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About Salman Mehmood


Hello! I am Salman Bin Mehmood(Baum), a software developer and I help organizations, address complex problems. My expertise lies within back-end, data science and machine learning. I am a lifelong learner, currently working on metaverse, and enrolled in a course building an AI application with python. I love solving problems and developing bug-free software for people. I write content related to python and hot Technologies.

Articles by Salman Bin Mehmood

Python How-To's

  1. How to Check if the Generator Is Empty in Python
  2. How to Check if File Is Empty in Python
  3. How to Read Outlook Email using Python
  4. How to Extract Table From Webpage in Python
  5. How to Get CPU Temperature using Python
  6. How to Read Stdout While Running in Python Subprocess
  7. How to Use If-Elif-Else in List Comprehension in Python
  8. How to Capture Output in Python Subprocess
  9. How to Get Longest Increasing Subsequence in Python
  10. Python Password Hashing
  11. Bitwise XOR of Hex Numbers in Python
  12. How to Compare Multilevel JSON Objects Using JSON Diff in Python
  13. How to Peek A Deque in Python
  14. How to Wait for the Async Function to Complete in Python
  15. How to Fix Shared Memory Issues & Lock Shared Resources in Python
  16. How to Mock Class Attribute in Python
  17. Python Unittest vs Pytest
  18. How to Mock Raise Exception in Python
  19. Python Custom Iterator
  20. How to Convert Dictionary to Datacalss in Python
  21. Python Unittest Discovery
  22. How to Uninstall Python in Ubuntu
  23. How to Use Cookies in Python Requests
  24. Python Regular Expression to Match a Multiline Block of Text
  25. How to Use Log4j With the Help of Logging Library in Python
  26. Python Selenium Headless: Open Chrome Browser in the Headless Mode
  27. How to Execute Shell Command and Get Output in Python
  28. How to Match Fuzzy String in Python
  29. Python Circular Import
  30. How to Step Through Python Code
  31. How to Define an Infinite Value in Python
  32. How to Fix Python ValueError: Unknown Label Type: 'continuous'
  33. How to Fix TypeError: __str__ Returned Non-String but Printing Output
  34. How to Fix NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined in Python
  35. How to Fix OSError: [WinError 10038] an Operation Was Attempted on Something That Is Not a Socket
  36. How to Fix Python TypeError: Function Object Is Not Subscriptable
  37. How to Fix the SyntaxError: Invalid Syntax When Using Pip Install
  38. How to Fix Function Is Not Defined Error in Python
  39. How to Fix ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Tensorflow in Python
  40. How to Fix Python Error - Can't Find Main Module
  41. How to Fix Python Matplotlib Inline Invalid Syntax
  42. How to Fix Python ValueError: No JSON Object Could Be Decoded
  43. How to Fix the ImportError: Cannot Import Name in Python
  44. How to Fix TypeError: Cannot Convert the Series to <Class 'Float'> in Python
  45. How to Fix Python TypeError: Must Use Keyword Argument for Key Function
  46. How to Fix Error - NoneType Object Has No Attribute Append in Python
  47. How to Fix ImportError: DLL Load Failed in Python
  48. How to Convert Unicode to ASCII in Python
  49. How to Fix NameError: Name Python Is Not Defined
  50. How to Fix Python Error: Object Is Not Callable
  51. How to Solve Python: Can't Open File '': [Errno 2] No Such File or Directory Error
  52. How to Blur Filters in OpenCV
  53. OpenCV Webcam
  54. How to Detect Face Using the Haar Cascade Classifier in Python OpenCV
  55. How to Detect Motion in Python OpenCV
  56. How to Implement Median Filter in OpenCV
  57. How to Use OCR to Extract Text From an Image in OpenCV
  58. OpenCV cvtColor
  59. OpenCV Dilate
  60. OpenCV Tracking

MySQL Howtos

  1. Elastic Search in MySQL
  2. How to Access MySQL Command Line With XAMPP
  3. How to Clear the Screen in MySQL
  4. How to Synchronize MySQL Database
  5. How to Create Cron Job in MySQL

Python PyGame Howtos

  1. Pygame clock.tick()
  2. Pygame get_rect Method

PowerShell Howtos

  1. How to Check if a Service Is Running Using PowerShell
  2. Byte Array in PowerShell
  3. PowerShell Copy File and Rename
  4. How to Loop Through a JSON File in PowerShell

Seaborn Howto's

  1. How to Create Seaborn Count Plot
  2. How to Create Seaborn Histogram Plot
  3. How to Create a 3D Plot Using Seaborn and Matplotlib
  4. How to Create Different Color Palette Using Seaborn
  5. How to Create Seaborn Boxplot Without Outliers
  6. How to Increase Heatmap Font Size in Seaborn
  7. How to Create a ClusterMap in Seaborn
  8. How to Create Linear Regression in Seaborn
  9. How to Set the Legend Outside of the Figure in Seaborn
  10. How to Create a Contour Plot in Seaborn

Python Pandas Howtos

  1. How to Read CSV Data From String in Pandas
  2. How to Calculate Weighted Average in Pandas
  3. How to Create Nested DataFrames in Pandas
  4. How to Filter Pandas DataFrame Rows by Regex
  5. How to Plot Value Counts in Descending Order in Pandas
  6. Pandas value_counts Percentage
  7. How to Build Pandas DataFrame Row by Row
  8. How to Replace NA Values in Multiple Columns using Pandas fillna()
  9. How to Reverse Pandas Dataframe
  10. How to Save Pandas Dataframe Table as a PNG
  11. How to Rank Pandas DataFrame Within Group
  12. How to Install Pandas Using Homebrew
  13. Pandas Fuzzy Match

Python NumPy Howtos

  1. How to Use Axis Argument to Manipulate a NumPy Array in Python
  2. NumPy Mask 2d Array
  3. How to Convert Datetime64 to Datetime.Datetime or Timestamp in NumPy

Python Matplotlib Howto's

  1. No Handles With Labels Found to Put in Legend
  2. How to Create Multiple Axes in Matplotlib
  3. How to Set Width Parameter of Bar Graph in Matplotlib
  4. How to Create Trendline in Matplotlib
  5. How to Plot Contour in Matplotlib
  6. Matplotlib Marker Fill
  7. Magic Function Inline in Matplotlib
  8. Color Cycle in Matplotlib
  9. How to Annotate in Matplotlib
  10. How to Plot Candlestick in Matplotlib
  11. How to Plot Venn Diagram in Matplotlib
  12. How to Plot Waterfall Plot in Matplotlib
  13. How to Create Circle Arrow in Matplotlib
  14. How to Create Colored Triangle in Matplotlib
  15. How to Plot 3D Line Plot in Matplotlib
  16. How to Create and Change Title Position in Matplotlib
  17. Matplotlib sharex Parameter
  18. How to Create Multiple Subplots Using Matplotlib
  19. How to Plot Dates in Matplotlib

Python Flask Howto's

  1. Flask send_file()
  2. How to Submit Ajax in Python Flask
  3. Flask Project Structure
  4. Flask request.args.get
  5. How to Update Flask SQLAlchemy
  6. How to Use a Production WSGI Server to Run a Flask App
  7. How to Log Errors Using Flask
  8. Flask WebSockets
  9. How to Connect MySQL Database in Flask
  10. How to Download a File Using Flask
  11. How to Get Query Parameters Using Flask
  12. How to Create Route in Flask App
  13. How to Change the Default Port in Flask
  14. How to Create Dynamic URL Using url_for in Flask
  15. Flask CORS
  16. Flask Secret Key
  17. How to Display an Image in Flask App
  18. How to Use Flask Debug Mode
  19. How to Handle Request Data in JSON Format in Flask
  20. How to Use Different Types of Parameters Inside the URL in Flask
  21. Flask Request Form
  22. How to Return a Valid JSON Response in Flask
  23. How to Create a Static Folder in Flask
  24. How to Post Request in Python Flask
  25. How to Redirect in Python Flask
  26. How to Run a Flask App

Django Howto's

  1. How to Manipulate Raw Queries in Django
  2. How to Change Password in Django
  3. How to Use Dynamic URL Inside the Template in Django
  4. How to Use the Include Tag in Django
  5. Django OR Filter
  6. How to Use jQuery in a Django App
  7. Django Bootstrap
  8. How to Download File in Django
  9. How to Reset Admin Password in Django
  10. How to Check if Object Exists in Django
  11. How to Create Field for Multiple Choices in Django
  12. How to Create Objects in Django
  13. How to Return JSON in Django
  14. How to Upload Media in Django
  15. How to Use Post Request to Send Data to a Django Server
  16. How to Avoid Creating Duplicate Objects in Django
  17. Select_related Method in Django
  18. Django ALLOWED_HOSTS
  19. How to Filter Items From Query Set in Descending Order in Django
  20. How to Slug in Django
  21. How to Integrate Ajax With Django in Python

Python Tkinter Howtos

  1. Tkinter Dialog Box
  2. Tkinter Create_rectangle Method
  3. Tkinter Graph
  4. Tkinter in macOS
  5. Tkinter Intvar
  6. Tkinter SimpleDialog Module
  7. Tkinter askdirectory() Method
  8. Tkinter askopenfilename
  9. How to Download Tkinter in Windows 10 64-Bit
  10. How to Install Tkinter With Conda
  11. Tkinter Tabs
  12. Tkinter Themes
  13. How to Create a Tkinter Table
  14. Tkinter Photoimage
  15. Tkinter Mainloop
  16. How to Install Tkinter
  17. How to Create Progress Bar in Tkinter
  18. Tkinter Drag and Drop
  19. Tkinter File Dialog
  20. Tkinter Threading
  21. How to Draw Line in Tkinter
  22. Tkinter Rectangle