How to Convert Time to String in Go

Jay Singh Feb 02, 2024
  1. Display Current Time Using time.Now in Go
  2. Convert Time to String Using the time.Time.String() Function in Go
How to Convert Time to String in Go

Datetime is a type that represents the attributes of a date and time at a certain point in time. Datetime is located in the time package in Go.

The time package includes all of the tools you’ll need to tell, measure, and show the time. The fundamental methods to format, parse, display, and modify date and time are also included in the time package.

time.Time is the type of any variable or field in a struct that holds time as a value. Time is a unit of measurement that represents a nanosecond in time.

Let’s have a look at some of the following examples.

Display Current Time Using time.Now in Go

Time is necessary for this program. The current local time is obtained as a time using the new function from the time package.

The currentTime variable is used to store the value of time. The fmt.Println is used to print the current time using the currentTime.String() output as string format.

package main

import (

func main() {
	currentTime := time.Now()
	fmt.Println("The time is", currentTime.String())


The time is 2022-03-28 03:45:32 +0000 UTC m=+0.000000001

Convert Time to String Using the time.Time.String() Function in Go

In this scenario, time packages provide functionality for calculating and visualizing time. The time.String() method in Go is used to return the time that has been prepared using the format string.

Furthermore, this function is included in the time package.

package main

import (

func main() {
	Time := time.Date(2022, 03, 28, 03, 50, 16, 0, time.UTC)
	t := Time.String()
	fmt.Printf("Time without nanoseconds is: %v\n", t)


Time without nanoseconds is: 2022-03-28 03:50:16 +0000 UTC

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