How to Ignore Python .PYC Files in Git

  1. Use a .gitignore File to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git
  2. Remove Existing .pyc Files to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git
  3. Use a Global .gitignore File to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git
  4. Use Git Attributes to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git
  5. Use Git Hooks to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git
  6. Conclusion
How to Ignore Python .PYC Files in Git

When working with Python projects, you may have encountered the presence of .pyc files. These files are compiled Python files and are often generated automatically. Including them in your Git repository can lead to clutter and potential versioning issues.

In this guide, we will explore different methods to ignore .pyc files in Git effectively.

Use a .gitignore File to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git

Typically, in a development environment, many temporary and intermediate files are created as part of the development process.

Python interpreter creates .pyc files when a .py file is imported. The .pyc files contain the compiled bytecode of the imported programs so that the translation from source code to bytecode can be skipped on subsequent imports.

These .pyc files don’t need to be tracked in the Git repository. We can ignore and avoid tracking the .pyc files in the Git repository.

The most common way to ignore files in Git is by using a .gitignore file. This file specifies patterns for files and directories that Git should ignore.

To ignore .pyc files, you simply add a pattern for them.

  • Create or Edit the .gitignore File

    If you don’t have a .gitignore file in your project, create one in the root directory. If it already exists, open it for editing.

    touch .gitignore
  • Add Patterns for .pyc Files

    Open the .gitignore file and add the following line to ignore .pyc files:


    When the Git tool encounters the above line in the .gitignore file, it skips the files with the .pyc extension and ignores those from being included in the Git repository. Thus, the Git tool will avoid tracking the .pyc files in the Git repository.

  • Commit and Push Changes

    Finally, commit the .gitignore file and push it to your repository.

    git add .gitignore
    git commit -m "Added .gitignore to ignore .pyc files"
    git push origin master

Remove Existing .pyc Files to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git

Typically, the .gitignore file is kept in the root directory of the Git repository. In some cases, we might have added the *.pyc line in the .gitignore file after already adding the .pyc files in the Git repository.

If .pyc files have already been committed to your repository, you can remove them using Git. We need to use the Git command git rm with the --cached option.

git rm --cached '*.pyc'
git commit -m "Removed .pyc files"

The --cached option given to the Git command git rm will unstage and remove the paths of the .pyc files from the index. Working tree files are not removed.

To untrack all the .pyc files from the project directory in the Git repository, we need to execute the command below.

find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs -n 1 git rm --cached

Executing the above command in the project’s root directory that is tracked in the Git repository will cause the removal of all .pyc files from tracking.

Use a Global .gitignore File to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git

Git allows you to set global configurations that apply to all your repositories. You can configure Git to ignore .pyc files globally.

  • Create/Edit Global .gitignore

    Create or edit the global .gitignore file. This file is typically located in your home directory.

    touch ~/.gitignore_global
  • Add Patterns for .pyc Files

    Open the global .gitignore file and add the pattern for the .pyc files:

  • Configure Git to Use Global .gitignore

    Tell Git to use this global .gitignore file.

    git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

    This command sets a global configuration for Git. It tells Git to use the .gitignore_global file to exclude files and directories.

Use Git Attributes to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git

Git attributes are configuration settings that can be set at various levels (repository, user, system) and can affect how Git interacts with files. They are defined in a file named .gitattributes.

Git attributes allow you to customize how Git handles certain files. You can use attributes to specify patterns for files that should be ignored.

  • Create or Edit the .gitattributes File

    If you don’t already have a .gitattributes file in your project, create one in the root directory of your repository.

    touch .gitattributes
  • Define a Pattern to Ignore .pyc Files

    This code specifies that files matching the pattern *.pyc should be treated as generated files by Git. This can help Git identify and ignore them.

    *.pyc linguist-generated=true
  • Commit and Push Changes

    After saving the .gitattributes file, add it to your repository, then commit and push the changes.

    git add .gitattributes
    git commit -m "Added .gitattributes to ignore .pyc files"
    git push origin master

Use Git Hooks to Ignore Python .pyc Files in Git

Git hooks allow you to run custom scripts before or after certain Git events. You can use a pre-commit hook to automatically remove .pyc files before each commit.

  • Create a Pre-commit Hook

    Create a file named pre-commit in the .git/hooks directory of your repository.

    touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
  • Add Script to Remove .pyc Files

    Edit the pre-commit file and add the following code to remove .pyc files before each commit:

    find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
  • Make the Hook Executable

    Make the pre-commit hook executable.

    chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

    Now, every time you commit, this script will run and remove any .pyc files.


Effectively managing .pyc files in your Python projects is crucial for maintaining a clean version control system. Good thing there are a bunch of methods available to do this; here are the ones discussed in this article:

  1. .gitignore File: Use it for project-specific exclusions. Add *.pyc to ignore compiled Python files.

  2. Global .gitignore: Apply exclusions across all repositories by setting up a global .gitignore file.

  3. Git Attributes: Fine-tune how Git interacts with files. Add *.pyc linguist-generated=true to the .gitattributes file.

  4. Git Hooks: Use pre-commit hooks to automatically remove .pyc files before each commit.

Choose the method that best fits your workflow and project needs. With these strategies, you’ll maintain a more organized and efficient repository.

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