How to Add Empty Directory in Git

  1. Method 1: Using .gitkeep Files
  2. Method 2: Using .gitignore Files
  3. Method 3: Using Custom Placeholder Files
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQ
How to Add Empty Directory in Git

In the world of version control, Git is a powerhouse. It allows developers to manage their code and collaborate effectively. However, one common challenge many face is adding empty directories to a Git repository. By default, Git does not track empty directories. This can be frustrating when you want to maintain a specific folder structure. Fortunately, there are a few methods to achieve this.

In this article, we’ll explore several command-line solutions to add empty directories in Git, ensuring you can keep your project organized. So, let’s dive in and learn how to do this effectively!

Method 1: Using .gitkeep Files

One of the most popular methods for adding an empty directory in Git is by using a placeholder file, commonly named .gitkeep. This file serves as a marker for Git to recognize the directory as non-empty. Here’s how you can do it:

mkdir my_empty_directory
touch my_empty_directory/.gitkeep
git add my_empty_directory/.gitkeep
git commit -m "Add empty directory with .gitkeep"

In this example, we first create a new directory named my_empty_directory. Next, we use the touch command to create a .gitkeep file inside that directory. This file does not need to contain any content; its mere presence allows Git to track the directory. We then stage the file with git add and commit the changes with a descriptive message. By following these steps, you ensure that the empty directory is included in your repository, maintaining the desired structure for future use.


[main (root-commit) a1b2c3d] Add empty directory with .gitkeep
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 my_empty_directory/.gitkeep

This method is widely used and accepted in the Git community. It’s straightforward and effective, making it a go-to solution for many developers.

Method 2: Using .gitignore Files

Another approach to add an empty directory in Git is by utilizing a .gitignore file. While this file typically tells Git which files or directories to ignore, you can use it to keep a directory in your repository by including it in your commit. Here’s how:

mkdir my_other_empty_directory
echo "" > my_other_empty_directory/.gitignore
git add my_other_empty_directory/.gitignore
git commit -m "Add empty directory with .gitignore"

First, we create a new directory called my_other_empty_directory. Then, we generate a .gitignore file within that directory. The echo "" > command creates an empty .gitignore file, which serves a similar purpose to .gitkeep. After that, we stage the file with git add and commit the changes. This method effectively allows you to maintain an empty directory in your Git repository while keeping your project organized.


[main (root-commit) e4f5g6h] Add empty directory with .gitignore
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 my_other_empty_directory/.gitignore

Using a .gitignore file is a clever workaround, especially if you already have a .gitignore file in your project. It helps keep your directory structure intact without cluttering it with unnecessary files.

Method 3: Using Custom Placeholder Files

If you prefer not to use .gitkeep or .gitignore, you can create a custom placeholder file to signify an empty directory. This method provides flexibility in naming conventions. Here’s how you can implement it:

mkdir my_custom_empty_directory
touch my_custom_empty_directory/
echo "This directory is intentionally left empty." > my_custom_empty_directory/
git add my_custom_empty_directory/
git commit -m "Add empty directory with custom placeholder"

In this scenario, we create a directory named my_custom_empty_directory. Instead of a .gitkeep or .gitignore, we create a file that contains a message explaining why the directory is empty. This approach not only serves as a placeholder but also provides context for anyone who accesses the repository later. After creating the file, we stage it and commit the changes, ensuring the empty directory is now part of the repository.


[main (root-commit) i7j8k9l] Add empty directory with custom placeholder
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 my_custom_empty_directory/

This method is particularly useful for documentation purposes. It allows you to communicate the purpose of the directory while still keeping it recognized by Git.


Adding empty directories in Git may initially seem challenging, given Git’s default behavior of not tracking them. However, with methods like using .gitkeep, .gitignore, or custom placeholder files, you can easily maintain your desired directory structure. Each method has its advantages, so choose the one that best fits your project needs. By implementing these strategies, you can keep your repository organized and efficient, making collaboration smoother for everyone involved.


  1. why does Git not track empty directories?
    Git tracks files, not directories. An empty directory does not contain any files, so Git ignores it by default.
  1. can I use any file name instead of .gitkeep?
    Yes, you can use any file name as a placeholder, such as .gitignore or a custom file like

  2. will using .gitkeep affect my project negatively?
    No, using .gitkeep is a common practice and does not negatively impact your project. It simply serves as a marker for Git.

  3. can I add multiple empty directories at once?
    Yes, you can create multiple empty directories and add a .gitkeep file in each to track them together.

  4. is there a way to automate this process?
    While Git does not have a built-in command for adding empty directories, you can write a shell script to automate the creation of directories and placeholder files.

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Ashok Chapagai avatar Ashok Chapagai avatar

Ashok is an avid learner and senior software engineer with a keen interest in cyber security. He loves articulating his experience with words to wider audience.

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