How to Merge Two Maps in Golang

Sheeraz Gul Feb 12, 2024 Go Go Map
  1. Merge Two Maps in Golang Using the Copy Method
  2. Merge Two Maps in Golang Using a User-Defined Method for Union
  3. Merge Two Maps in Golang Using a for Loop
  4. Merge Two Maps in Golang Using Generics (Golang 1.18+)
  5. Conclusion
How to Merge Two Maps in Golang

Merging two maps is a common operation in Golang, often encountered when combining data from multiple sources or consolidating information. While Golang lacks a built-in method for merging maps, developers have multiple approaches at their disposal.

In this article, we will explore various methods to merge two maps in Golang, discussing the use of the Copy method, a user-defined method for union, a simple for loop, and the application of generics. Each method offers its own strengths, providing you with the flexibility to choose an approach that aligns with your specific needs.

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using the Copy Method

While the Go language doesn’t offer a built-in method for merging two maps, the Copy method in the maps package can be utilized to achieve this functionality.

The Copy method in the maps package, introduced in Golang version 1.21, provides a straightforward way to merge the contents of one map into another. It takes two parameters, which are maps, and copies the content of the second map into the first map.

While this method is convenient, it’s essential to note that it modifies the first map in the process.

The Copy method from this package has the following syntax:

maps.Copy(dst, src)

Here, dst represents the destination map where the content will be copied, and src represents the source map from which the content will be copied.

The Copy method copies the key-value pairs from the source map to the destination map. If there are overlapping keys between the two maps, the values from the source map will overwrite those in the destination map.

It’s important to note that the maps package is an experimental package, and its features might not be stable or included in the standard library. If you intend to use this package, make sure to check the documentation for the specific version you are using.

Now, let’s see a code example demonstrating the use of the Copy method to merge two maps.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define two maps to be merged
	map1 := map[string]int{
		"DelftstackOne":   10,
		"DelftstackTwo":   20,
		"DelftstackThree": 30,
	map2 := map[string]int{
		"DelftstackTwo":   20,
		"DelftstackThree": 30,
		"DelftstackFour":  40,
		"DelftstackFive":  50,

	// Display the maps before merging
	fmt.Println("The First Map: ", map1)
	fmt.Println("The Second Map: ", map2)

	// Use the Copy method to merge the maps
	maps.Copy(map1, map2)

	// Display the merged map
	fmt.Println("The Merged Map: ", map1)

In this example, we start by defining two maps, map1 and map2, that we want to merge. We then print the content of both maps before the merging process using fmt.Println.

The key action occurs when we call maps.Copy(map1, map2), which copies the content of map2 into map1. The merged map is subsequently printed using fmt.Println.

It’s important to understand that the Copy method modifies the destination map (map1 in this case) by adding the content of the source map (map2). If there are overlapping keys between the two maps, the values from map2 will overwrite those in map1.

The output of the program will be:

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using Copy()

This output demonstrates the successful merging of the two maps using the Copy method. The resulting map, map1, now contains the combined key-value pairs from both maps.

The Copy method simplifies the process of merging maps in Golang by providing a clean and efficient way to combine the contents of two maps into a single, unified map. This can be especially handy in scenarios where you need to aggregate data from multiple sources or configurations.

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using a User-Defined Method for Union

While Golang’s maps package provides a convenient Copy method for merging maps, it’s also possible to create a custom method for union operations. This approach allows for more fine-grained control and customization.

The approach involves designing a method named MapUnion that takes two maps, map1 and map2, and merges them based on their union of values. In other words, entries with the same key will have their values summed up.

This method is flexible and allows customization based on specific requirements. The syntax is as follows:

func MapUnion(map1, map2 EmployeeMaps) EmployeeMaps {
    // Implementation


  • map1: The first map to be merged.
  • map2: The second map to be merged.
  • EmployeeMaps: The type of maps representing a map with integer keys and struct values.

Let’s explore a practical example demonstrating the use of a user-defined method for merging maps.

package main

import "fmt"

type Delftstack struct {
	Id     int
	Name   string
	Salary int

type EmployeeMaps map[int]Delftstack

// Method to merge maps based on union, excluding entries with the same value
func MapUnion(map1, map2 EmployeeMaps) EmployeeMaps {
	for x, y := range map1 {
		if m, n := map2[x]; n {
			y.Salary += m.Salary
		map2[x] = y
	return map2

func main() {
	// Define two maps to be merged
	map1 := EmployeeMaps{2: {30, "Jack", 2000}, 5: {50, "Samuel", 1500}, 6: {60, "John", 1800}}
	map2 := EmployeeMaps{1: {10, "Pamela", 3000}, 2: {20, "Connor", 2000}, 3: {30, "Jack", 2000}, 4: {40, "Joe", 4000}}

	// Merge maps using the user-defined method
	result := MapUnion(map2, map1)

In this example, we’ve defined two maps, map1 and map2, each representing an EmployeeMaps type with integer keys and Delftstack struct values. The MapUnion method is then called with these two maps as parameters.

Within the MapUnion method, a for loop iterates over the entries in map1. For each entry, it checks if the corresponding key exists in map2.

If it does, the salaries of the two entries are added, effectively merging the maps based on the union of values. The modified map2 is then returned.

The output of the program will be:

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using User-Defined Method

This output demonstrates the successful merging of the two maps using the user-defined method MapUnion. The resulting map, result, contains the combined key-value pairs from both maps and entries with the same key have their values summed up.

This user-defined method for merging maps provides flexibility in customization. You can easily modify the merging logic to accommodate specific requirements, such as handling conflicts or applying transformations to values during the merge process.

It serves as a versatile alternative to the Copy method for scenarios where more control is desired over the merging behavior.

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using a for Loop

Merging two maps can also be accomplished using a straightforward for loop, where each key-value pair from one map is added to another. This method provides a clear and explicit approach to map merging.

Typically, the for loop syntax for merging maps involves iterating through the key-value pairs of one map and copying them into another. The basic structure is as follows:

for key, value := range sourceMap {
    destinationMap[key] = value

Here, sourceMap is the map from which we are copying, and destinationMap is the map to which we are copying the key-value pairs.

Take a look at the following example demonstrating the use of a for loop to merge two maps.

package main

import "fmt"

func mergeMaps(map1, map2 map[string]int) map[string]int {
	// Iterate through map1 and add key-value pairs to map2
	for key, value := range map1 {
		map2[key] = value

	return map2

func main() {
	// Define two maps to be merged
	map1 := map[string]int{
		"DelftstackOne":   10,
		"DelftstackTwo":   20,
		"DelftstackThree": 30,
	map2 := map[string]int{
		"DelftstackTwo":   20,
		"DelftstackThree": 30,
		"DelftstackFour":  40,
		"DelftstackFive":  50,

	// Display the maps before merging
	fmt.Println("The First Map: ", map1)
	fmt.Println("The Second Map: ", map2)

	// Use a for loop to merge the maps
	mergedMap := mergeMaps(map1, map2)

	// Display the merged map
	fmt.Println("The Merged Map: ", mergedMap)

In this example, we’ve defined two maps, map1 and map2, representing maps with string keys and integer values. The mergeMaps function takes two maps as parameters and uses a for loop to iterate through map1.

For each key-value pair in map1, the corresponding key is added to map2 along with its associated value. The result is a merged map, and this map is then printed.

The main function demonstrates the process by displaying the content of both maps before merging, invoking the mergeMaps function, and finally printing the resulting merged map.

The output of the program will be:

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using for Loop

This output confirms the successful merging of the two maps using a for loop. The resulting map, mergedMap, now contains the combined key-value pairs from both maps.

Merging maps using a for loop provides a straightforward and explicit way to combine map contents. It offers fine-grained control over the merging process and can be easily customized to handle specific scenarios, such as resolving conflicts or applying transformations during the merge.

While it may require more manual effort compared to the Copy method or user-defined functions, it remains a reliable and widely-used approach in Golang.

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using Generics (Golang 1.18+)

With the introduction of generics in Golang in its 1.18 version, the process of merging two maps becomes even more versatile and expressive. Generics allow developers to write functions and data structures that can work with different types.

Generics in Golang allow us to create functions that can work with different data types without sacrificing type safety. The function for merging two maps using generics is designed to be flexible and reusable.

The syntax for a generic function to merge two maps looks like this:

func mergeMaps[T, U any](map1 map[T]U, map2 map[T]U) map[T]U {
    for key, value := range map1 {
        map2[key] = value
    return map2


  • T: The type of keys in the maps.
  • U: The type of values in the maps.
  • map1: The first map to be merged.
  • map2: The second map to be merged.

Here’s an example:

package main

import "fmt"

func mergeMaps[T comparable, U any](map1 map[T]U, map2 map[T]U) map[T]U {
	for key, value := range map1 {
		map2[key] = value
	return map2

func main() {
	// Define two maps to be merged
	map1 := map[string]int{
		"DelftstackOne":   10,
		"DelftstackTwo":   20,
		"DelftstackThree": 30,
	map2 := map[string]int{
		"DelftstackTwo":   20,
		"DelftstackThree": 30,
		"DelftstackFour":  40,
		"DelftstackFive":  50,

	// Display the maps before merging
	fmt.Println("The First Map: ", map1)
	fmt.Println("The Second Map: ", map2)

	// Use the generic function to merge the maps
	mergedMap := mergeMaps(map1, map2)

	// Display the merged map
	fmt.Println("The Merged Map: ", mergedMap)

In this example, the mergeMaps function is defined with generic types T and U for keys and values, respectively. The function takes two maps, map1 and map2, and iterates through map1 using a for loop. For each key-value pair in map1, it is added to map2. The resulting merged map, map2, is then returned.

The main function demonstrates the process by displaying the content of both maps before merging, invoking the mergeMaps function with string keys and integer values, and finally printing the resulting merged map.

The output of the program will be:

Merge Two Maps in Golang Using Generics

This output confirms the successful merging of the two maps using a generic function. The resulting map, mergedMap, now contains the combined key-value pairs from both maps.

Generics in Golang enable us to write more flexible and reusable code. The MergeMaps function, thanks to generics, can merge maps of different types, providing a type-safe solution for map merging.

This approach is particularly beneficial when dealing with maps containing various key and value types across different parts of the application.


Merging two maps in Golang can be achieved through various methods, each offering its own set of advantages. The Copy method, a user-defined method for union, a simple for loop, and the use of generics provide developers with flexibility in choosing an approach that aligns with their specific requirements.

The Copy method, found in the maps package, is convenient for a straightforward merge, but it modifies the original map. The user-defined method for union allows customization, excluding entries with the same value.

A simple for loop provides explicit control, allowing developers to manage the merging process efficiently. Finally, the introduction of generics in Golang 1.18 empowers developers to create a generic function capable of merging maps of different types while maintaining type safety.

Ultimately, the choice of method depends on the particular needs of the task at hand. Golang’s simplicity and flexibility provide developers with a range of options to merge maps, ensuring they can select the method that best fits their use case.

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Author: Sheeraz Gul
Sheeraz Gul avatar Sheeraz Gul avatar

Sheeraz is a Doctorate fellow in Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China. He has 7 years of Software Development experience in AI, Web, Database, and Desktop technologies. He writes tutorials in Java, PHP, Python, GoLang, R, etc., to help beginners learn the field of Computer Science.

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