How to Create One Line Loop in Bash
Yahya Irmak
Feb 02, 2024
This article will explain how we can create one-line loops in Linux Bash. We will write example scripts with the for
Create One Line Loop in Linux Bash
We can create simple one-line loops in different ways as follows.
Write Each Element Inside the Loop
We can write the elements in the loop one by one.
for i in "apple" "banana" "orange"; do echo "$i"; done
Specify a Range of Numbers
A range of numbers can be used to create a one-line loop.
for i in {1..3}; do echo "step: $i"; done
Create Loop With Subcommand
We can use subcommands to specify the values used in the loop. This method is especially useful for reading file contents.
for i in `seq 1 3`; do echo "step: $i"; done;
for i in `cat file.txt`; do echo "step: $i"; done;
Author: Yahya Irmak
Yahya Irmak has experience in full stack technologies such as Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, CSS, HTML.