How to Rebase to a Specific Commit in Git

John Wachira Feb 02, 2024 Git Git Rebase
How to Rebase to a Specific Commit in Git

This article discusses the process of rebasing to a specific commit in Git. We will use several scenarios to illustrate how this can be accomplished.

We will employ the git rebase --onto command to rebase a branch to a specific commit. Let’s jump right in.

Rebase to a Specific Commit in Git

We use the --onto flag when we need to rebase a branch to another branch and specify the commits.

Basic Syntax:

git rebase –onto <new-parent> <old-parent> <head-of-new-parent>

Let’s look at example scenarios.

Here is the basic workflow we will be using:

Git Rebase to Previous Commit - Basic Workflow

Rebase new-feature to a Specific Commit in main

In our first scenario, we assume we wanted to use a commit in main without rebasing the entire branch. This will require us to note the SHA-1 of the commits in play.

We can use git log <branch-name> to get the hashes for the commits.

Git Rebase to Specific Commit - Workflow

In our case, we want to move the commits in the new-feature branch to the main branch at the 846e2fa commit (second last). We will run the following:

$ git rebase –onto 846e2fa bd9172c

The command above will have the effect shown below:

Git Rebase to Specific Commit - Output

Since we wanted to move the entire new-feature, we do not need to have a third argument in our command. Git moves the whole branch by default if you leave out the third argument.

Rebase new-feature to a Specific Commit in main and Remove the First Commit in new-feature

Let’s assume that our e2ff2bc is a dependency, and we want to move our branch to main at commit 846e2fa, which is the same dependency we have. In plain English, we want to rebase new-feature to main at 846e2fa and omit the first commit in new-feature.

Git Rebase to Specific Commit and Remove the First Commit - Workflow

Here is how we do it:

$ git rebase –onto 846e2fa e2ff2bc

The command above would have the effect shown below:

Git Rebase to Specific Commit and Remove the First Commit - Output

The git rebase -onto command takes the parent commit as a reference. In simpler terms, we are supposed to reference the commit before the commit we want to save.

Rebase new-feature to a Specific Commit in main and Remove the Last Commit in new-feature

Let’s say we want to move new-feature to 846e2fa but omit the commit d7dbeb in new-feature. How would we go about this?

Git Rebase to Specific Commit and Remove the Last Commit - Workflow

This is where the third argument comes in. We will run the following:

$ git rebase –onto 846e2fa bd9172c 730f163

This will result to:

Git Rebase to Specific Commit and Remove the Last Commit - Output

The third argument only points to the HEAD of the new parent commit; in our case, we have 730f163. This should delete the commit and all commits after it.

In a nutshell, Git allows us to rebase a branch to a specific commit. The git rebase -onto command accepts three arguments when rebasing.

Always remember that the third argument dictates the new parent commit.

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Author: John Wachira
John Wachira avatar John Wachira avatar

John is a Git and PowerShell geek. He uses his expertise in the version control system to help businesses manage their source code. According to him, Shell scripting is the number one choice for automating the management of systems.


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