How to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell

  1. Use [int] to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell
  2. Use [System.Int32] to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell
  3. Define the Data Type of a Variable to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell
  4. Conclusion
How to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell

In PowerShell, knowing how to convert strings to integers is a valuable skill.

This tutorial will teach you to convert strings to integers in PowerShell.

We will look into the technique of using [int] and [System.Int32] to perform this conversion, allowing you to easily modify your data.

Use [int] to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell

In PowerShell, we can use [int] to convert a string to an integer. This is called type casting or type conversion.

The following syntax is a simple assignment statement in PowerShell, where we are converting a string to an integer and assigning the result to the variable $integerVariable.


$integerVariable = [int]$stringVariable


  • $integerVariable: This is a variable that will hold the integer value after conversion.
  • [int]: This is used for type casting the value of $stringVariable to an integer.
  • $stringVariable: This is another variable or expression containing a string that you want to convert to an integer.

Let us consider that we have a variable $a as shown below.

$a = 123

The data type of $a is an integer.




But when we enclose the value with " ", the data type will become string.

$b = "123"



To convert the string ($b = "123") data type to an integer, we can use [int] as shown below.

$b = $b -as [int]

In the code above, we start with the variable $b. The current value and data type of $b are unknown to us at this point, but we want to ensure it is treated as an integer.

Next, the $b -as [int], we use the -as operator for safe type casting. It attempts to convert the value of $b to the specified type [int].

If it can be converted, the result is assigned back to $b. If not, $b remains unchanged.

In the next line, we use $b.GetType().Name to determine the data type of the variable $b after the type casting operation.

Now, let’s go through what happens with a variable $b having a specific value and type:

  • If $b initially contains an integer (e.g., $b = 42), the code will not change its type, and the output will be Int32.

  • If $b initially contains a string that can be successfully converted to an integer (e.g., $b = "123"), the code will change its type to an integer, and the output will be Int32.

  • If $b initially contains a string that cannot be converted to an integer (e.g., $b = "hello"), the code will not change its type, and the output will be the type of the original value, which, in this case, is a string so that the output would be String.



Given the output Int32, it implies that the initial value of the variable $b (before this code snippet) was either an integer or a string that could be successfully converted to an integer.

Use [System.Int32] to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell

The [System.Int32] is a form of typecasting that converts a string to an integer in PowerShell, which explicitly tells PowerShell to treat a variable or expression as an Int32 data type.

In the syntax, we convert a string in $stringValue to an integer, storing the result in $intValue. This is done using the [System.Int32] syntax to specify the desired data type, making $stringValue ready for numeric operations.


$intValue = [System.Int32]$stringValue

In the code, we begin by setting a string variable named $stringValue to the value "456". Then, we proceed to convert this string into an integer using [System.Int32] and store the result in another variable, $intValue.

After this conversion, we inquire about the data type of the variable $intValue using $intValue.GetType().Name.



The output tells us that the variable $intValue contains an integer, specifically a 32-bit integer, as indicated by Int32, which is the name of the data type.

Define the Data Type of a Variable to Convert String to Integer in PowerShell

PowerShell can detect the data type of a variable on its own.

We don’t need to be specific about the data type and declare a variable. But, we can define the data type of a variable before it so that we can force the data type.

Let’s give an example.

[int]$c = "456"

In the code above, we declare the variable and initialize it like this: [int]$c = "456". This line tells PowerShell to explicitly cast the string "456" to an integer, and the result is then stored in the variable $c.

Next, we want to know the data type of the variable $c, so we use $c.GetType().Name. This is our way of checking whether the typecasting was successful.



The output above is Int32, indicating that the string "456" has been converted into an integer. But, if you try to force an integer data type to a string value, you will get an error like in the following code example.

[int]$data = "storage"

In the code above, we start by declaring a variable named $data and assigning the string value "storage" to it. The next line, [int]$data, represents an attempt to forcefully cast the string "storage" to an integer data type.

Now, we’re going to check the data type of the variable $data using $data.GetType().Name.


Cannot convert value "storage" to type "System.Int32". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."
At line:1 char:1
+ [int]$data = "storage"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : MetadataError: (:) [], ArgumentTransformationMetadataException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException

We try to cast it as an integer using [int]. However, since the string "storage" cannot be converted to an integer, PowerShell does not change the type of the variable and returns an error message "Input string was not in a correct format.".


In this article, we’ve learned to convert strings into integers using [int] and [System.Int32]. Now, we can easily transition between text to numbers in PowerShell.

By controlling variable types, you gain accuracy and versatility in your scripts.

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Rohan is a learner, problem solver, and web developer. He loves to write and share his understanding.

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