Regular Expressions in C

Muhammad Zeeshan Oct 12, 2023 C C Regex
  1. Regular expressions in C
  2. Construct a Regular Expression Using the regcomp() Method in C
  3. Compare Strings to a Compiled Regular Expression Using the regexec() Method in C
Regular Expressions in C

Regular expressions in C will be the topic of discussion

In this article, along with an example.

Regular expressions in C

Regular expressions, consisting of a string of characters, may be used to discover search patterns. String matching and other similar applications make extensive use of it.

They are a standardized approach to matching pattern sequences with character sequences. C, C++, Java, and many other major programming languages use it.

After learning about regular expressions, let’s look at some POSIX-specific library patterns.

  • Finding the letters or numbers enclosed by brackets is easy using [].
  • [:number:] can be used to locate any number.
  • [:word:] can search for letters, digits, and underscores.
  • [:lower:] is used to locate the alphabet’s lowercase letters.

Construct a Regular Expression Using the regcomp() Method in C

The regular expression regcomp() method is used for compiling or constructing regular expressions. It requires the regex, expression, and flag.

The expression is a string type, regex is a reference to a memory region where the expression is matched and saved, and the flag is used to identify the kind of compilation.

It will return the value 0 if the compilation has been completed without error. And it will output Error code if the expression cannot be compiled successfully.


regcomp(&regex, expression, flag)


  • Create a variable of the regex type, and give it a name like we did r1.
    regex_t r1;
  • Now, you need to build a variable that will hold the result of the regex generation process, as you can see below:
    int regval;
  • Generate a regex by calling the function:
    regval = regcomp(&r1, "[:word:]", 0);
  • Regular Expression compiled successfully. will be shown after the compilation process.
    if (value == 0) {
      printf("Regular Expression compiled successfully.");
  • Else, it will throw an exception with the message An Error Occurred..
    else {
      printf("An Error Occurred.");

Complete Source Code:

#include <regex.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  regex_t r1;
  int regval;
  regval = regcomp(&r1, "[:word:]", 0);
  if (regval == 0) {
    printf("Regular Expression compiled successfully.");
  } else {
    printf("An Error Occurred.");
  return 0;


Regular Expression compiled successfully.

Compare Strings to a Compiled Regular Expression Using the regexec() Method in C

It is possible to compare a string to a pattern using the regexec() function. It considers some parameters: the first is a pattern that has been precompiled, a string that contains the pattern to be looked for, information about the location of matches, and flags that describe a change in the behavior of matches.


regexec(&regex, expression, 0, NULL, 0);

If there is a match, this will return the value 0. And if there is no match, it will return REG NOMATCH.


  • To begin, we will create a function named DisplayPattern which will display the result. If the value is 0, it will show Pattern found; if it is not equal to 0, it will simply show Pattern not found.; else, it will show an error prompt with the message An error occurred..
    void DisplayPattern(int val) {
      if (val == 0) {
        printf("Pattern found.\n");
      } else if (val == REG_NOMATCH) {
        printf("Pattern not found.\n");
      } else {
        printf("An error occurred.\n");
  • Now, we’ll create the Main function where we’ll create a regex_t type variable named r1.
    regex_t r1;
  • Create three variables for the return type named data1,data2,data3.
    int data1;
    int data2;
    int data3;
  • Then, create a regEx and compare the pattern with the string in reg.
    data1 = regcomp(&r1, " I am a writing c language", 0);
    data1 = regexec(&r1, "Hi there its me Zeeshan", 0, NULL, 0);
  • Add a few more regEx as shown below, and compare the pattern with the string in reg.
    data2 = regcomp(&r1, "I am a writing c language", 0);
    data2 = regexec(&r1, " Lets do coding", 0, NULL, 0);
    data3 = regcomp(&r1, "My Name is Zeeshan Khan", 0);
    data3 = regexec(&r1, " My Name is Zeeshan Khan", 0, NULL, 0);
  • At last, display patterns using the DisplayPattern function that we created before.

Complete Source Code:

#include <regex.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void DisplayPattern(int val) {
  if (val == 0) {
    printf("Pattern found.\n");
  } else if (val == REG_NOMATCH) {
    printf("Pattern not found.\n");
  } else {
    printf("An error occurred.\n");

int main() {
  regex_t r1;
  int data1;
  int data2;
  int data3;
  data1 = regcomp(&r1, " I am a writing c language", 0);
  data1 = regexec(&r1, "Hi there its me Zeeshan", 0, NULL, 0);

  data2 = regcomp(&r1, "I am a writing c language", 0);
  data2 = regexec(&r1, " Lets do coding", 0, NULL, 0);

  data3 = regcomp(&r1, "My Name is Zeeshan Khan", 0);
  data3 = regexec(&r1, " My Name is Zeeshan Khan", 0, NULL, 0);

  return 0;


Pattern not found.
Pattern not found.
Pattern found.
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Muhammad Zeeshan avatar Muhammad Zeeshan avatar

I have been working as a Flutter app developer for a year now. Firebase and SQLite have been crucial in the development of my android apps. I have experience with C#, Windows Form Based C#, C, Java, PHP on WampServer, and HTML/CSS on MYSQL, and I have authored articles on their theory and issue solving. I'm a senior in an undergraduate program for a bachelor's degree in Information Technology.
