:

$a, $b = $print.Split("l", 3)

Use the -Split Flag to Split a String Into Separate Variables in PowerShell

The -Split flag also splits a string in PowerShell, and the resulting string can be stored into separate variables. It is similar to the above method.

We have a string variable $new.

$new = "Happy New Year."

To separate a string of $new into separate variables, you can use the -Split option like the command below.

$new1, $new2, $new3 = $new -Split " "



Check other variables data in your PowerShell console to see the result. You can also try using different delimiters and strings.

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Rohan is a learner, problem solver, and web developer. He loves to write and share his understanding.

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