How to Ignore Node_modules Folder Everywhere

  1. Why Ignore the Node_modules Folder?
  2. Using .gitignore to Ignore Node_modules
  3. Global Git Ignore for Node_modules
  4. Ignoring Node_modules in a Specific Repository
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQ
How to Ignore Node_modules Folder Everywhere

Managing a project that uses Node.js often comes with the hassle of the node_modules folder. This folder can quickly grow in size, cluttering your project directory and making it cumbersome to work with. If you’re using Git for version control, it’s crucial to know how to effectively ignore the node_modules folder to keep your repository clean and efficient.

In this article, we’ll explore the best methods to ignore the node_modules folder everywhere, ensuring that unnecessary files don’t end up in your Git commits. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, these techniques will help streamline your development process.

Why Ignore the Node_modules Folder?

Ignoring the node_modules folder is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, the folder can contain thousands of files, significantly increasing the size of your repository. This can lead to slower clone times and increased storage costs. Additionally, the contents of node_modules can be easily regenerated using package managers like npm or Yarn, making it unnecessary to track them in version control. By ignoring this folder, you can focus on the essential parts of your project, improving collaboration and efficiency.

Using .gitignore to Ignore Node_modules

One of the easiest and most effective ways to ignore the node_modules folder is by using a .gitignore file. This file tells Git which files and directories to ignore when committing changes. Here’s how you can create or modify a .gitignore file to exclude the node_modules folder.

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your project.
  2. Create a file named .gitignore if it doesn’t already exist.
  3. Open the file and add the following line:

After saving the file, Git will no longer track changes in the node_modules folder. You can verify this by running:

git status


On branch main

No changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -m 'message'" to track)

This command will show you the current status of your Git repository. You should see that the node_modules folder is no longer listed among the files to be committed. This method is straightforward and effective for most Node.js projects.

Global Git Ignore for Node_modules

If you frequently work on multiple Node.js projects, you might want to set a global ignore rule for the node_modules folder. This way, you won’t have to modify the .gitignore file for every new project. Here’s how to set up a global .gitignore file:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Create a global .gitignore file:
touch ~/.gitignore_global
  1. Add the following line to this file:
  1. Configure Git to use this global ignore file:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

To check if the global ignore is set up correctly, you can run:

git config --get core.excludesfile



This command should return the path to your global .gitignore file. With this setup, Git will automatically ignore the node_modules folder in all your repositories, saving you time and effort.

Ignoring Node_modules in a Specific Repository

Sometimes, you might find yourself in a situation where you need to ignore the node_modules folder for a specific repository only. This is particularly useful when you are collaborating on a project that has its own specific requirements. To ignore node_modules in a specific repository, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your project directory.
  2. Open or create the .gitignore file.
  3. Add the following line:
  1. If you have already committed the node_modules folder in the past, you’ll need to remove it from the index:
git rm -r --cached node_modules/
  1. Finally, commit the changes:
git commit -m "Remove node_modules from tracking"


[main 1234567] Remove node_modules from tracking
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 node_modules

By following these steps, you ensure that the node_modules folder is ignored in that specific repository, keeping your version control clean and manageable.


Ignoring the node_modules folder is a crucial step for any Node.js developer using Git. By utilizing a .gitignore file, setting a global ignore, or managing repository-specific ignores, you can keep your project clean and efficient. This not only saves space but also enhances collaboration with other developers. Remember, the node_modules folder can always be recreated from your package.json or package-lock.json files, making it unnecessary to track in version control. By implementing these strategies, you’ll streamline your development workflow and maintain a tidy project structure.


  1. How do I create a .gitignore file?
    You can create a .gitignore file by navigating to your project directory and using the command touch .gitignore in your terminal.

  2. Can I ignore other folders in addition to node_modules?
    Yes, you can add any folder or file patterns to your .gitignore file by simply listing them, one per line.

  3. What should I do if node_modules is already tracked by Git?
    You need to remove it from tracking using git rm -r --cached node_modules/ and then update your .gitignore file.

  4. Is there a way to ignore files globally for all my Git repositories?
    Yes, you can set up a global .gitignore file by configuring Git to use it with the command git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global.

  1. What happens if I don’t ignore the node_modules folder?
    If you don’t ignore the node_modules folder, it will be tracked by Git, leading to a bloated repository and slower performance.
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Ashok Chapagai avatar Ashok Chapagai avatar

Ashok is an avid learner and senior software engineer with a keen interest in cyber security. He loves articulating his experience with words to wider audience.

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