How to Create a New Directory in Go

  1. Permission Modes of os.Mkdir and os.MkdirAll
  2. Use the os.Mkdir() Method in Go
  3. Use the os.MkdirAll() Method in Go
How to Create a New Directory in Go

Go has many methods to create directories, one being os.Mkdir. We can assign the specified name and permission bits to the newly formed directory.

The os.MkdirAll helps create several directories recursively, including any missing parents.

Permission Modes of os.Mkdir and os.MkdirAll

Notation Octal Integer Functionality
rwx 7 Read, write and execute
rw- 6 Read, write
r-x 5 Read, and execute
r-- 4 Read
-wx 3 Write and execute
-w- 2 Write
--x 1 Execute
--- 0 No permissions

Users Access

Permission Octal Field
rwx------ 0700 User
---rwx--- 0070 Group
------rwx 0007 Other

Common Permissions

  1. 0664: Only the owner can read and write into the file. Whereas other users can only read the file.
  2. 0600: Only the owner can read and write into the file, and no one else can access it.
  3. 0777: All the users have full access to the file.
  4. 0755: Only the owner has full access, while other users can only view and execute the file.
  5. 0666: Read and write access to all the file users.
  6. 0750: The file owner can read, write and execute it, but the users can only read and execute it.

Use the os.Mkdir() Method in Go

package main

import (

func main() {

	error := os.Mkdir("HomeDir", 0750)

	if error != nil && !os.IsExist(error) {



	fmt.Print("The directory has been created successfully.")



The directory has been created successfully.

The above code allows us to create a new directory. If there were to be an error while creating the new directory, it would be of type PathError.

The os.Mkdir function only makes a single directory. We can create subdirectories using this function.

Use the os.MkdirAll() Method in Go

package main

import (



func main() {
	DirPath := "Desktop/Documents/MyDirectory"

	err := os.MkdirAll(DirPath, os.ModePerm)

	if err != nil {



	fmt.Print("The directory has been created successfully.")


The directory has been created successfully.

It is helpful to make a function for creating multiple directories using a single command. The missing parent directories are automatically made, which avoids the redundancy of writing code for making new directories.

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Musfirah Waseem avatar Musfirah Waseem avatar

Musfirah is a student of computer science from the best university in Pakistan. She has a knack for programming and everything related. She is a tech geek who loves to help people as much as possible.
