JavaScript String.endsWith() Method

  1. Syntax of JavaScript string.endsWith():
  2. Example Codes: Find Multiple Characters at the End of a String Using the string.endsWith() Method
  3. Example Codes: Search if String Ends With a Single Character Using the string.endsWith() Method
  4. Example Codes: Search Substring of a String With the len Parameter of JavaScript string.endsWith() Method
JavaScript String.endsWith() Method

The JavaScript string.endsWith() method produces a Boolean object that indicates if the provided character(s) are at the end of the original string or not without changing the original string.

Syntax of JavaScript string.endsWith():

this_string.endsWith(characters, len);


characters characters is a string-type object consisting of characters that need to be looked for at the end of the this_string.
len (optional) If len is specified, the endsWith() method will look for the characters within the set length of characters from left to right in this_string. Its value is the length of this_string by default.


If the string parameter characters is located at the end of the string, the endsWith() function returns true. It returns false otherwise.

Example Codes: Find Multiple Characters at the End of a String Using the string.endsWith() Method

Suppose we want to find a word at the end of the sentence.

In this example, endsWith() searches for the term Humans at the end of this_string. It prints the result on the console.

const this_string = "We all are Humans";
let characters="Humans";





We can see that when we replace the Humans string in the characters parameter with humans, the endsWith() function returns a Boolean of value false.

This demonstrates the case sensitivity of the JavaScript string endsWith() method.

Example Codes: Search if String Ends With a Single Character Using the string.endsWith() Method

In this example, it is determined whether a given sentence is a question or not.

let sentence = "What's your name?";

let is_question = sentence.endsWith("?");


When the string sentencecalls the endsWith() method with ? as the only parameter, endsWith() searches from left to right for ? till the length of the sentence string.



Example Codes: Search Substring of a String With the len Parameter of JavaScript string.endsWith() Method

This example will search for the word all till the specified length of characters in the this_string.

Setting the len parameter in the JavaScript string endsWith() method causes it to search for the provided word within the given length passed in the len parameter.

const this_string = "We all are Humans";
const characters="all";
let len=6;




When passing characters parameters as all with the len parameter not set, its value is the full length of the this_string calling object; therefore, the string endsWith() method returns false.

The JavaScript string endsWith() method returns a boolean having a value of true as the string all in the characters parameter is located at the end of the first 6 characters of this_string string object.

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