How to Create A Countdown Timer in JavaScript

  1. Example Code of Countdown Timer in JavaScript
  2. Explanation of Countdown Timer Code in JavaScript
How to Create A Countdown Timer in JavaScript

This article will give you an easy way to create a countdown timer in JavaScript.

Following is the code for a timer for a minute and a half.

<h1 class="text-center" id="count-down-timer"></h1>
function paddedFormat(num) {
  return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num;

function startCountDown(duration, element) {
  let secondsRemaining = duration;
  let min = 0;
  let sec = 0;

  let countInterval = setInterval(function() {
    min = parseInt(secondsRemaining / 60);
    sec = parseInt(secondsRemaining % 60);

    element.textContent = `${paddedFormat(min)}:${paddedFormat(sec)}`;

    secondsRemaining = secondsRemaining - 1;
    if (secondsRemaining < 0) {
  }, 1000);

window.onload = function() {
  let time_minutes = 1;   // Value in minutes
  let time_seconds = 30;  // Value in seconds

  let duration = time_minutes * 60 + time_seconds;

  element = document.querySelector('#count-down-timer');
  element.textContent =

  startCountDown(--duration, element);

Example Code of Countdown Timer in JavaScript

  • Set the HTML tag for the timer

    In the code above, the <h1> tag holds the timer display. Use this code in your webpage HTML. The id="count-down-timer" is required as the element is accessed in JavaScript with the count-down-timer id to change the element text dynamically on run time.

    <h1 class="text-center" id="count-down-timer"></h1>
  • Set the timer value

    Once the tag is in place, the next step is to set the count time value. Usually, web pages use a hardcoded time built into their code, which is not customizable. You can set the timer in the window.onload method in time_minutes and time_seconds. For instance, if you wish to set a timer for one and a half minutes, then set the code as follows:

    let time_minutes = 1;   // Value in minutes
    let time_seconds = 30;  // Value in seconds

    If you wish to set for 3 minutes, then set time_minutes = 3 and leave the time_seconds = 0. Now once you run your code or reload your HTML, you can get the updated output.

Explanation of Countdown Timer Code in JavaScript

  • Execution starts with the window.onload function. It takes the timer value set by you and calculates the total duration of time in seconds.
    let time_minutes = 1;   // Value in minutes
    let time_seconds = 30;  // Value in seconds
    let duration = time_minutes * 60 + time_seconds;
  • document.querySelector('#count-down-timer') gets the HTML node of the element. This node will be used to refresh the timer value.
    element = document.querySelector('#count-down-timer');
  • Once the element is available, it initializes with the value set by us. For instance, in the code, it is 1 minute and 30 seconds. It is set in a padded format.
    function paddedFormat(num) {
      return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num;


  • The paddedFormat(num) function returns the padded number. For minutes and seconds, the single-digit values are padded by prefixing a 0 to them. For example, 2 minutes and 5 seconds is padded as 02 and 05, respectively.
    element.textContent =
  • Next, we invoke the startCountDown(--duration, element) function passing duration in seconds, and the HTML node of the display element. We displayed the value 01:30 now. Hence, we need the timer to start from 01:29. That is the reason why we use the decrement unary operator with duration --duration.
    startCountDown(--duration, element);
  • startCountDown(duration, element) is the heart of the timer. In this, we use the setInterval(function(){}, 1000) function of JavaScript to execute the timer after each second (1000 millisecond) until it is cleared off or killed by using clearInterval(countInterval).
    function startCountDown(duration, element) {
      let secondsRemaining = duration;
      let min = 0;
      let sec = 0;
      let countInterval = setInterval(function() {
        min = parseInt(secondsRemaining / 60);
        sec = parseInt(secondsRemaining % 60);
        element.textContent = `${paddedFormat(min)}:${paddedFormat(sec)}`;
        secondsRemaining = secondsRemaining - 1;
        if (secondsRemaining < 0) {
      }, 1000);
  • Inside the setinterval() function, the minutes and seconds for display are calculated. The minutes are calculated by dividing the remainingSeconds value by 60 to give the minute value and taking its integer part.
    let secondsRemaining = 89;
    let min = parseInt(secondsRemaining / 60);
    let sec = parseInt(secondsRemaining % 60);
    console.log(secondsRemaining + 'seconds');


    89  // Equivalent to 1 min and 29 seconds
  • Next, we display the minutes and seconds calculated to the webpage by setting the text using the textContent attribute of the HTML node element.
    element.textContent = `${paddedFormat(min)}:${paddedFormat(sec)}`;
  • Next, the value reduces for the secondsRemaining, and the timer functionality executes each second with the setInterval() method.
  • Finally, once the secondsRemaining value is 0, the clearInterval(countInterval) is triggered to stop the timer. It also ensures the timer is not restarted or goes in minus values.
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