How to Compare Folders in PowerShell

How to Compare Folders in PowerShell

This tutorial demonstrates how to compare two folders using PowerShell.

PowerShell Compare Folders

Comparing two folders in PowerShell is an easy step-by-step process. We can use the Compare-Object method of PowerShell to compare the contents of the given folders.

See the stepwise process for the given two folders:

Folder 1

Folder 2

Get the Contents of the Folders

The first step is to get the contents of the given folder. First, run the following commands to get the children of the folders:

$SourceFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\Sheeraz\DemoFolder1
$DestinationFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\Sheeraz\DemoFolder2

The above command will get the contents of the folder. And to show the contents, call the declared variable:


The output for the source folder content is:

    Directory: C:\Users\Sheeraz\DemoFolder1

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----          9/9/2022  12:38 PM            399
-a----         8/30/2022   2:45 PM             51 delftstack.rtf
-a----         11/1/2022  12:55 PM         127286 demo.bmp
-a----         7/27/2022   4:15 PM            318

The output for the destination folder content is:

    Directory: C:\Users\Sheeraz\DemoFolder2

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----         9/20/2022   5:16 PM             68 composer.json
-a----         9/20/2022   5:16 PM           4774 composer.lock
-a----         9/20/2022   4:11 PM        2801573 composer.phar
-a----         8/30/2022   2:45 PM             51 delftstack - Copy.rtf
-a----          9/9/2022  12:38 PM            399
-a----         8/30/2022   2:45 PM             51 delftstack.rtf
-a----         11/1/2022  12:55 PM         127286 demo - Copy.bmp
-a----         11/1/2022  12:55 PM         127286 demo.bmp
-a----         7/27/2022   4:15 PM            318

Calculate the Number of Files and the Length of the Given Folders

This is an optional step where we count the number of files with particular extensions in each folder and calculate the size of each folder. Run the following commands.

Count the number of files with a particular extension in each folder:

($DestinationFolder | where { $_.Extension -eq '.java' }).count

The above command will count the number of files with the extension .java in the destination folder. The output we will obtain for our folder is 2.

Similarly, in the source folder:

($SourceFolder | where { $_.Extension -eq '.java' }).count

The above command will count the files in the source folder with the extension .java. The output we will obtain for our folder is 2.

Now to calculate the size of the given folder, run the following commands:

($DestinationFolder | Measure-Object -Property length -Sum).Sum
($SourceFolder | Measure-Object -Property length -Sum).Sum

The above commands will calculate the size of each given folder. The output for our folders is as follows:


Compare the Given Folders by Name

We will first compare the folders by their content name, which does not compare the content inside the files. See the command:

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $SourceFolder.Name -DifferenceObject $DestinationFolder.Name

The above command will compare the folder content by their names and show the different files in both folders. See the output:

InputObject           SideIndicator
-----------           -------------
composer.json         =>
composer.lock         =>
composer.phar         =>
delftstack - Copy.rtf =>
demo - Copy.bmp       =>

It shows that these five files are different from the source folder by name.

Compare the Given Folders by Files Content

In the final step, we will compare the folder by the content in their files. To perform this operation, first, we need to convert the files in folders to hash.

The hash command is easy to use. For example:

Get-FileHash ''

The above command will get the hash for the file See the output:

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path
---------       ----                                                                   ----
SHA256          FACF7DD67442E2EF84460669E007DA40D17D82E4448D9DBC7E575D25D6012D30       C:\Users\Sheeraz\

To get the hash for each file in the folder, we need to run the foreach loop. See the commands:

$SourceFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\Sheeraz\DemoFolder1 | foreach { Get-FileHash -Path $_.FullName }
$DestinationFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\Sheeraz\DemoFolder2 | foreach { Get-FileHash -Path $_.FullName }

The above commands will get the hash for each file in both folders. To show them, we need to run the following commands:


The output for the destination folder is:


The output for the source folder is:


Now we can compare the content of both folders by their hash value. See the command:

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $SourceFolder.Hash  -DifferenceObject $DestinationFolder.Hash

The above command will compare the content of two folders by their hash and output the hash for different content. See the output:

InputObject                                                      SideIndicator
-----------                                                      -------------
BBBFED20764B6B3FAE56DF485778F5F27918B63008B0EBCAF1342CA8ADC3EADF =>
23D197F445E3264BF230128A7AFB9BF0E65209249D51C4AD70F51F44DF2D83C5 =>
8FE98A01050C92CC6812B8EAD3BD5B6E0BCDC575CE7A93B242BDE497A31D7732 =>
3D543438B2036F4AFF2CBCD9527FDB00CB249CF6D4D01E3FC2E5DA1C693EC76C =>
DE35F58F1AF9A75902844BA13D5821EB99957B79555330EFF8C9F974C2481932 =>

As we cannot see which file has the different content, to show the name of the files, run the following command:

(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $SourceFolder -DifferenceObject $DestinationFolder  -Property hash -PassThru).Path

The above command will show the full path to the files containing different content in both folders. See the output:

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Author: Sheeraz Gul
Sheeraz Gul avatar Sheeraz Gul avatar

Sheeraz is a Doctorate fellow in Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China. He has 7 years of Software Development experience in AI, Web, Database, and Desktop technologies. He writes tutorials in Java, PHP, Python, GoLang, R, etc., to help beginners learn the field of Computer Science.

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