Hash Tables in Bash

  1. Understanding Hash Tables in Bash
  2. Creating a Hash Table
  3. Modifying a Hash Table
  4. Deleting Entries from a Hash Table
  5. Iterating Over a Hash Table
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ
Hash Tables in Bash

When it comes to scripting in Bash, the ability to work with associative arrays, often referred to as hash tables or dictionaries, can significantly enhance your data management capabilities. These structures allow you to store key-value pairs, making it easier to organize and retrieve information efficiently. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create and manipulate hash tables in Bash, providing you with practical examples and clear explanations. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced scripter, mastering hash tables will undoubtedly streamline your workflow and improve your scripting skills.

Understanding Hash Tables in Bash

Hash tables, or associative arrays, are a powerful feature in Bash that enables you to create a collection of key-value pairs. Unlike indexed arrays, where the keys are numerical indices, associative arrays use strings as keys. This functionality allows for more descriptive data handling, making your scripts easier to read and maintain.

To declare an associative array in Bash, you can use the declare command with the -A option. Here’s a quick example:

declare -A my_dict

This command initializes an associative array named my_dict. You can then add key-value pairs to this array, retrieve values using their keys, and even iterate over the pairs. Let’s dive into how you can effectively create and manipulate these hash tables in your Bash scripts.

Creating a Hash Table

Creating a hash table in Bash is straightforward. You start by declaring the associative array and then populating it with key-value pairs. Here’s how to do it:

declare -A my_dict
my_dict["city"]="New York"

In this snippet, we declare my_dict as an associative array and add three key-value pairs: name, age, and city. Each key is a string that describes the data, while the value can be any data type.


Hash table created with keys: name, age, city

Once the hash table is created, you can access the values using their corresponding keys. For example:

echo "Name: ${my_dict["name"]}"
echo "Age: ${my_dict["age"]}"
echo "City: ${my_dict["city"]}"


Name: Alice
Age: 30
City: New York

In this example, we retrieve and print the values associated with each key. This method of accessing data is not only efficient but also improves the readability of your scripts. By using descriptive keys, anyone reading your script can quickly understand what each value represents.

Modifying a Hash Table

Modifying a hash table in Bash is just as simple as creating one. You can change the value associated with a key or even add new key-value pairs. Let’s see how to do this:


Here, we update the value of age from 30 to 31 and add a new key-value pair for country. To verify the changes, you can print the updated values:

echo "Updated Age: ${my_dict["age"]}"
echo "Country: ${my_dict["country"]}"


Updated Age: 31
Country: USA

This flexibility allows you to keep your data current without needing to recreate the entire hash table. Modifying values or adding new entries on the fly can be particularly useful in scripts that process dynamic data or user inputs.

Deleting Entries from a Hash Table

Sometimes, you may need to remove an entry from your hash table. Bash provides a simple way to delete key-value pairs using the unset command. Here’s how you can do it:

unset my_dict["city"]

This command will remove the key city and its associated value from my_dict. To confirm that the entry has been deleted, you can attempt to access it:

echo "City: ${my_dict["city"]:-Not Found}"


City: Not Found

In this example, we use a parameter expansion to provide a default message if the key does not exist. This approach not only helps in checking for the existence of a key but also enhances the user experience by providing clear feedback.

Iterating Over a Hash Table

Iterating over the entries in a hash table can be done using a for loop. This is particularly useful when you want to process or display all the key-value pairs in your associative array. Here’s how you can achieve this:

for key in "${!my_dict[@]}"; do
    echo "$key: ${my_dict[$key]}"

In this snippet, ${!my_dict[@]} retrieves all the keys from the hash table, allowing you to loop through them. The corresponding value for each key is accessed using ${my_dict[$key]}.


name: Alice
age: 31
country: USA

This method of iteration is efficient and allows you to handle each key-value pair conveniently. Whether you need to display data or perform operations based on the values, iterating through a hash table is an essential skill in Bash scripting.


In this tutorial, we explored the creation and manipulation of hash tables in Bash. We covered how to create associative arrays, modify them, delete entries, and iterate through their contents. By mastering these techniques, you can enhance your Bash scripting skills and improve your ability to manage data effectively. Hash tables are a powerful tool that can simplify complex data handling tasks, making your scripts more efficient and easier to read. Whether you’re automating tasks or processing data, understanding hash tables will undoubtedly be a valuable addition to your scripting toolkit.


  1. What is a hash table in Bash?
    A hash table in Bash, also known as an associative array, is a data structure that stores key-value pairs, allowing for efficient data management.

  2. How do I declare a hash table in Bash?
    You can declare a hash table in Bash using the command declare -A my_dict, where my_dict is the name of your associative array.

  3. Can I modify values in a hash table?
    Yes, you can modify values in a hash table by assigning a new value to an existing key, like my_dict["key"]="new_value".

  4. How do I delete a key-value pair from a hash table?
    You can delete a key-value pair using the unset command, like unset my_dict["key"].

  5. How can I iterate through all entries in a hash table?
    You can iterate through all entries using a for loop, accessing keys with ${!my_dict[@]} and their values with ${my_dict[$key]}.

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