Pandas DataFrame.rolling() Function

  1. Syntax of pandas.DataFrame.rolling():
  2. Example Codes: DataFrame.rolling() Method to Find the Rolling Sum With a Window of Size 2
  3. Example Codes: DataFrame.rolling() Method to Find the Rolling Mean With a Window of Size 3
Pandas DataFrame.rolling() Function

Python Pandas DataFrame.rolling() function provides a rolling window for mathematical operations.

Syntax of pandas.DataFrame.rolling():

    window, min_periods=None, center=False, win_type=None, on=None, axis=0, closed=None


window It is an integer, offset, or BaseIndexer subclass type parameter. It specifies the size of the window. Each window has a fixed size. This parameter specifies the number of observations used for calculating the statistic.
min_periods It is an integer parameter. This parameter specifies the minimum number of observations in a window. The number of observations should have a value; otherwise, the result is a null value.
center It is a Boolean parameter. It specifies setting the labels at the center of the window.
win_type It is a string parameter. It specifies the type of window. To read further click here.
on It is a string parameter. It specifies the column name on which to calculate the rolling window rather than the index.
axis It is an integer or string parameter.
closed It is a string parameter. It specifies the interval closure. It has four options: right, left, both, or neither.


It returns a window after performing the particular operation.

Example Codes: DataFrame.rolling() Method to Find the Rolling Sum With a Window of Size 2

import pandas as pd

dataframe=pd.DataFrame({'Attendance': {0: 60, 1: 100, 2: 80,3: 78,4: 95},
                        'Obtained Marks': {0: 90, 1: 75, 2: 82, 3: 64, 4: 45}})
print("The Original Data frame is: \n")

dataframe1 = dataframe.rolling(2).sum()
print("The Rolling Window After Calculation is: \n")


The Original Data frame is: 

   Attendance  Obtained Marks
0          60              90
1         100              75
2          80              82
3          78              64
4          95              45
The Rolling Window After Calculation is: 

   Attendance  Obtained Marks
0         NaN             NaN
1       160.0           165.0
2       180.0           157.0
3       158.0           146.0
4       173.0           109.0

The function has returned the rolling sum over the index axis. Note that for the index 0, the function has returned NaN because of the size of the rolling window.

Example Codes: DataFrame.rolling() Method to Find the Rolling Mean With a Window of Size 3

import pandas as pd

dataframe=pd.DataFrame({'Attendance': {0: 60, 1: 100, 2: 80,3: 78,4: 95},
                        'Obtained Marks': {0: 90, 1: 75, 2: 82, 3: 64, 4: 45}})
print("The Original Data frame is: \n")

dataframe1 = dataframe.rolling(3).mean()
print("The Rolling Window After Calculation is: \n")


The Original Data frame is: 

   Attendance  Obtained Marks
0          60              90
1         100              75
2          80              82
3          78              64
4          95              45
The Rolling Window After Calculation is: 

   Attendance  Obtained Marks
0         NaN             NaN
1         NaN             NaN
2   80.000000       82.333333
3   86.000000       73.666667
4   84.333333       63.666667

The function has returned the rolling mean window.

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