Global Git Config File Location

Abdul Jabbar Jun 14, 2022
  1. Global Git Config
  2. Global Git Config File Location
Global Git Config File Location

The most famous distributed version control system is nonother than Git, which stands for Global Information Tracker. This VCS is used to reserve codes and files that can be approached by the developer later remotely and locally.

Every developer has access to its repository locally to save the code, and once work is completed, push it to the remote repository.

Here in this guide, we will talk about the Git Configuration and where the files of the global Git configuration are stored.

Global Git Config

When we have set the repository, we can edit and make changes in our configuration settings through the git config command using the command line.

This command is used to change the configuration options in our Git installation. It also helps us set and edit our username, email, and any alias we want to work with the Git command.

This command consists of three parts; local, global, and system. These three levels are used with the git config command and can be used accordingly in the command line.

We can manage our development environment in several ways. But, the ideal way to customize the settings of our username, email, remote branches, and preferred text editor is the global .gitconfig file.

It is a very beneficial and powerful command. It can be found in the local explorer file.

Global Git Config File Location

To see all the characteristics configured globally in Git, we will take the help of the command git config, adding the switch-list with it. By adding the other switch –show-origin , we can also look at the location of the global .gitconfig file.

We can say that it clearly states where those .gitconfig files are located.

global@git:~/$ git config --global --list --show-origin

The output of the command would be somewhat like this:


Hence, all the details related to the username, email, remote branches, and the text editor will be displayed on the command line once the above command has been run successfully.

Author: Abdul Jabbar
Abdul Jabbar avatar Abdul Jabbar avatar

Abdul is a software engineer with an architect background and a passion for full-stack web development with eight years of professional experience in analysis, design, development, implementation, performance tuning, and implementation of business applications.


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