Java Throwable VS Exception Class

  1. Introduction to Throwable Class in Java
  2. Introduction to Exception Class in Java
  3. Which Class Should We Use, Throwable or Exception
Java Throwable VS Exception Class

This article will teach us when to use the Throwable and Exception classes in Java. Both classes have their constructors and methods to handle errors and exceptions.

First, we will see the introduction of Throwable and Exception of both classes, and after that, we will learn the difference between both.

Introduction to Throwable Class in Java

In the hierarchy of the java.lang classes, the Throwable class is the parent or superclass of the Error and Exception classes. It means the Error and Exception are inherited by the Throwable class in Java.

It concludes that the Throwable class can catch all the errors and exceptions produced by the Java Virtual Machine, either stack trace errors or compile or run time exceptions.

Furthermore, the Throwable class implements the Serializable interface in the java.lang library where it is defined.

Users can see the definition of the Throwable class below.

public class Throwable extends Object implements Serializable

In the above class definition, users can see that the Throwable class inherits the Object class and implements the Serializable interface.

Syntax of Throwable:

try {
  // some code
} catch (Throwable e) {
  // handle errors or exceptions

The Throwable class contains the overloaded constructors, which are explained below.


Throwable() This constructor creates a new instance of Throwable with a default error message.
Throwable(String errorMessage) This constructor creates a new instance of Throwable with an errorMessage message.
Throwable(String errorMessage, Throwable errorCause) This constructor also takes the cause of the error message and creates a new instance of Throwable with errorMessage and errorCause.
Throwable(Throwable errorCause) This constructor creates the new instance of Throwable with a specific cause passed as a parameter.


Here we have explained some methods of the Throwable class.

toString() It returns the description of the error in string format.
getMessage() It returns the error message in string format.
getCause() It returns the cause of the current instance of a Throwable.
getLocalizedMessage() It returns the localized description of Throwable.
getStackTrace() It provides information about the stack trace.
printStackTrace() It prints the current instance of Throwable.
setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) It allows setting the element of stack trace returned by the getStackTrace() method.
initCause(Throwable cause) It allows users to initialize the cause of the current Throwable.


The Errors class includes errors that stop the program’s execution.

StackOverflowError It occurs when stack or heap overflow occurs.
AssertionError It happens due to assertion failure.
VirtualMachineError It caches all the errors in Java Virtual Machine.
LinkageError It occurs due to a Linkage problem.
OutOfMemoryError It occurs due to low memory on your device or JVM running out of memory.

Introduction to Exception Class in Java

In Java, exceptions are unwanted events that occur at runtime or compile time. The exceptions can be caught at the compile time, called the checked exceptions, and exceptions can be caught only at the run time, called the unchecked exceptions.

Syntax of Throwable:

try {
  // some code
} catch (Exception e) {
  // handle Exceptions only

Here, we have defined some types of exceptions in Java.

RuntimeException All classes of unchecked exceptions inherit it.
NullPointerException It occurs due to a null or undefined value.
ArithmeticException It occurs due to the failure of an arithmetic operation.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException It occurs when we try to access an array index greater than its length.
NoSuchMethodException It occurs when the method is not defined.
IOException It occurs due to the failure of input/output operations.
ClassNotFoundException It occurs when the class is not defined.
SQLException The failure of database operation is the cause of this exception.

Programmers can also define exceptions by inheriting Java’s Exception class.

Which Class Should We Use, Throwable or Exception

When we look at the syntax of the Throwable and Exception classes, it looks similar at first sight as we are using both with the try-catch block.

The instance of the Throwable class can catch the errors and exceptions as they are a subclass of Throwable, but the instance of Exceptions can only catch the exceptions that occur in the program.

In normal Java applications, rarely, errors such as LinkageError, VirtualMachineError, OutOfMemoryError, etc., occur. Mainly exception occurs due to the user’s mistake.

So, it is a best practice to use the instance of the Exception class rather than the Throwable class.

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Author: Shubham Vora
Shubham Vora avatar Shubham Vora avatar

Shubham is a software developer interested in learning and writing about various technologies. He loves to help people by sharing vast knowledge about modern technologies via different platforms such as the website.

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