JavaTuples in Java

Rupam Yadav Oct 12, 2023 Java Java Tuple
  1. Features of JavaTuples
  2. Tuple Classes in JavaTuples
  3. Methods in JavaTuples
  4. Implement Tuple in Java
JavaTuples in Java

A tuple is a data structure that can store objects without requiring any relation between them but have a mutual motive. Java does not support the tuple data structure, but we can use a JavaTuples library.

Features of JavaTuples

  • The Tuples are Typesafe
  • They are immutable
  • We can iterate through tuple values
  • They are serializable
  • They implement Comparable<Tuple>
  • Implements methods like equals(), hashCode(), and toString()

Tuple Classes in JavaTuples

We can use up to ten elements in tuple classes. There are special subclasses for every number of elements in JavaTuples which are mentioned in the table below:

No. of Elements (Tuple Size) Class Name Example
One Unit Unit<1>
Two Pair Pair<1,2>
Three Triplet Triplet<1,2,3>
Four Quartet Quartet<1,2,3,4>
Five Quintet Quintet<1,2,3,4,5>
Six Sextet Sextet<1,2,3,4,5,6>
Seven Septet Septet<1,2,3,4,5,6,7>
Eight Octet Octet<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>
Nine Ennead Ennead<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9>
Ten Decade Decade<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>

Methods in JavaTuples

The Tuple class provides various methods to perform operations.

Method Description
equals() It is used to override the default implementation of the equals method of the Object class
hashCode() Returns a hash code for each object.
toString() Returns a string representation
getSize() Returns the size of the tuples
getValue() Returns a value at a specified position in a tuple
indexOf() Returns the index of the asked sub string in a given string.
contains() Check is a element exists in the tuple
containsAll() Checks if all the elements of an list or array exists in the tuple or not
iterator() Returns an iterator
lastIndexOf() Returns the last index of the asked substring in a given string.
toArray() Tuple to Array
toList() Tuple to List

Implement Tuple in Java

We import the following maven-based dependency to use the JavaTuples library.


In the example, we implement the various tuple classes in the above table and get their values by printing them. We provide different data types in the tuples like String, Integer, Boolean, etc.

We also create a class DummyClass and pass its object in the tuples if it throws an error.

import org.javatuples.*;

public class JavaTuplesExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Unit<String> unitTuple = new Unit<>("First Tuple Element");
    Pair<String, Integer> pairTuple = new Pair<>("First Tuple Element", 2);
    Triplet<String, Integer, Boolean> tripletTuple = new Triplet<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true);
    Quartet<String, Integer, Boolean, String> quartetTuple =
        new Quartet<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element");
    Quintet<String, Integer, Boolean, String, Integer> quintetTuple =
        new Quintet<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element", 5);
    Sextet<String, Integer, Boolean, String, Integer, DummyClass> sextetTuple =
        new Sextet<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element", 5, new DummyClass());
    Septet<String, Integer, Boolean, String, Integer, DummyClass, Integer> septetTuple =
        new Septet<>(
            "First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element", 5, new DummyClass(), 7);
    Octet<String, Integer, Boolean, String, Integer, DummyClass, Integer, String> octetTuple =
        new Octet<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element", 5, new DummyClass(), 7,
            "Eight Tuple Element");
    Ennead<String, Integer, Boolean, String, Integer, DummyClass, Integer, String, Integer>
        enneadTuple = new Ennead<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element", 5,
            new DummyClass(), 7, "Eight Tuple Element", 9);
    Decade<String, Integer, Boolean, String, Integer, DummyClass, Integer, String, Integer, String>
        decadeTuple = new Decade<>("First Tuple Element", 2, true, "Fourth Tuple Element", 5,
            new DummyClass(), 7, "Eight Tuple Element", 9, "Tenth Tuple Element");


class DummyClass {}


[First Tuple Element]
[First Tuple Element, 2]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element, 5]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element, 5, DummyClass@254989ff]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element, 5, DummyClass@5d099f62, 7]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element, 5, DummyClass@37f8bb67, 7, Eight Tuple Element]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element, 5, DummyClass@49c2faae, 7, Eight Tuple Element, 9]
[First Tuple Element, 2, true, Fourth Tuple Element, 5, DummyClass@20ad9418, 7, Eight Tuple Element, 9, Tenth Tuple Element]
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Author: Rupam Yadav
Rupam Yadav avatar Rupam Yadav avatar

Rupam Saini is an android developer, who also works sometimes as a web developer., He likes to read books and write about various things.
